Pam Barker | Director of TLB Europe Reloaded Project
Ireland it seems now has its very own globalist Agenda 21 plan, called Project Ireland 2040. Referenced in the article below, the plan is briefly outlined in the following, Project Ireland 2040: How it hopes to tackle 7 key questions for the next two decades. As you’d expect with a government-produced document, it is rather vague and propagandist.
But it’s worth a quick glance. For those of us familiar with globalist designs including the plan for ‘Sustainable Development’, the following selected goals will come as no surprise:
- enlarge its migrant population (the current consequences of which are described below), which will increase the urban demographic
- depopulate the countryside by moving people from the land into urban centres
- redesign urban centres in line with globalist plans (unspecified), centres which have historically suffered from ‘unstructured growth’
- stop production of petrol/diesel vehicles by 2030 and prohibit their use after 2045
- stop coal-powered energy production
- develop higher education, enterprise and IT development but not industrial manufacturing, which has long since been in the globalist crosshairs as part of their zero-growth economic plan for all developed countries
- The question “where do Irish culture and heritage fit in?” doesn’t really get answered in the bullet points below it. Promoting sports, cultural centres, ‘Galway as a city of culture 2020’, etc. does not specify how Irish culture specifically will be protected and promoted in the face of an otherwise growing immigrant population. Of course, we know it won’t be.
Now the plan is being propagandized through Irish media outlets; also, Ireland seems to be experiencing a similar type of migrant crime as other European venues.
Irish government paid media for ‘good news’ about mass migration
The Irish government has been paying journalists to write good news stories about Project Ireland 2040, it was revealed. Opposition leader Micheál Martin has called the scheme “ethically dubious”.
The government’s strategic communications unit has paid for sponsored “news pieces” to appear in key national and regional newspapers promoting Ireland 2040, a globalist scheme to “replace” the native population.
And increasing Ireland’s population by a million using mass migration is to receive a massive €116 billion from taxpayers.
The manufactured good news “could not include negative or critical content”, The Times reported on Friday.
But Project Ireland 2040 has been called a “pyramid scheme” by critics, set up to enrich investors with taxpayer money.
Martin told the Irish Parliament that “the blurring of the lines is genuinely worrying from a parliamentary democracy point of view”. He said the scheme was essentially “using taxpayers’ money to promote Fine Gael politically”. Fine Gael is the governing party and largest party in Ireland in terms of members as well as Irish members of European Parliament.
The government’s plan to open an asylum centre for 115 migrants in a heritage town where one of Ireland’s oldest traditional festivals is held has been attacked by Irish patriots.
More than 100 concerned locals voted down the proposed asylum centre, pointing out that the town of just 300 residents lacks the services needed for the new arrivals.
Also, Dublin, the Irish capital, has been in the grip of gangs and the Irish police, the gardai, complain that they are powerless against them. We can reveal that the gang, with African origins, have been running rampant in communities all over the capital, with gardai insisting “they don’t fear or respect us anymore”.
A source told the Irish Sun in January: “In the last two months gardai have linked the gang in question to 40 robberies from shops and other establishments and almost 30 robberies on person where iPhones, wallets and jewellery have been stolen.” The source added: “The problems gardai are facing from this gang, or number of gangs, all over the city are extraordinary.”
Mass migration has contributed to criminal youths “wreaking havoc” throughout the capital, according to police, who say the offences “[range] from shouting and intimidating old people in large groups to assaulting and robbing people of all ages, often with deadly weapons such as large knives”.
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