(NaturalNews) With the exception of about 1,000 acres of land that have been devoted to the cultivation of transgenic crops for research purposes — these include cotton, soy beans, bananas, and pineapples — the Central American nation of Costa Rica, which is known for its bio-diverse agricultural heritage and stunning landscape, is essentially free of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in its native food supply. But the world’s most evil company, Monsanto, is once again trying to destroy this by quietly ushering in a variety of GM corn that Costa Ricans have been working feverishly in recent days to block from being approved.
As reported by El Financiero and relayed by the Costa Rica Star, massive public outcry against Monsanto’s GM corn has thus far been successful in preventing the nation’s regulatory bodies from officially approving Monsanto’s request to allow between two and five acres of its GM corn to be planted on Costa Rican soil. D & PL Seeds Ltd., a subsidiary of Monsanto International, had reportedly first requested permits for the plantings back in November, and the National Biosafety Technical Commission (CTNBio), along with the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, was set to make a final decision on the matter before the end of the year.
Read More Here: http://www.naturalnews.com/038256_Costa_Rica_Monsanto_GMO_corn.html
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