All Signs Point to a Coming United Nations Police Action to Seize American Guns

All Signs Point to a Coming UN Police Action to Seize American Guns

By TLB Contributor: Dave Hodges

Any military intelligence officer will tell you that even the smallest thing could mark the coming of a major event. There is a video going viral that should concern every American who hopes to retain any remnant of the Constitution, including the hope of legally retaining ownership over a gun. Ultimately, the presence of UN personnel in the manner in which we see in the following video, should be disturbing to even the most unaware American.

UN Multinational Force Observer In Pennsylvania

Why is this UN Multinational Force Observer in Pennsylvania getting gas? For what possible reason would the UN be operating inside the United States? I have been sent this video a half a dozen times in the past 24 hours. Many Americans see this for exactly what it is.

Take a look at this video as a very aware and alert citizen confronts and United Nations Multinational Force Observer.

My Intelligence Source States That We Are About to Be Invaded Unless the US Military Steps Up

I took this sighting of the UN Multinational Force Observer in Pennsylvania to my best sources. They were of the presence of this organization operating within the United States. They told me that this UN personnel are here to “observe” during an United Nations “Police Action” on American soil. The purpose will be solely to impose undeclared martial law and to seize American guns.

I have reported, for years, that foreign troops were operating on US soil. Now, we are getting operational specifics.

Foreign occupation forces are training and will be training to overrun this country in a martial law scenario. Why foreign troops? Because American troops might not be able to be counted upon to carry out the orders of subjugation that will come down from this globalist inspired banker-hijacked administration

This past October over 36,000 troops from more than 30 countries participated what NATO calls its largest exercise in over a decade and the exercise is called “TRIDENT JUNCTURE”.

Trident Juncture came in under the cover of darkness and was obscured by Jade Helm 15. The following video emerged last summer.

Why Is This Becoming a Common Sight On US Soil?

The United Nations has no business being rural Pennsylvania or downtown Dallas. We are not under martial law. We have not suffered an invasion or a civil war. Or, are we about to experience one or more of these things. Is the the chest pain before the heart attack?

 The United Nations Is positioning for the takeover of the United States.

DOT CONNECTION: Secretary of State, John Kerry, Signs the UN Small Arms Treaty In Violation of the US Constitution

un-gun-control-kerry a

The above photo of Kerry signing the UN Small Arms Treaty reminds me of Neville Chamberlain’s infamous quote about having “peace in our time” after he signed the Munich Accords with Hitler just prior to World War II. Inside of these “accords” contained the seeds for World War II.  Inside this UN treaty lies the destruction of American culture and society as we have known it.

Secretary of State, John Kerry, and President Obama are "yucking it up" after setting up Americans up to be totally defenseless in the face of tyranny by obliterating the Second Amendment.

DOT CONNECTION #2: The American Military Is Systematically Being Disarmed

Not only does the Obama administration plan to disarm the people of America, they are systematically disarming the military as well while, at the same time, beefing up the foreign troop presence on United States soil.

As UN vehicles continue to deploy into the United States, we are witnessing the systematic disarming of the American Military. DAHBOO 777 first published the following account of the American military disarming itself by putting what everyone thought was excess military equipment into mothballs at underground munitions storage areas such as the one featured below at the Red River facility. The reason that it is quite clear that this is a disarming is that if a rapid deployment of this equipment were ever needed in time of war, the grid lock that would result at a facility like this or any other storage facility constructed in this manner, would prevent the timely and proper deployment of men and equipment.

Merry Christmas From the UN

Merry Christmas from the UN The U.N. Arms Trade Treaty took effect on last Christmas Eve. Even though the theory has very little chance of being ratified by two-thirds of the Senate, Second Amendment advocates are concerned that the Obama administration will use a United Nations treaty as a basis for executive action on gun control as well they should be. Still, others feel that this leftist gun control treaty becomes binding international law and any Executive Action by Obama would merely be an endorsement of our nation’s contractual obligation to  support the UN ban on guns. Enough countries around the world have ratified it so the gun control treaty will now be enforced.

The founders included the words “shall not be infringed” for a reason. And they gave YOU the power to fight against any tyrannical government that would try to take your rights away.

 The Most Egregious Portions of the UN Ban

• Article 2 of the treaty defines the scope of the treaty’s prohibitions. The right to own, buy, sell, trade, or transfer all means of armed resistance, including handguns, is denied to civilians by this section of the Arms Trade Treaty.

• Article 3 places the “ammunition/munitions fired, launched or delivered by the conventional arms covered under Article 2” within the scope of the treaty’s prohibitions, as well.

• Article 4 places all “parts and components” of weapons within the scheme.

• Perhaps the most egregious threat to the rights of gun owners in the Arms Trade Treaty is found in Article 5. Under the title of “General Implementation,” Article 5 mandates that all countries participating in the treaty “shall establish and maintain a national control system, including a national control list.” This list should “apply the provisions of this Treaty to the broadest range of conventional arms.”

• Article 12 adds to the record-keeping requirement, mandating that the list include “the quantity, value, model/type, authorized international transfers of conventional arms,” as well as the identity of the “end users” of these items.


indian gun confiscation


gun confiscation

I would remind the reader that gun confiscation is not an end unto itself. It is a means to an end. For when the people are finally disarmed, the banking mafia that runs this country can have their way with this country with very little opposition. In the words of Jesus, we would be well-advised to never be without our swords (i.e. guns).


TLB recommends you visit Dave at The Common Sense Show for more pertinent articles and information.

See featured article HERE

7 Comments on All Signs Point to a Coming United Nations Police Action to Seize American Guns

  1. They’ve (Follywood) been priming the pump (big time) since the 60’s w/the show ‘man from u.n.c.l.e.’ – These freaks can’t even run their own live’s, let alone ours!
    The devil’s they’re god, he duped them as he done Eve.

  2. Regulations that violate the Constitutional rights of Americans will not be acknowledged or obeyed by Patriots!

    Just remember an unconstitutional law is no law at all. If it does not adhere to the guidelines of our founding principles, our founding documents, and our natural rights, then it is just a bunch of meaningless words on a meaningless piece of paper signed by a meaningless political puppet.

  3. With the exception of the Canadians, most U.N. troops are extremely low-rent, warm bodies. A few friends and I, could easily defeat a battalion from Bangladesh. If they are higher quality troops, then a couple hundred sucking chest wounds, may make them break ranks. If not, there are worse ways to die, than in a good firefight.

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