French PM Attal attempts to unleash Sarkozy-style politics to tackle far-right surge

ER Editor: Here’s a report on the latest circus in France. We don’t really believe in any of it, preferring to take it as an ongoing show to wake up the masses. With a hunch and strong rumour but no proof.

A reminder that France’s ridiculous Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, has been pilloried for a combination of his age, his apparent failings in his school and university education, for possibly still being ‘married’ to the current foreign minister, Stephane Sejourne, for being someone who hasn’t lived his life beyond the narrow confines of a very privileged area of Paris. He’s probably attended sexual orgies, too, making him a target of blackmail. (The French view this as ‘private life’, thus being off-limits, not realizing that such indulgence makes the political class a target for the intelligence services and those who control them.)

Attal makes government leadership the biggest joke, and he’s not smart enough to get it.

And speaking of a joke, here’s Attal face to face with a working class kid from an immigrant background in the southern French city of Nice. Journalist Alexis Poulin unpacks it for us in a tweet below (translation provided) – the short video is worth watching. ‘Mechant’ means mean, nasty, bad, evil:

Translation: “He’s mean Macron”: the exchange between a teenager and Gabriel Attal about the President of the Republic

TRANSLATION: In two sentences, this young boy did a better job of exposing the Attal/Macron deception than all the journalists on the 24-hour news channels. In the words of a child. “But you’re rich” Attal’s embarrassed reply, “euuuuuuuh yes, but the important thing is to do what you love.”


This young boy did better in two sentences than all the journalists on the 24-hour news channels to reveal the Attal/Macron deception.

With his childish words. “But you are rich” Embarrassed response from Attal, “euuuuuuuh yes but the important thing is to do what you love.”

“Macron, he’s mean.” Yes Macron is bad, because undoubtedly Macron’s policy of choosing poverty caused a lot of trouble for the parents of this young boy.

Gabriel Attal perfectly embodies the class contempt of a spoiled child, wealthy and pampered by his owning class, in the face of this little boy, who is the perpetual victim of the policies of mistreaters.

A policy which first attacks the dignity of its parents, humiliated, perpetually belittled to end up entangled in everyday life.

Then a policy that will target the children of this trampled class, to make them obedient little soldiers in uniform, rather than emancipating them into free citizens.

But this little boy is free, he holds his emancipation in these two sentences, a clear statement of the class struggle, delivered to him mercilessly by the well-born, the contemptuous, the ambitious.

Yes, this little boy is right a thousand times over, and he destroys the beautiful communication mechanism of Gabriel the Magnificent, with his simple words, with this obvious observation: “you are rich and evil”.

The worst part is that years of social engineering and propaganda to erase the class struggle have meant that the dispossessed, once passed through the machine of stupefying and formatting, vote for the rich and evil. You must always remain that little boy.

Here’s putting lipstick on the pig. Notice their noble choice of inset photo of Attal.



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