By Melissa Dykes
According to the benevolent and loving Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, “there is a great need for inexpensive and easy to use neural recording devices” aka a cheap EEG brain electrical activity recording smart app “to allow widespread use by schools and average citizens” because “having EEGs in every classroom in America would engage students in science and technology in a way not previously possible in the field of neuroscience…” and with it “students could record their own brain activity and download the data to their iPad” right there in the classroom! Because the government is all about spending millions on a completely benevolent fostering of a love of science. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
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The goal is to monitor and control the mind. Now its with TV.
But soon it will be one big virtual reality show. Hitler would be so proud to see how our children are being trained to destroy the genetic family and all have loyalty to global government as their new parent.