Burger King Admits to Horse Meat in Its Burgers

Burger King has admitted to having horse meat in some of its burgers, including its trademark Whopper burgers.

The chain has so far only admitted the fact to the extent of its United Kingdom franchises, but that may not go a long way to satisfying customers who no doubt will be outraged at the news.

The admission is a huge U-turn on a previous denial by the fast food restaurant; just two weeks ago Burger King denied that there was any presence of horse meat in any of its burgers.

According to the Daily Mail, Burger King has said, “The contaminated burgers were made by the Irish-based processing company, Silvercrest, which is part the ABP Foods Group.”

Just last month there was a huge outcry after it was found that burgers sold in a number of supermarket chains in Ireland and the United Kingdom contained traces of horse meat.

Numerous stores were forced to make embarrassing admissions that there was horse meat DNA in burgers they had sold to unwitting consumers. Some of those supermarket chains are among the largest operating in the region and included Tesco, Lidl, Aldi, Iceland and Dunnes Stores.

In the immediate aftermath of that revelation being made, there was confusion as to how horse meat could have come into contact or been added to the regular beef burger meat, as the plants that were processing them did not process horse meat.

It later turned out that large blocks of frozen meat from a non-approved supplier in Poland was behind the mystery. The horse meat had made its way into the burgers through these blocks of frozen meat.

The imported beef from Poland contained minute traces of horse meat, according to reports. These traces were then seen in burgers sold in those supermarkets, and now it turns out, in Burger King restaurants operating in the region.

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