A Word From a Converted Liberal … There is Hope!
Contributed to TLB by: KrisAnne Hall, JD
Right up front there are some things that I need to tell you about myself. I want you to know where I came from and how I got to where I am today. I don’t want to ever be accused of deception or dishonesty. So, in full disclosure:
I was not born a Constitutionalist. I did not live my life with an inherent understanding of Liberty and what is necessary to defend it. I was not raised a Christian. For some, these things will be a stumbling block, so you need to know from me.
I was raised a Democrat. The only thing more evil than Satan was a Republican in my home. There were no choices to be made in voting…straight Democrat party line was the only choice.
I was an environmentalist – a rabid environmentalist. Some of my best friends were members of Green Peace and I supported the WWF and PETA. I believed the earth would be better off without humans. I was a professor of eugenics before it was talked about, before I even knew what it was. I was a vegetarian by ideology, not for health reasons, for almost 15 years.
I believed in the “good” of scientific manipulations of food and the “necessity” of every vaccine. Not only believed this, but helped create them when I was a biochemist for Monsanto.
I believed Global Warming (climate change) was the fault of man-kind and avowed it vigorously. I believed in the Big Bang and openly criticized those who believed in creationism as ignorant and misled.
I believed Government’s duty and purpose was to be a provider for the people. I supported programs that would give the government more control over the people. I even believed a One World Government was the best way to go to ensure “global peace.” I supported the principles of socialism, although I cannot claim to have known at the time it was socialism, per se, that I supported.
I supported abortion and often openly condemned others for being pro-life. I have argued with abortion protesters on street corners and called them names that I am not proud of.
I was not only not a Christian, but I practiced many other religions, including many occult versions. I was bitter against God and felt that only ignorant, weak people needed faith. I was too intelligent and too educated for such a feeble crutch.
I was not born with the knowledge that I have now. I did not wake up one morning with a divine epiphany. I traveled a long road. Learned some hard and painful lessons. My beliefs were challenged and I came to know the Truth. Now I am a true constitutionalist. I have written 6 books about the Constitution and Liberty. I have a radio show heard by 2 million people every week. I teach the Constitution all over America and even started my own online training program called “Liberty First University.”
I am able to stand firm on what I believe because I have discovered the difference between truth and lies. I am able to defend the truth because I walked the path. I can show you my path of discovery, and to be guaranteed it is not tied to any political motivation or personal gain…unless you call the liberation that comes from knowing the truth in the face of lies, a personal gain.
So when someone says to you…”Did you know that person used to be associated with this or that group or used to believe this… How can you possibly believe him now?” Remember this story.
It is good to question someone’s “transformation”. You SHOULD do that. If they cannot show you that path, step by step, you should question their motivations.
But do not discount someone’s current position just because of who they USED to be or who they USED to associate with or what they USED to believe. Sometimes it is NOT a selfish or deceptive motivation, but a path to enlightenment.
Do you have a family member who is a progressive? Do you have a co-worker that is hostile to the truth? Don’t give up hope! We have an obligation to bring the truth. When truth is the enemy or the source of hostile response, you know for sure that someone is afraid they are believing lies! Their foundation is being rocked, so keep on rocking! Keep shining that light. Keep walking a consistent walk. Don’t just be a keyboard patriot or a social media warrior. It is said, “All… should preach by their deeds.” Let your deeds be Truth, let your walk be Liberty. Disciple those to truth and work toward principles.
Remember, we all had to wake up somehow. All you have to do is take the first step to truth and then Walk Away from the lies.
This article (A Word From a Converted Liberal. There is Hope.) was contributed to The Liberty Beacon Project by author KrisAnne Hall and was originally published on KrisAnne’s website KrisAnneHall.com.
It is hard to deny that our public schools do more indoctrinating than educating. Let us help you protect their future with the proper education to counter what they are being forced to learn. If we fail in this endeavor, all the progress we make will be for nothing, the enemy will have their victory […]
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