Equal Pay Champion Senator E. Warren Caught Underpaying Female Staffers

TLB Preface: Are you as tired as we here at The Liberty Beacon are of our supposed leaders constantly preaching to us on how things should be, how we should be conducting ourselves … only to find out that the most lying, hypocritical, self-serving and greedy caste in this faltering union is in fact … THEM. Today we are cursed with leaders who preach adherence to the Constitution, and then strip us of its protections at the drop of a hat (or the receipt of a fat check). Leaders who stress the rights of individuals to privacy, and then spy on everything we do behind our backs. Leaders who pretend to be for equal rights for women, and then … well this is where we are going so please read on …

Equal Pay Champion Elizabeth Warren Caught Underpaying Female Staffers

By: Daniel Lang

Elizabeth Warren, a United States Senator from Massachusetts and a darling of the progressive left, has frequently championed equal pay for women. In fact, she backed a bill called the Paycheck Fairness Act in 2014, which aimed to reduce the gender pay gap. It turns out however, that Warren is a bit of a hypocrite on this matter (I know, big surprise coming from a progressive).

According to publicly available documents, Warren’s office pays female staffers 71 cents for every dollar a male staffer makes. The median annual earnings for a women in her office was $52,750, compared to $73,750 for men. One woman on her staff earned a six figure income, while five men earned well over $100,000. The wage gap in her office was nearly 10% wider than the national average.

This analysis comes from the Washington Free Beacon, who only examined the wages of staffers who worked the full year. That makes this situation rife with irony. What most people don’t realize is that the oft quoted statistic that suggests women earn 77 cents for every dollar a man makes, is actually a total myth. In reality, women are making only slightly less than men per hour. The wage gap is caused by the fact that women typically work fewer hours than men, take more time off for childcare, and often chase college degrees that aren’t very profitable.

So the wage gap in her office is especially egregious. Unlike the vast majority of employers in this country who are giving their female workers a fair shake, Elizabeth Warren is probably paying her female staffers far less per hour than her male staffers. And she does this while bloviating to the rest of us about how we need to pay women more, while spreading the pernicious gender pay gap myth.

About the Author: Daniel Lang is a researcher and staff writer for The Daily Sheeple – Wake The Flock Up!

This article (Equal Pay Champion Senator E. Warren Caught Underpaying Female Staffers) was contributed by The Daily Sheeple and is republished here with attribution to author Daniel Lang and TheDailySheeple.com.

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