Crusade To Win Tyranny and Economic Slavery
Posted By: Vicky Davis
The video below is an excerpt of a speech to the British Parliament given by Ronald Reagan in 1982. Reagan was announcing the strategy that would be used for economic and social war apparently picking up the gauntlet from talks with Brezhnev when he suggested a competition of ideas and values aka ideas and systems. For convenience it will be called E-Soc war here. This type of war is waged against the regular people of the world with funding and political cover provided by governments and Foundations.
Democracy Development
“Foster the infrastructure of democracy” (elections)
Free Press
Political Parties
What Reagan was giving was a declaration of civil war on all countries for the United Nations and for the international “governance and law” system of Europe. The civil wars are instigated wars (U.S. special forces and USAID) between different groups in target countries. These civil wars were given the name – color revolutions and they are funded by people like George Soros.
Council of Europe
Reagan mentioned the Council of Europe (COE). The Council of Europe is a Foundation. The European system is confusing. It’s difficult to tell which body has authority over what. For that reason, my suggestion is that you read the Wikipedia entry on the Council of Europe first. My understanding from reading it is that the COE is a private organization to which one area of law has been outsourced: social law. Human rights is a big part of it but it also includes environmental protection, food and drug safety, etc. according to the online Encyclopedia Britannica. Its members operate at the intergovernmental level (i.e. embedded sub rosa into the governmental bodies of Europe). The Britannica also has a section on European law and the relationship to the Council of Europe. The following are three significant points from the article:
• After the collapse of communism in eastern and central Europe in 1989–91, the council aided the countries of the region to overhaul their constitutions and legal codes and to democratize their political systems.
• The Council of Europe is composed of four principal bodies: the Committee of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe, and the Secretariat…The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe is a consultative body that represents local and regional (subnational) governments within the council.
• The Council of Europe also has established a number of special bodies and expert committees over the years, such as the European Committee on Crime Problems, the European Commission of Human Rights, the European Court of Human Rights, the Cultural Heritage Committee, the Council of Europe Social Development Fund (formerly the Council of Europe Resettlement Fund), the European Committee on Legal Cooperation, and the Steering Committee on Local and Regional Authorities.
According to the Wiki article linked above, the concept was the idea of Winston Churchill. There was debate about the structure of it – classical international organization with representatives of government or a political forum with parliamentarians.
This dual intergovernmental and inter-parliamentary structure was later copied for theEuropean Communities, North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.
National Endowment for Democracy
The “campaign for democracy” became Project Democracy and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) was established for that purpose as proposed by Ronald Reagan. The Endowment is comprised of four institutions corresponding to the campaign objectives of Project Democracy.
One might ask how this writer arrived at the conclusion that world leaders set us up for a psychopathic competition for our way of life. The simple answer is in following the ideas and events in history. First there is an event that was preceded by actions and that is followed by actions. The event in this case was the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe held in Helsinki, Finland in 1975. A formal agreement was signed with the leading communist eastern countries and the capitalist western countries. The name by which the agreement is known, is the Helsinki Final Act. It was a Programme of Action to be taken by both sides. Reagan’s speech in 1982 corresponds to and furthers the ideas expressed in the Final Act.
NED and the four Institutes are political foundations funded by Congress. The diplomatic organization that was created for the Helsinki Final Act is the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). The U.S. Senate established the Commission on Security and Cooperation as an independent agency to represent U.S. interests at the OSCE. They have a website where the activities of the Commission are documented.
In Leonid Brezhnev’s statement at the signing of the Helsinki Final Act, there were 18 references to peace – peaceful co-existence. In retrospect, the concepts of cooperation in Brezhnev’s Peace Programme turn out to have been a twisted idea of liberation for the soldiers and induction of civilians into service in an E-Soc war about which they knew nothing.
The following are a few excerpts from Brezhnev’s statement:
…The understandings we have reached here on many items expand the possibilities for peoples to increase their influence upon what is called “grand policy at a high level“. At the same time they touch upon worldly problems. They will contribute to improving the lives of people, providing them with jobs and expanding opportunities for education. They are relevant to health care. In short, they are relevant to many things that concern individuals, families, young people and the various strata of society.
…The Conference has defined directions and specific forms of co-operation also in the fields of economy and trade, science and technology, environmental protection, culture, education and contacts between persons, institutions and organizations.
…Before this exceptionally authoritative audience we would like to stress most emphatically one of the inherent features of the foreign policy of the Soviet Union: the Leninist policy of peace and friendship among nations; its humanism. The decisions of the 24th Congress of our Party are imbued with the ideas of humanism, as is the Peace Programme, which called in one of its items for the convocation of an all-European conference.
A search using the terms “Brezhnev” and “Peace Programme” turned up an article written by Vladimir Bukovsky published on May 1, 1982 about a month before Ronald Reagan’s speech to the British Parliament. The article, The Peace Movement & the Soviet Union was very helpful in scratching the surface of the thinking of the Soviets especially with respect to humanism and the so-called Peace Programme. Especially significant to this writer were the following statements because of the parallels with what this country is becoming:
In this way the Soviet Union reached a condition in which absolute power was exercised by absolutely cynical people over absolutely cynical people, each side vociferously assuring the other that they were all still sincerely building an ideal future society. But the ideology exists now almost as in a work of science fiction: it has separated itself from its substratum and has petrified in the structure of the society. It has become an institution in which nobody (not even the top executive) is allowed verbally to deviate from the dead dogma. The will of millions is still being taken from them and welded into the iron fist of abstraction.
