All I could think to myself was that it was time to understand why the richest country in the world suffers from such deteriorating health. – Barry Segal
Watchung, NJ (PRWEB) January 21, 2015
Five years after establishing Focus Autism, Inc., founder Barry Segal announced today that he has renamed his foundation “Focus for Health (FFH).” The new name reflects a renewed mission in protecting pediatric health and preventable health issues that impact people of all ages. Segal describes the exciting decision to broaden the scope of his organization as “a major opportunity to help families, legislators, and healthcare providers find and apply solutions to create a healthier environment in which to live.”
The main reason for extending efforts is FFH’s recognition of the rising trends in 21st century sicknesses, such as autism, allergies, Alzheimer’s disease, asthma, diabetes, gut issues, shingles, and others. Segal explains, “I am amazed that while infectious disease rates have plummeted over the past 60 years, the rates of autism and chronic illnesses have skyrocketed. We now have a generation of people in worse health than the generation before them, and what’s more alarming is that chronic disease has become the leading cause of death and disability in the United States. We have to put a halt to this increase, and everyone at FFH is dedicated to that cause.”
Utilizing scientific research to support its goal, FFH will target several key areas including autism, maternal and children’s health, and immune health. Vaccine safety will also be addressed. Moreover, FFH will actively educate families, legislators, and medical providers about environmental factors contributing to the rise of chronic illnesses and how to limit exposures. Segal clarifies, “Science continues to prove that many of the injuries and illnesses currently afflicting vulnerable children are related to environmental influences and are therefore preventable.”
Through his work with researchers, medical practitioners, lawmakers, health advocates, and concerned citizens, Segal recognized that scientists and medical professionals are attributing the cause of these health issues to certain foods, agricultural practices, and pharmaceuticals, especially those containing heavy metals such as mercury. He has also recognized that evidence demonstrates curtailing exposures to these products and procedures can lead to prevention and cures for many chronic conditions.
Upon seeing the documentation of this dilemma, and its solution, Segal knew he had to use his resources to protect children and invoke change: “All I could think to myself was that it was time to understand why the richest country in the world suffers from such deteriorating health. I am more passionate than ever about increasing public awareness and research to eliminate the negative impact we know the toxic environment is having on our children and the overall health of our country.”
FFH will continue to promote congressional and state legislation to ensure full disclosure by government, industry, and academic institutions regarding contributing factors to the autism epidemic and other chronic illnesses. The foundation will also fund and foster key collaborations with scientists investigating and researching these health issues.
In upcoming months, Focus for Health will launch various media initiatives and partner with leading organizations across several industries to empower families, legislators, and medical providers with the tools necessary to enhance national and global health.
More information on the Focus for Health Foundation can be found at FocusforHealth.Org. Follow FFH on Twitter @FocusforHealth and on Facebook.
Read article here: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2015/01/prweb12457964.htm
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