By TLB Contributor: Dave Hodges
Did you know that according to Daniel Freeman’s study published in the British Journal of Psychiatry found that paranoid thoughts are common among normally functioning people? In fact, the study concluded that some dose of paranoia is actually quite adaptive and can serve to keep us safe from danger. What is about to be presented in this article should make one paranoid for when one considers why governments in the West, particularly in the United States, spend billions of dollars to spy on our actions, words, Internet browsing habits, places visited and even our thoughts, we should all be looking under our beds.
The following represents a small cross-section of illegal government spying activities which are designed to do one thing: To determine whose thoughts and actions pose a threat to the newest totalitarian regime on the face of the Earth, the United States. Everything you say and do is being being cataloged and categorized and every American is receiving a threat matrix score similar to a credit rating. And where this is headed is worse than anything Orwell could have imagined.
“Every Move You Make, We’ll Be Watching You”
Civil rights activist, Daphne Lee told NBC News 3 that she is worried about her freedom as an American citizen. “This technology, you know is taking us to a place where, you know, you’ll essentially be monitored from the moment you leave your home till the moment you get home”. What is Ms. Lee talking about?
They look like ordinary streetlights, shining down on Las Vegas, but these streetlights have special capabilities that have aware and informed citizens up in arms.
This year, the city of Las Vegas, NV., is completing a project that it began last year and it has average citizens screaming constitutional foul play. However, these streetlights have capabilities far beyond anything the American people have ever seen.
The program is called Intellistreets and it records conversations, can scan you for a weapon, listen to your conversations and it can even “read your mind”. Eventually you will be placed on a “naughty or nice” list, and this list could have very consequences for your longevity.
Did you pick up on the part of the Intellistreets video that they passively admit that this is a surveillance and data mining tool? The program, like so many programs that violate the Fourth and Fifth Amendment of the Constitution, are adding to your personal threat matrix data base.
Law Professor Alarmed by DHS Data Gathering Could Lead to One Being Put on the “Red List”
Professor Margaret Hu from the Washington and Lee University School of Law states that “The implementation of a universal digitalized biometric ID system risks normalizing and integrating mass cybersurveillance into the daily lives of ordinary citizens”.
Professor Hu explains that the FBI’s Next Generation Identification project will institute the following:
“A comprehensive, centralized, and technologically interoperable biometric database that spans across military and national security agencies, as well as all other state and federal government agencies. Once complete, NGI will strive to centralize whatever biometric data is available on all citizens and non-citizens in the United States and abroad, including information on fingerprints, DNA, iris scans, voice recognition, and facial recognition data captured through digitalized photos, such as U.S. passport photos and REAL ID driver’s licenses. The NGI Interstate Photo System, for instance, aims to aggregate digital photos from not only federal, state, and local law enforcement, but also digital photos from private businesses, social networking sites, government agencies, and foreign and international entities, as well as acquaintances, friends, and family members”. Biometric ID cybersurveillance might be used to assign risk assessment scores and to take action based on those scores“.
The healthy side of your paranoia is about to emerge as we consider the fact that Professor Hu describes a DHS program known as FAST, which is a DHS tested program and has been described as a “precrime” program. FAST will gather upon complex statistical algorithms that will compile data from multiple databases and will subsequently “predict” future criminal or terrorist acts.
The “pre-crime” data will be gathered” through cyber-surveillance and stealth data monitoring of ordinary citizens. The FAST program purports to assess whether an individual might pose a “pre-crime” threat through the capture of a range of data, including biometric data. In other words, FAST accuses non-convicted individuals as being a security threat risk of becoming future criminals and terrorists through data analysis. No charges, no police interviews, the system is designed to become “judge, jury and executioner“.
Under the Future Attribute Screening Technology (FAST), criminal cues are captured through the following types of biometric data including body and eye movements, eye blink rate and pupil variation, body heat changes, and breathing patterns. Various linguistic cues include the analysis of voice pitch changes, alterations in voice rhythm patterns, and changes in intonations of speech. Hu notes that in documents released by DHS clearly show that individuals could be arrested and face serious consequences based upon statistical algorithms and predictive analytical assessments.
Professor Hu issued the following warning:
“The prognostications of FAST can range from none to being temporarily detained to deportation, prison, or death“.
DHS Wants to Know Everything About You
There is a new DHS funded multi-billion dollar spy tool and it is called FirstNet. This is a citizen information gathering device like no other. A company called New World Systems (do they really mean New World Order Systems?) is in charge of implementing this system.
The Radio Access Network (RAN) part of this elaborate network consists of the radio base station infrastructure that connects to user devices including cell towers and mobile hotspots embedded in vehicles which connects to the satellite network or other types of wireless infrastructure. This is a “search and destroy system” as FirstNet is designed to hunt you down in remote areas. Take a look at the map below along with the embedded graphics from the FirstNet website. They have developed the technology to track you and find you should you be a fugitive from their own special brand of justice. RAN has the ability to track you anywhere on the planet. Soon, there will be nowhere for people with high threat matrix scores to run and hide without being found by this system.
There Is No End to the Madness
A company called PredPol claims that it possesses proprietary software which can actually predict times and places for likely future crimes. Intrado has the capability to data mine all social media and create your personal profile based on your Internet chatter. Subsequently, if you are pulled over for a speeding violation, you could find yourself face down on the pavement because you have written something negative about the police who murdered Eric Garner. Or, you might just end up like Eric Garner.
Does anyone else have a problem with this police state surveillance grid? Some might intimate, it is time for a revolution. For those who are so inclined, the authorities, the minions for the banksters, have that possibility covered as well and that will be the topic of a future article. Meanwhile, take a pill, your paranoia is about to get worse.
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We NEED a Threat Matrix database in order to make any progress toward securing our nation, our people, our communities from the very real and excessive threats that are lurking behind our every single device – which by the way, are on us, even in bed with us, 24/7. The concern here goes well beyond “privacy online” the attacks that happen online are stepping stones and “communication beacons” which allow criminals and terrorists to collaborate like never before in history, behind the veil of anonymity— so that they can carry out elaborate tactical events, planned online. When given the option to find these criminals on foot with paper maps and tips from possible eye witnesses, or zero in on these criminals and their exact locations, affiliations, and behaviors leading up to their capture – which by the way, would most likely occur prior to the event taking place as there are certain patterns that would ring an alarm to prevent this type of thing – which also by the way – is the only thing these progams are looking for. Not a single person in any agency has the time to sit around and look at a random citizens text messages, facebook posts, etc. – now if that random citizen takes a turn for the worst and conducted enough nepharious activity online to deem him or herself as a potential threat, then they are going to have some explaining to do. Cyberspace should not be a wild free-for-all where anything goes at all times – it is another community, just like your town center or local park. If a man arrived in the center of town and started whispering threats and illegal propaganda into the ears of passerbys and then went from store to store asking where he can buy supplies to murder people before going on to construct a weapon in the middle of the street – the guy would get arrested. We need protection from this – this is what is happening – regulation will help, and until someone comes up with a better idea, we should be thankful that we have some very large organizations that have our backs. People are foolish to think that they don’t – we are under absolute constant attack and you wouldnt even have a single notion that it was going on, because people are doing their jobs to protect us 24/7. The thanks they get in return is in the form of resistance and anger. They need our help and we need theirs. Instead of hating on this type of program which will evolve over time, It is better to embrace the reality of our risks and rest assured that if we are not breaking the law or acting in a way that would be deemed illegal in public, than we are not the ones that are posing a threat. Think about it.