There is practically no free human being inside the entire country. The state—the only employer—will not allow anyone to be financially independent—as indeed no independence of any kind will be tolerated. Everybody must be carrying out a useful task, performing a needed function. Several nationwide networks of security and secret police spy first on each other and then together on everybody else. Such a system has created a new type of a man, who thinks one thing, publicly expresses another, and does a third.
The enormous inertia of this system is not surprising. There is no internal “class enemy” anymore; there is no need to terrorize so many millions. Still, there are huge concentration camps, because they have become an integral part of the country’s economic, political, and spiritual life. Nobody believes now in the ultimate victory of Communism in the world, but the policy of external subversion and the promotion of “socialist forces” everywhere has become an integral part of the state machinery. The system rules the people.
It’s my analysis that the Council of Europe is the Communist Party of Europe. They just renamed it and took it out of the political system and made it a Foundation. (Recall the Congressional Investigations on the un-American activities of Tax-Exempt Foundations in the 1950s). They also work like the Communist Party. In the article mention above written Bukovsky, he said referring to the Soviet Union, “In a country of 70 million there were only 40,000 Communists”. They could do that because they place their people strategically – embedded into government and business slots as overseers.
It was discovered in 2015 during the Idaho legislative session that all American states were being required through extortion to join into the “social law” system of Europe by including reference to and agreement with the terms of the Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance. It’s instructive to know the path that this legislation took:
H.R. 4980, Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act (PL 113-183 on 9/20/2014) included under TITLE III – Improving International Child Support Recovery, Section 301.
(e)(3) 2007 Family Maintenance Convention – The term 2007 Family Maintenance Convention means the Hague Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance”
HHS gave instruction to the Uniform Law Commission (ULC) in Chicago to update the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act of 2008. The update included reference to the Hague Convention and it requires our state judges to recognize foreign court order WITHOUT QUESTION as if they were from a domestic court.
In Idaho, one (or more) of the members of the Judiciary Committee is also a member of the ULC. The ULC passed the legislation that was required to be passed without modification to that member of the Judiciary Committee. In the Idaho case, it was Bart Davis who was the member of the ULC. His reward for this betrayal was to be nominated to be U.S. Attorney.
All states were required to pass the UIFSA of 2008 or they would lose funding from the HHS. It was extortion that was unconstitutional but it was not challenged by the Idaho Attorney General.
It was during the battle to get the Idaho legislature to reject this unconstitutional extortion and requirement to include a Hague Convention into state law, that it was discovered that the Idaho State government has been peppered with attorneys throughout our state government (strategically placed outsiders to the functioning of our government exactly like the communist system).
The reference to the Hague Convention into state law was not the only problem. The international system of child and family support is managed by a European computer system called iSupport which means that they have integrated a function (more than one actually) of our government into an international system paid for and supported by the European Union and being run out of the Hague.
The integration of computer systems of government is the merger of government into a foreign body over which we have no knowledge, no control and no say.
There is one more important thing to know about this legislation and the process. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee held a hearing (see page 11 of the report) on it with Senator Ben Cardin presiding and with Idaho Senator Jim Risch as the ranking member. In addition to being a senator, Ben Cardin is a member of the Commission on Security and Co-operation in Europe (aka the Helsinki Commission).
The full archive of articles and research about this process and the legislation can be found HERE. It’s Idaho’s experience but the requirement applied to all states.
When the Berlin Wall came down, the curtain came up on the E-Soc War. The leaders of the east and west declared the Cold War over with the announcement of the re-unification of Germany and the international financial mafia began to roll out their plans for future wealth creation (Asia-Pacific Century) through the dissolution of our nation-state and gutting our economy through international trade agreements for the benefit of China and their own bank accounts.
In 2008, just a few short months before the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy and the meltdown of the financial system, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson participated in a panel discussion with several subnational government leaders and one director of an institute specializing on competitiveness. The video of the discussion is not very good, but what Mark R. Drabenstott had to say was worth capturing because he actually uses the term Global Economic Olympics. His reference to regions and crossing jurisdictional boundaries is for the purpose of breaking down jurisdictional boundaries including international boundaries.
As you listen, ask yourself, were you born to slave for the profit of some global corporation? Is that the purpose of life? Or did this country take a wrong turn?
Government’s Role in Global Markets, May 22, 2008,
National Summit on American Competitiveness
Mark R. Drabenstott, Director
University of Missouri, Columbia, Center for Regional Competitiveness
Full video on C-Span
These people that I would call communists have been changing our form of government through the back door and through administrative systems. It appears that the Constitutional Convention that people have tried to call for the last 30 or 40 years would very likely be to harmonize the organization of our government with the European system to formally create the global governing (Commonwealth) system.
Remember this: free, free, free liberation theology. Sometimes that which is presented as being free costs more than you can imagine.
(TLB) published this article from The Technocratic with our sincere gratitude for the availability.
Reagan’s full Westminster speech given in 1982 can be heard HERE.
About the writer
Vicky DavisArticles 248
Vicky was a Computer Systems Analyst/Programmer turned Internet Researcher and writer. She received her training in computer programming in Santa Clara, California in mid 1970s. She worked primarily – but not entirely on IBM mainframe systems for large corporations and government entities. As an Internet Researcher, she continues to apply her Systems Analyst skills focusing her research on the revolution in government from the systems perspective. She has two websites, this one and the older website with lots of still relevant research:
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