KEN’S CORNER: What We Face…
Commentary by TLB Contributing Writer: Ken LaRive
Good morning Vietnam. This photo is powerful. These young men went to their deaths on a beautiful morning, just like today. The loss is incalculable. It was D Day.
I find a lot of things in my studies, emphatic ideas as I mull over history, and some of it I have proved to be outright lies. Propaganda, a science of mind control, hovers above our American lives like a permeable blanket…and yet, no matter how carefully calculated, truth seeps in like the morning sun through my blackout curtains. No matter how tightly I shut them, a golden ray illuminates my ceiling, and slowly meters a spark across my wall.
We search so desperately for truth, because without it our lives have little meaning. You see, a truthful historical record should exist so that we can formulate a future path, a plan we hold based on both the mistakes and glory that once motivated us. Instead of forging ahead with strength of purpose, building on a framework secured to a base of both human frailty and strength, we hesitate, and our world is small. Fragile. And more easily controlled.
It is a great loss when the past is intentionally obscured, as in the confusion we look around as strangers in a strange land. That light of truth we grapple to find is the only hope we have for Liberty, from slavery of the spirit, as we depend on the dominant institution for directions… a formulated and orchestrated truth well designed for optimal compliance. Never in the history of the world has a country ever self governed. Never. And that’s why our founders thought it a great and noble experiment. Our Constitutional Republic is most unique, and a great unappreciated gift. We do not have a democracy, and never did. Liberty is not freedom… we are in the Liberty movement.
So what happens when you turn over a proverbial rock and find the true depth of the betrayal, and how our beloved Countrymen are living the lie. Their precious humanity, their motivations, their dreams, are cleverly instilled into a reality so profound, we would all go to our deaths to defend it. So ingeniously instilled, we collectively believe it is an original thought. Patriots. So loving, so honorable, so noble are these men who trusted that their lives were measured to have little value, secondary to the value of war. A noble cause, full of powerful symbols, rewards of colored fabric and painted pot metal, with Patriots hoping for a place on the front line… They worked so hard to attain a semblance of survival competence in a boot camp… an aspiration of heroism, value, for flag and country. God bless their souls.
I’m all for patriotism, but not for a powerful international corporation who uses our military to crush competition.
So powerful is this hero image, men will proudly wear a ball cap of their unit for the next seventy years of life. Yes, I would die for America, but I see the tentacles that strangles her, as it grips every country on the planet, and that, I will in no way support. A one world order we must fight, and Marxism is my mortal enemy.
Liberty, we were told by our founding fathers, has to be fought for every generation, but how insurmountable is that ability when we are in constant fear, as one military police incursion after another eats our young men like sacrifices to a god of wrath and vengeance, a secular ideal we scream and bleed for on the field, the killing fields of international industry and corporations, insatiable institutions vying to own our very souls… and then, dominating the minds of our children for a new generation to manipulate, to sacrifice, to use as cattle to be slaughtered, justified as collateral damage.
What horror in the mind of a man who hears the pain and suffering of his enemy, screaming to the same god for help. What does that do to a society who’s primary purpose is domination by war? With wonder you realize that the ideals of our so called Republic, our Constitution and Civil Liberty, the concept of Justice and truth, is never installed in the countries we have dominated, never once considered by Congress. Why, for Gods sake, because the war machine can not exist in a Constitution and bill of rights. All wars are banker wars. It is a war machine of vast proportions, and it knows no honor, no justice, and terror is the grease and fuel for it’s conquest. False flags are created to promote it.
This is why our Republic is a valuable gift to us, and why our loving ancestors formulated it to save us from tyranny. We don’t have to fear anything. We have a hope that can not be denied, and it has never been found in the history of mankind… men, with the ability to self rule.
In a nutshell. What we face…
Note: This next very long paragraph was written in the style of broken glass. It’s all glued together with the intention for further research, with each shard displayed for the broader picture of the cancer that is eating us alive.
