How the CIA Attempted to Destroy Art & Artists
By TLB Staff Author: Lucille Femine
Recently, I’ve been very impressed by some current abstract artists and have studied many of them. I began to incorporate some of the principles into my own impressionism. However, this morning, I was writing a fairly long pissed-off comment on the video below and decided I’d better write an article fully venting my disagreement.
It’s not a very good video since many of the works are barely visible and why some in black and white? Some of their studios look like junkyards which mirror their paintings. What’s been promoted is that artists are basically chaotic and “free” to be so. From my own experience, nothing could be further from the truth. Order and discipline are urgent in any endeavor and leads to true freedom and production of quality work.
Firstly, I have to say most of these works are garbage in my view with just a sprinkling of real artists like Turner and some impressionists. The rest are non-art promoted by the CIA, meant to degrade the whole subject of art and, in turn, the public who view them and have to pretend they admire them and “know” something about them. Who wants to be clueless and unsophisticated?
This suppression of humanity in all areas of life is well detailed in the book, “Psychopolitics”, a Russian brainwashing manual. Here is the book explaining it in all aspects.
A Synthesis of the Russian Brainwashing Manual on Psychopolitics
The intention is to lead people to believe, in regards to art, that this new form of painting and some sculpture is what’s happening.
For me, they “happen” to lead us down a road of despair and loneliness. These artists, as I see it and has actually been discussed, express a whole new viewpoint of art. It went from a more of less world view where the true, professional artist, while joyful in his own creations, had for the most part the focus on speaking to others. The new attitude is that the artist shouldn’t give a damn what others think because they should only put attention on what THEY ARE FEELING – no matter how degraded, depressing or vile the work is. Or unschooled. Can that be a brand of selfishness parading itself as aesthetics?
What that really says to me and which is the cunning message behind these CIA efforts, is that you need to take your clue from these artists and simply go inside your minds (as opposed to your true self) and just think, think, think. Think about how unhappy you are, how unhappy the world is, how dangerous, how hopeless. In the end, how useless art is to solve anything worthwhile. It is all just fluff that needs to be blown away to make room for the governments of the world to lead you. The art that remains and is allowed is to remind you of that reality using stark, distasteful trash. Sorry if I make some enemies.
I was particularly unimpressed by DeKooning yesterday. What impresses me the most is how impressed others are by his work. Baffled, I should say. To me, they look more like his palettes. It reminded me of my youth when abstract art was in a wave of popularity. I tried to paint that way but I abandoned it soon because it left me clueless and disturbingly lacking in emotion – of any kind. Mostly though, I was left with the decision that I was not a true artist because I failed to understand this new mode of expression. My later discovery of the impressionists filled me with that needed joy, hope and production.
I should add that even the impressionists were well trained in traditional art. That’s not to say an artist must be trained that way. I wasn’t, though familiarity did help. We don’t live in time bubbles.
I should add that what’s even more urgent, as far as art, is to KNOW HOW TO PAINT. The best abstract artists, Picasso a prominent one, were well grounded in the basics and practice of traditional art. Indeed, their later abstract works would not have been so impressive without that basic study. The artist must first know harmony, color, composition and most of all – what are they trying to say? To others as well as themselves.
This CIA campaign was to introduce the concept that being an amateur was perfectly okay and this further discourages us from striving to achieve success and the happiness that follows that, the pride and confidence in ourselves. After all, the application of often arduous learning and practice is simply a fact of life that is necessary for our own expansion.
All these fundamental needs of creation, in all aspects of living, have been given the shaft as unimportant and not needed when communism offers everything essential. So, the product of making art ugly, depressing and uneducated is to make one feel the same and that further lowers the standards of what happiness truly is. It is definitely beyond food, water and shelter. And to minimize it to that level is to minimize us to being bodies with no souls, no individual beingness.
To be oneself and create from that beingness is profoundly squashed. We see that easily today in the world-wide ban on the creation of free speech, religion, family, etc. Any positive creation that promotes the joy and expansion of life is labeled as conspiracy.
We all know this is a prison planet and the CIA, as far as I can see, are the guards. Those above them give the orders.
I’ve seen and studied many current artists, both abstract and traditional, who create great, positive emotion and communicate to OTHERS, the true purpose. What do these degraded, CIA infested works communicate? They speak loudly of frustration at not being able to communicate and lash out onto the poor canvas which has to display them to a clueless public.
What is the overall message of these works? Life is hopeless as it always is in a prison where you will (if you believe it) never escape. Mind you, this is only my opinion. But I speak from being a victim of this indoctrination years ago. Today, when I study artists that move me, my work gets better.
My current views of much abstract art are disabusing me once more of its value to our spirit because I see too much of the same purpose as when it started – the visual promotion of despair, save for some truly talented artists, those who also strive to help others to learn and express themselves as well. I’ve been attending “Youtube University” for years.
Call me a simpleton but I love paintings of real stuff in the world that evoke really nice feelings. In today’s world of fear, uncertainty and chaos, doesn’t this count? Below is a video that sparks joy in my heart, a pastel artist who knows what she’s doing. I’m new to pastels and I practice what she teaches with frustration at my inability but, more importantly, I get vital understandings of what it takes to create anything good and we are wired to operate from those challenges. Start your new year with a few good ones.
We need to get the CIA, their friends and employers “out of the picture”, so to speak.
TLB Note: Lucille is a longtime valued TLB Staff member. She is also an author, writer, researcher, activist, and an exceptional artist to boot! To enjoy more of Lucille’s wisdom, research and presentation … CLICK HERE
The Dark Lane – A Great Novel By Author & Artist: Lucille Femine
A fictional story yet one all too true in the world of psychiatric drugs. Two brilliant, young boys forced to take these drugs and the resultant havoc on their physical, emotional and spiritual selves. The fight is on to save them.
(click on the image below to find out more about this outstanding book)
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I always laugh at anyone who try’s to define what art is or isn’t and tells us how we should respond to it.
Aside from a generic reference to ‘Psychopolitics’ as an authority, the most interesting allegation in this article is that the CIA is behind the modern art world.
Can you cite some evidence to support this contention?
And although Picasso was a skilled artist capable of creating representational art, it was Picasso himself, not the CIA that began to explore primitive art as an inspiration for his work, and obviously primitive art is created by non-artists. So the acceptance of art from non-traditional artists and Outsider art seems to spring from an era before there was a CIA.
In any case, if anyone can refer me to an explanation and evidence of CIA psychopolitics, I would like to know more.