A note from The Liberty Beacon Editors
Censoring of information from the masses has been used by those in power, it would seem, since the beginning of time. Censoring today by the power elites and their enablers (Main Stream Media and The Educational System) have been operating at fever pitch to control our Body, Mind and Spirits. Just as we thought it couldn’t get any worse, now Social Media has totally sold it’s soul to the devil.
The following article from the World Socialist Web Site (No we do not support Socialism) is a prime example of Censoring on Steroids by Facebook and Google. Be forewarned, this is what all users of social media can expect going forward, unless we take global action. This article offers the start of a solution.
We ask you to put aside your political Left-Right leanings and understand CENSORING FREEZES DEBATE AND KILLS LIBERTY. (TLB)
Facebook blocks sharing of WSWS anti-censorship video
By Eric London
Facebook has blocked users from sharing a social media video promoting the January 16 [today] online meeting “Organizing resistance to Internet censorship,” featuring World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board Chairman David North and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges. The initial post of the video, uploaded Friday, cannot be shared by any user. Those who attempt to do so receive an error message that seems to imply a technical failure.
The message which appears when users attempt to share the video promoting the January 16 meeting.
Users reported, however, that upon clicking “If you think you’re seeing this message by mistake, please let us know,” they were presented with a notice that clearly indicates the content had been blocked in the name of keeping Facebook “safe.”
The message users receive when they attempt to appeal the block on sharing.
A repost of the video, submitted on Sunday, is shareable, underscoring the arbitrariness of Facebook’s censorship measures.
The blocking of the video took place one day after Facebook blocked another WSWS video from being shared, indicating what is likely an acceleration of its politically motivated censorship.
In another incident Saturday, Facebook blocked an attempt by the WSWS to purchase an advertisement to promote the Perspective column “Facebook announces major plan to censor news content.” The reason given by Facebook for denying the ad was: “We don’t allow ads that use images of Mark Zuckerberg when promoting a product or service.”
Facebook notifying the WSWS that ads containing images of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg are prohibited.
It is clear that the Facebook censorship experienced by the WSWS is part of the company’s accelerating moves to censor political speech on the Internet. Under these conditions, Tuesday’s online meeting “Organizing Resistance to Internet Censorship,” which will be held at 7 PM Eastern Standard Time at endcensorship.org, is of critical importance.
Fight Google’s censorship!
Google is blocking the World Socialist Web Site from search results.
To fight this blacklisting:
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