Agenda 21: What I’ve Learned


Commentary by: Lynn Kocal

The most important thing I’ve learned from studying Agenda 21 is that most people are good and have good intentions. The worst thing I’ve learned is that good people are easily led and that there are loads of good people with good intentions, whose good intentions end up being co-opted for nefarious intent.

Even though I’ve read that about 4% of the people are sociopaths and put their own interests above others without conscience, most are not pathological or criminal on a worldwide scale. Thankfully, we would be in much more trouble worldwide than we are presently if all of that 4% were as charming and motivated as the few that drive Agenda 21.

Those few that wreak havoc for the rest of the 96%+, are highly intelligent and motivated to have not only wealth, but power. These people, from political positions to captains of industry, gravitate to positions of power with their ruthless ambition. Many of these charming, ruthless people are very good at organizing others in agendas that further their own ambitions and not those of the groups they lead, as the “joiners” are led to believe. They are also good at attracting other sociopaths who aren’t as expert in leadership abilities to follow them in the hopes of “cashing-in,” which they regularly do – sometimes subverting tax dollars to themselves.

Maurice Strong, the main organizer of Agenda 21, said of himself that he is a capitalist when it comes to his vast business holdings, but a collectivist when it comes to saving the planet. The two are directly opposed to one another, yet there is no dissonance in his mind, otherwise he would never make such a ludicrous statement.

Maurice Strong, along with his supporters and followers, know that there are few people who would knowingly trash their own backyard, including our planet, or not want a healthy natural environment. Using environmentalism, Agenda 21 has woven its way into most facets of government, public-private partnerships, and agencies that profess good intention while enforcing a tyranny on individuals in the name of communitarianism or collectivism. On deeper analysis, much of that reasoning is faulty. By maneuvering people to a pronounced fear of destruction and implying that average people, not corporations or governments, perpetrate environmental crimes, these sociopaths are accomplishing their goal of total control of the “little people.” In fact, they propose that corporations and public-private partnerships can accomplish with tax dollars what individuals used to do with money earned from fulfilling customers’ needs.

We all have neighbors, friends or relatives who have jobs working for entities whose prime directive is “sustainability” and “saving us from ourselves.” They work on the pretense that they can make us safe when it’s obvious that nothing but perhaps spiritual beliefs can keep anyone safe from moment to moment. Most troubling is that these people believe it because they have been told over and over again that they can make a difference for society as a whole when there is no basis in fact for their interventions or what might be called meddling by independent folks.

There are people, and many of them, who believe that a loss of individual freedom for the “common good” will make life better for all, collectively, when experience clearly proves otherwise. The facts support that morality, the golden rule, and taking responsibility for one’s situation and actions are the keys to a free society where people can freely pursue their own happiness and prosperity.

Time and again, history demonstrates that only with property rights, and that includes your most basic property, yourself, can individuals be free and remain free. Just study John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the outcomes of the social experiments following each of their philosophies. Rousseau’s “social contract” of giving up personal liberties for the collective has ended in tyranny as the European Union’s totalitarian process presently shows.

The United States is following closely behind, recently following this deranged philosophy and instituting the President’s Council on Sustainable Development, White House Rural Council, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and many other federal initiatives. These initiatives have driven power from state and local governments to a small federal elite and their corporate cronies. Insidious, it works from within our own communities to ultimately undermine them. Our elected representatives have acquiesced their rightful power to agencies and abandoned doing their jobs. Instead, they take the easy path of following “party-line” or “expert” advice rather than one of common sense and conscience.

If you love freedom more than desiring safety, you can fight these agendas or you can educate others. We can’t ask people to give up their livelihoods, but we can show them that their prosperity and happiness begin with liberty. It’s clear that when pushed, people will ultimately shove back (ask any peace officer), so fighting or arguing points will get nowhere.

Acting individually, setting an example makes a difference. It’s catching. Remember the movie, “Pay It Forward” If you can’t find a leader you trust, lead yourself.

Using common sense and relating your own personal experiences while touching on people’s good intentions for others can be convincing. Government, unconstitutionally, coerces and uses force, but we don’t have that tool. The BATF acting chief just sent a video message to all employees that they had better keep their mouths shut, warning off whistle-blowers. But if all of us, including government and agency employees, just did the right thing, performed our jobs in a way that meshed with our conscience, it could all change. A group of like-minded individuals could change the whole direction of even a nation, one at a time, individually.

If all of us treated others with respect and let the responsibility lie where it should, things would change quickly. If we demanded and supported media that would do investigative reporting, things would change. If we took responsibility to be informed and not blindly parrot what others say, things would change. If we all held those responsible for their acts, good and bad, things would change. If we all stood up for what is right, things would change. If we could get past what suits us individually and instead acted in a morally correct way, things would change. But, act, we must.

We are in a world of trouble.

The list of our woes seems infinite. You likely can think of dozens. Here’s a couple:

Poor water quality in many parts of the world induces disease because of corporate greed and it’s happened here as well. Just look into what PCBs did to some communities and how it was hidden for decades out of greed as one small example. Where was the EPA when corporate greed was involved? Now, we have EPA intruding to “keep our water safe” for picayune reasons and directly affecting the livelihoods of many, while putting food resources for our nation in jeopardy.

Many people sit in front of a box (TV) for six or more hours a day. That box entrains the brains into a trance that blocks the conscious mind from discernment. This literally rewires the brains of young children, making it difficult to focus for any length of time and have critical thinking skills. It’s been proven in clinical studies and there are those who use it for their own advantage, like advertisers. Don’t believe me? Watch the movie “Captivated,” written, produced and co-directed by Mount Carroll resident, Phillip Telfer. Buy it online at

What it comes down to is the choices we make and what we accept or reject in our own actions. Selfishness and blaming others will only bring on more of what we are experiencing, tyranny. Try the Golden Rule with a twist, “Do unto others as they would have you do unto them.” It makes the golden rule platinum.

Here’s a good story about Moses parting the waters of the Red Sea. A priest told a rabbi how he liked the scene in “The Ten Commandments” where Moses raised his staff and the Red Sea parted. The rabbi agreed that it was a great scene, but remarked that it wasn’t the true story.

The rabbi said that nothing happened when Moses ordered the waters to part. Only when one of the Jews stepped into the water, did the waters part.

It takes action, not words to make things happen. It takes belief that right action will make changes. Don’t worry that you won’t get what you think you deserve. Know that right action begets more right action. Forcing people to do anything will never change things for the better. Change perspective, and the world changes.

Step into the water.

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See featured article here: Agenda 21: What I’ve Learned

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