Saturdays at 11PM Eastern.
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GRACELAND, Episode #2 for Saturday September 26th.
By TLB Contributor & Show Host: Jennifer Meadows
Author and noted speaker, Patrick Wood joins Graceland to discuss his best-selling book “Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Globalization.” Woods also will talk about Pope Francis’ historic visit to the United States and his address to a Joint Session of Congress.
Wood’s book describes in fascinating detail the creation of a “New Economic Order”. Some of the compelling issues raised on the program delve into Agenda 21, Sustainable Development and Smart Growth. Woods reveals that the end goal is the creation of Technocracy, a scientific dictatorship much like that written about in George Orwell’s famous book Nineteen Eighty-Four.
In addition, the Graceland guest zeros in on what the real reason may be for the Pope’s visit. Could it be the pontiff’s support for a more proactive climate friendly change agenda and the UN Summit for the Adoption of Post-2015 Development Agenda known as 2030 Agenda his underlying reason for the visit?
What exactly is the 2030 Agenda? It certainly sounds harmless enough promising to end poverty, hunger, create jobs, provide an education and a life of “personal dignity.”
Woods raising the alarm bells on how the 2030 Agenda may actually be a not so disguised replacement for the current capitalist economic system. Sustainable Development – a socialistic system based on resource allocation and usage rather than supply and demand has been signed off by President Obama. What will be the economic fallout for America and is the 2030 Agenda impractical? Woods reveals his analysis on it.
In the second half of the show, Graceland addresses how Vanderbilt University hosted a week long lecture on what it means to have “health masculinity”. The mission was to address sexism, racism, homophobia and other forms of oppression.
According to an advertisement for “Healthy Masculinities Week” sent to members of the Vanderbilt student body some examples of unhealthy male stereotypical behavior are crying, playing sports, having sex, majoring in business and even using the expression “man up”!!!
Listen in as GRACELAND Host, Jennifer Meadows, Co-host journalist/author, Kevin Fobbs, and political insider, Charles Albert Johnson III attempt to answer the question, “Is there a war on men on Campus?”
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Jennifer Meadows, Host
Co-host journalist/author, Kevin Fobbs, Principal Political Analyst for the Independent Voter Network
Co-Host TJ O’Hara
Charles Albert Johnson III, political insider
Insightful interviews and sharp commentary covering the day’s top stories with a lot of heart and soul…
GRACELAND may be heard every Saturday at 11 PM EST (you will receive a “No Results Found” message if you click on the show link prior to air time) on the Liberty Beacon Radio Network, and can be heard in Full anytime after show publish time (pre-recorded).
Click on the TLB Logo to hear the show
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