By Dr. David Duke
He shows how the Zionist control of Western Policy by supporting the horrific crimes of Israel against Mideast peoples and nations, as well as the Zio-directed wars, have brought death, injury and devastation to millions of people.
The Jewish Secretary of State Madeline Albright’s justification of the death of 500,000 children in Iraq is offered as an example of this horrific policy done in the name of America, but actually instigated by Jewish extremists like her.
Then he shows how the increasing terrorist attacks across the Western World would not be possible except for the massive immigration into Western nations, and he proves that Jewish tribalists have been the driving force behind it in every Western nation! They even brag openly about how they have not only led the specific immigration advocacy groups but also how their control of media has brainwashed many European people into thinking that massive immigration will be good thing for their respective countries, when it actually leads to horrifically conflicted nations, increased crime, social welfare burden, and of course terrorism on as scale completely alien to their way of life.
He also talks about the fact that all people on Earth naturally want to preserve their heritage and that the vast majority of every nation does not want mass immigration of foreign peoples who don’t share the essential values and culture.
He recounts a famous lecture he gave in the leading intellectual university in Libya and how the thousand academics and students actually cheered the fact that he wanted to preserve his own European people and culture in European lands just as the people of Libya desire the same for their own people.
Dr. Slattery added some prescient commentary on this issue and he and Dr. Duke discussed the argument and answered those who say that organized Jewry doesn’t support immigration because why would they want people coming in who are also vehemently anti-Israel. Dr. Slattery and Dr. Duke reveal the fact that all the major Zionist groups DO SUPPORT OPEN BORDERS for Europe and every nation, and even boast about it, and then go to explain the reasons that they do.
Click here and look for the show dated 01-15-15.
And Watch these Amazing videos! If you have seen the first two make sure you also watch the third 3 part Duke Video Documentary on the origins of True Human Diversity!
How Zionists Divide and Conquer
No War for Israel in Syria and Iran!
This video made 2011 shows how the Zio Controlled French, American and Western policy in regard to Syria led to rise of Isis and contributed to to the Isis inspired attacks in France! I proves how what Dr. Duke been saying for a long time… has been proven correct!
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