California is Ground Zero for the Vaccination Civil War
By TLB Contributor: Paul Fassa
It’s almost a cliché that America’s social trends start in California. It’s actually observable. The trendsetting is beyond mere popular culture movements. Political movements, real estate trends, financial and business trends usually spread throughout the nation after originating from California.
Currently, medical fascism has many Californians rightfully in an uproar. It is SB277, the bill that has been signed into law and is intended to be enforced in 2016. In case you’re not familiar with this state sponsored medical tyranny, it requires that all children entering school have to be up to date with most of the CDC recommended vaccinations, or they can’t attend.
This bill eliminates all vaccination exemptions except for medical reasons that are decided or confirmed by MDs. No choice is allowed for parents to decide on whether or not to have their children vaccinated, unless they home-school. Considering the reputation of California as a national trendsetter, this recent adventure of of total state and medical control bodes badly for the rest of us.
But there are counter movements being organized by Californians that are encouraging.
The Movement to Repeal SB277
This is the most bodacious counter-attack against actual state tyranny anyone could ask for. Former California assemblyman and gubernatorial candidate, now radio talk show host, Tim Donnelly has initiated a referendum to take SB277 to a public ballot that could decide whether SB277 will remain standing after the polls in November of 2016.
But it’s a long shot for even getting off the ground and into the voting polls. California state law requires 365,000 valid state registered voters to sign the petition within 90 days of Governor Brown’s signing the bill into law. Guided by Big Pharma lobbyists from hell, the gullible greedy suckers in state legislation passed the bill into Brown’s ready signature on June 30, 2015.
So they have only until the end of September to get the required signatures to call a vote on SB277. Donnelly is passionate about the referendum. He asserts the bill is “devastating to parents” right to choose how their children are treated medically. “Why should the state have more control over our children’s health than we do?” he asked.
Though a lot has to happen in a short time, Donnelly has been gratified and encouraged by what he called “a huge outpouring” of bipartisan opposition to the bill. “I’ve never seen anything like it,” he said. “We’ve got hardcore Christian conservatives working side by side with people on the far left.”
Christina Hildebrand has pledged her group, A Voice for Choice into the referendum attempt. She is also pursuing means to bring SB277’s unconstitutionality into the courts system. Donations toward these causes can come from anywhere. Only the signatures along with the court system’s attendants are required to be California only.
Get Pan!
Senator Richard Pan was the primary author and key legislator of SB277. He brought the bill into the State House and Senate on the heels of the so-called Disney measles “outbreak” hysteria with solid financial backing from Big Pharma.
SB277 opponents have begun gathering the 35,926 signatures needed from voters in Pan’s district to qualify for a recall election. They have until 31 December 2015 to gather the necessary support. If they are successful, an election for Pan’s seat would be held within 180 days after the secretary of state verifies the signatures.
One of the most publicly vocal against Senator Pan is a former active Pan political supporter, John Berchielli, who was recently seriously vaccine injured himself. He talks about his plight and SB277 in the video below.
Let’s hope the vaccination anarchists of California resolve this fascist issue of medical tyranny before it takes hold and spreads beyond its borders. Online health freedom journalist Tim Bolen says it best, “The second American Civil War has begun, and it started over vaccines.” You can be part of the battle by contributing here.
Paul Fassa is a contributing staff writer for REALfarmacy.com and The Liberty Beacon project. His pet peeves are the Medical Mafia’s control over health and the food industry and government regulatory agencies’ corruption. Paul’s valiant contributions to the health movement and global paradigm shift are well taken among truth seekers. Visit his blog by following this link and follow him on Twitter here.
Image: Daniel Paquet/Flickr
TLB recommends you visit Paul at REAL farmacy for more pertinent articles and information.
See featured article HERE
I didn’t see a link to the petition. I’m in California.