Economic destruction and the war on humanity – how to prevail

by Fabian Ubiquitus

So UK gas and electricity are all set to more or less DOUBLE in price in a few months.

This is going to have a knock-on effect of making the production of goods and services, wherever gas or electricity are needed, which is virtually everywhere, more expensive.

So hold onto your hats, our standard of living is going to take a nosedive as things become more expensive – ie our salaries and wages, government handouts, pensions or whatever will buy fewer goods and services.

This drop  in our standard of living is not an accident. Nor is it “unfortunate”, “unavoidable” or due to “circumstances beyond our control”. It is engineered by suppressing production.

Suppressing production was engineered by the mechanics of a fake pandemic which “justified”  the myriad disruptions of lockdowns, absenteeism, restrictions of movement and so forth.

A nation is as wealthy as it can produce goods and services for it own consumption or for trade for those things it does not itself produce. The only other ways a nation acquires wealth is charity or plunder/theft, however contrived.

It was inevitable then that when the wrecking crew that passes for our government contrived through the fake pandemic to crush production (whilst racking up debt to the international money-lending cartels in the  manner of any ne’er-do-well borrowing money in lieu of actually earning it), then the nation would become poorer.

The racking up of debt further exacerbates the encroaching poverty. An escalation of debt means an escalation of interest on debt and an escalation of the quantity of money that must flow to  the banking sector in repayment of that debt. This makes circulating money that can be spent on goods and services scarcer.

Thus, another way of creating scarcity (poverty) is to make scarce the spending power by which we can express demand for and acquire goods and services.

Then into that mess insert an engineered massive hike in energy prices guaranteed to make everything more expensive and  every consumer poorer.

This is not an accident.

This is an engineered catastrophe using the fake pandemic as a smoke screen and degenerate politicians as your agents of  economic subversion.

This IS an act of war against us and we sure as hell better mobilise to out-create it.

It is going to be grim for a while.

But if we unite and fight back against this endless destructive tinkering and mucking about of millions of honest producers, we’ll win.

But it should by now be obvious (and here we can thank the debacle of the past two years for revealing this to us) that our political establishment is feckless and corrupt.

It has entered the camp of the enemy and become the tool of those waging war on our civilisation who seek to bring it down economically and in terms of its  morale.

Suppress production and you suppress morale and thus the intent is to render us demoralised.

If one observes an individual behaving the way our governments are behaving, one would conclude one is looking at a craven psychotic.

A craven psychotic knows only the impulse to harm and destroy. Thus our craven psychotic governments cannot be trusted or relied upon to create anything decent or worthwhile. If we leave it to these insane crews of nation wreckers, our nation will perish and our children will wind up – if they survive at all – slaves in lands surrendered by their fathers to the enemies of humanity.

There are tens of thousands of groups, each fighting some aspect or manifestation of suppression but each faces alone the combined might of a highly coordinated, centrally led and viciously purposeful global crime syndicate. Thus each fighting a lone battle faces overwhelming odds.

Therefore those tens of thousands of groups and millions of people of good will must unite and shoulder-to-shoulder build a well coordinated grass roots movement, highly motivated, ever vigilant and relentlessly willing to fight back, devoted to just principles of benign governance and sane management of national affairs by honest people of common sense.

Such people are out there. There are millions of them. But few of them happen at this time to be in government or have the ear of government.

Well we can change that.

Our movement is already born and it is vibrant, numerous and strong and growing more so by the day.

It has vast energy and creative vision, a profound sense of right and wrong. Its members are tremendously capable. It merely requires MORE unity and MORE focus. In other words, strengthening those aspects and attributes that are proving successful. Bringing OUR combined might to bear upon the belittlers, defamers, deceivers and murders of humanity, picking a battle and winning that, then the next battle and winning that, dismantling the cult of global oppression target by target, we’ll free this planet and build a decent civilisation.

There’s a war on for your planet and the way to win it is to unite and . . . well, win it!

There is energy and there is focused/channeled/directed energy.

Focused energy =  power.

The People’s Media


This article is from UK Reloaded


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1 Comment on Economic destruction and the war on humanity – how to prevail

  1. Love and Light creates many beautiful things but Love and Light can also destroy the darkness when it faces it. This is a spiritual war for our minds, bodies, heart and consciousness. These area all very powerful tools against them and those are the areas where they they focus their attacks. This is a great article because as if we can become one in love and light for all life, darkness has no other choice but to retreat back into its abyss of no existence. .

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