Tell Your Municipality to Pass an Emergency Ordinance to Stop Deployment of 5G During Quarantine
Deployment of Wireless During Quarantine Can be Stopped Legally – Here’s How:
Contributed to TLB by: The Children’s Health Defense Team
Since the beginning of the Quarantine, we have been receiving an overwhelming number of reports from concerned citizens and parents who have been witnessing the aggressive expansion of cellular antenna installations in communities across the country. The vast majority of this activity is occurring without the knowledge or consent of our citizens and is without local government oversight, application approval, public noticing, community participation, environmental review, and most importantly, transparency. Clearly, the telecom companies are using the COVID-19 emergency as cover to expand and cement their rapid and virtually unsupervised deployment of harmful wireless infrastructure and to advance their agenda. To stop this activity and as part of our promise to be pro-active and solutions-oriented with our efforts, the Children’s Health Defense legal team came up with a legal solution.
Following the Homeland Security and the FCC orders, local authorities have emergency powers to place a moratorium on non-essential activity, including to pause all pending wireless zoning and right-of-way applications and to shut down new wireless construction.
Please read the following information then click on the link at the bottom of it to use CHD’s click-to-action system to easily send the letter below to your municipality by filling out the short form on that page. Then follow up with your Mayor, City Council, and City Manager to encourage them to adopt this emergency measure. Also encourage others you know to take similar action as well.
Send This Letter to Your Municipality
We ask that you impose a moratorium on “small cells” and other wireless infrastructure permits process and deployment until the COVID-19 emergency is over.
The wireless providers are using the COVID-19 emergency as cover to expand and cement their rapid and virtually unsupervised deployment of harmful wireless infrastructure. Our local leaders should not have to dedicate time and resources to policing whether the wireless companies are following local and state law, they have far more important things to do.
The FCC wireless permit rules allow emergency moratoria. Homeland Security guidelines emphasize that maintenance of existing communications capability is the priority. New construction is not “essential.”
The COVID-19 emergency has led to a government shut down of non-essential activity. Hospitals, emergency response and local officials are overwhelmed and they must be allowed to focus on what is indeed “essential”. Now is not the time to be dedicating resources to expanding, rather than just maintaining, our networks.
The FCC has directly held a local jurisdiction can impose a temporary halt to deployment and permits during emergencies. In the Matter of Accelerating Wireline Broadband Deployment by Removing Barriers, FCC 18-111, 33 FCC Rcd 7705, 7784-7785, ¶157 (2018) (“We recognize that there may be limited situations in the case of a natural disaster or other comparable emergency where an express or de facto moratoria that violates section 253(a) may nonetheless be ‘necessary’ to ‘protect the public safety and welfare’ or to ‘ensure the continued quality of telecommunications services.’”)
Homeland Security has declared that local government is on the forefront and can take control over determining whether to temporarily halt all non-essential activity. Homeland Security guidance documents prioritize maintenance of existing Communications Systems, and do not support “essential” status for new construction. See Homeland Security Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency, Identifying Critical Infrastructure During COVID-19, (local control); e-Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources Support Annex, (focus on “protection, response, recovery, and restoration”). Homeland Security, like the FCC, understands that it is essential in an emergency situations justify focusing on protecting, responding, recovering and restoring of existing systems, but new communications facilities construction is and should be deemed nonessential, and subject to lockdown for so long as we are under emergency conditions.
Cities can and should impose a moratorium on deployment in their local area and freeze the permit process until the COVID-19 emergency is over.
The Liberty Beacon Project is now expanding at a near exponential rate, and for this we are grateful and excited! But we must also be practical. For 7 years we have not asked for any donations, and have built this project with our own funds as we grew. We are now experiencing ever increasing growing pains due to the large number of websites and projects we represent. So we have just installed donation buttons on our websites and ask that you consider this when you visit them. Nothing is too small. We thank you for all your support and your considerations … (TLB)
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