You don’t have to prove a lie, merely repeat it


The psyop designed to instill fear of the climate in order to get people to accept political suppression resolves down to basic crude propaganda tactics that are designed to implant untrue ideas in the minds of the citizenry:

  1. Scour the planet for extreme weather events. You can always find an extreme weather event happening somewhere or other.
  2. Mobilise the media to collect a few of these together from various parts of the planet. For example, a flood in, say India, another flood in Australia and heavier than usual rainfall in New York. Lump them together so that the events happening in a hanful of plces look like the are consuming the entire planet whereas the vast majority of people who never know they were happening at all if it were not for the media frenzy. Report them in s alarming terms as possible, exaggerate them and fixate the public’s attention on them while they last.
  3. Thus create the impression these events are “everywhere” and “happening all the time”. Ignore data that tells us these event are not “everywhere” and not “happening all the time”. For example, a heatwave in Greece and Italy is heavily reported, whilst an unusually cool summer in the UK is ignored.
  4. These events come and go. Sometimes they last few days but now the reporting has fixated them in the public memory before finding some new allegedly extreme weather events to fixate upon. For example the hurricane season was unusually quiet so some wildfires in some hot areas are found to replace them with the hysterical “the planet is on fire” nonsense.  Now that they are gone, and the planet is not in fact on fire, after having grabbed the headlines for a few days what lingers in the memory are the images of “all those fires”.
  5. Assert repeatedly – and all advertising works on repetition – that these “extreme” weather events are unusual or “unprecedented” even though they are not.
  6. Ignore history
  7. Ignore the many events that contradict the chosen narrative,
  8. Claim repeatedly that that these events are happening “due to human CO2 production” without evidence that  this is the case. As it is with black PR campaigns, you don’t have to prove your accusation, just accuse and keep right on repeating the accusation or have it appear in myriad sources. The constant repetition implants the idea in the mind.

In a nutshell, we are being played with a vengeance in what is in fact an operation designed to terrorise and use the implanted terror to create acceptance of a covertly installed totalitarian governance of the human community for the benefit and gratification of a parasitic wealthy “elite”.

The following item illustrates nicely how environmental pseudoscience is deployed in the psychological warfare effort.

Meteorologist Debunks Climate Change Causes of Extreme Weather


Meteorologist Joe Bastardi explains to Stu Burguiere why natural climate variability, not human activity, drives extreme weather. He argues factors like El Ninos, volcanic eruptions, and natural oscillations cause events like hurricanes and floods, not CO2 emissions.

Bastardi believes the meteorology community should study actual long-term weather patterns, not just models, to grasp how natural climate cycles work.

By examining weather history, he makes accurate forecasts of extremes that models often miss.

Bastardi says foreseeing future events requires understanding how nature balances warming and cooling regions over time. This fascinating interview provides essential context on climate change debates.


The above was featured on UK Reloaded


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