Judge Jeanine Shreds McCabe And His Innocent “Victim of Trump” Narrative
Judge Jeanine lays out the brutal truth for McCabe, destroying the false narrative that the left is attempting to cobble together, partially in their own desperation, that he’s a victim…
By Rick Wells
Judge Jeanine Pirro reports that Andrew McCabe has turned over notes he supposedly made of conversations he had with President Trump to the witch hunt Grand Inquisitor, Robert Mueller. She makes no mention as to whether in doing so he violated the understanding of executive privilege, or whether that action can be construed as a leak. It’s surely something we’ll learn over the coming days. [[WATCH VIDEO BELOW]]
Judge Jeanine points out that “Just fired Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe claims victim status, seeking to join that elusive-hood of crooks, who feign innocence when they’re caught dead-to-right, claiming his downfall is the result of a series of attacks designed to undermine his credibility and reputation.”
“Andy,” says Judge Jeanine, “I don’t know how to break this to you. But the only reason you’re even in the news is because you’re a liar. And when you lie under oath and to the FBI, you’re a wrongdoer, you’re a cheat and you’re an offender. So, McCabe, are you a crook too?”
She says, “Consider this, General Michael Flynn, who put his life on the line every day in the military, lied to the FBI about something that wasn’t even criminal. And now, he’s a convicted felon. Martha Stewart lied to the FBI and she is a convicted felon who went to jail. So you lie, not only to the FBI but to the Inspector General and under oath, and you were even given an opportunity to take it back, but you still lied. So they’re crooks but you’re not?”
“You’re in the news,” says Pirro, “because the Office of Professional Responsibility, after the Inspector General’s investigation, says you made unauthorized disclosures to the news media and you lacked candor. You lied about the Clinton Foundation ‘investigation’ and you leaked information to the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times, which you’re not authorized to do.”
Judge Jeanine says, “But we shouldn’t be surprised, your boss Jim Comey also leaked information to get to the New York Times, because he didn’t have the guts to stand up and say what he wanted to say himself.”
Pirro says, ‘It’s going to get worse for you, Andy, when your sidekick Peter Strzok and his girlfriend are called on the carpet for their criminality.”
She says, “You lied about your relationship with Strzok, who worked for you while the three of you tried to affect both the Presidential primary and take down a duly-elected president by starting a Donald Trump-Russia inquiry, when the only person who colluded with the Russians was your girlfriend Hillary, your friend Barack, and the CFIUS committee of Clinton Foundation associates that approved the sale of 20% of our uranium to Russia, with a payback to Hillary.”
Judge Jeanine reminds McCabe, in front of the nation, that he was already removed from his post when Christopher Wray, the new FBI Director, learned [publicly, at least] of your activities. And the intrigue continues.” She points out, “While you threaten Jim Comey, and threaten that if you go down everyone else will, Jim Comey writes a conciliatory tweet that “you stood tall over the last 8 months and served with distinction for two decades.”
“He’s clearly hoping that you won’t testify against him. This is a classic crime family takedown. Who is going to rat on whom?” She adds that McCabe should have been fired long ago, he should lose his law license, and he “should have been taken out in cuffs.”
TLB published this report from Rick Wells.US with our thanks for the coverage.
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