What does an old man do when he sees the betrayal of our allies in Afghanistan, and memories of Saigon wells up deep inside? What do you do when you see that Marxists were directing simple farmers to war against you in the Gulf of Tonkin, now has barbed wire around the people’s house… What chemical reactions can stimulate your head to explode when you see that Secular Zionism created Marxist Communism, and uses their banking consortium to finance both sides of war, even our Civil war. Too taboo to study? It’s not mentioned in media… That the CIA and FBI are compromised by an international entity, gaining control by the largest lobby the world has ever witnessed, called AIPAC. They have so much power, they actually choose our President. Research this. What do you feel when you see that those same Vietnamese farmers were drafted, just like you… They fought right along side of your unit in Vietnam, now enslaved, with every man, woman and child working in Communist sweat shops without insurance, safety regulations, or child labor laws… a place where civil Liberty does not exist. Conquered so called Allies had no choice but to comply, died side by side with us American Solders, and in the end we betrayed them, just like Afghanistan. Betrayed by the racket of war. What do you do when you buy high quality furniture from Vietnam made of American wood, with the most perfect patina for American tastes, at less than half the price of American made? What do you do when you find that sixty million people were systematically exterminated in Russia by Marxist Communism, killing every Christian who didn’t believe that god is the new party line? American Zionism promoted Communist Russia during WW2, to be our allies, for the installation of their global banking cabal throughout Europe, crushing every Catholic county that tried to push back. That the Pope of that time, in despair, said that Catholics were considered the chosen people, and secular Zionism told them they would all die for that, while they confiscated the Catholic Bank of Rome. What fear grips my heart when I see just what they own and control? So powerful they can print money out of thin air, quadrupled the national debt in ten years, teaching our children in their Universities, owning the pharmaceutical industry now larger than the military industrial complex they also control, and a media that cows to their every whim. That they have created the Patriot Act after 9/11, their fingerprints are all over that, inside and out, and they have the ability to thwart an independent investigation for twenty years. They have not approved an audit of Fort Knox in over sixty years, demanded by The Federal Reserve they own. They incorporated America in 1871, under Maritime Law, and does business internationally, bypassing our Constitution, and above all American law. That is why Hillary is untouchable, she is a Company man for the United States Inc. The anomalies of 9/11 are known all around the world, but not here, it’s taboo to even mention, as duped Evangelicals, who has promoted and protected them since the turn of the nineteenth century, hoped that they would convert to Christianity, followed the Oxford Bible footnotes that seemed to indicate that their secular Zionist political evil ideology would usher in the second coming of Christ. God forgive us all. And now, everyone is praying… as these profound betrayals become known.
What if you connected the dots for a hundred and fifty years and found this: Zionism created Marxist Communism, that created Antifa (the cancer of Europe), that now controls both the Progressive and Neoconservative movements, two wings of the same bird.
God bless America, and give us strength. But God will not save us. That’s our job. I look into the faces of the honorable men in the first picture in this article, and remember the 58 thousand of my brothers who died in Vietnam, and the two hundred thousand maimed. In Afghanistan, 21 thousand were wounded with 2,750 Americans dead. Overall, that war has killed 171 thousand people in the longest US police action ever recorded, and as I ask why… arms, precious metals, a Russian pipeline, and poppy fields come to mind.
Again, all wars are banker wars.
Read more from KEN’S CORNER
From the Author, Ken La Rive – We in the Liberty movement have been fighting to take back this country for less than a decade, peacefully and with the love of God and country in our hearts. Our banner has been trampled on and displaced by a multitude of distractions, further eroding our nation and the cause for Liberty. And so, as we are pulled by forces we cannot fathom, powerful entities with unlimited resources stolen from our future, unaccountable trillions printed out of thin air and put on our backs as debt, we must formulate the most pitiful of all questions any patriot might ask in the final hour: Are we going to fight for our master’s tyranny, or are we going to demand the return of our civil liberties and Constitution? Are we going to choose The Banner of Liberty, or the shackles of voluntary servitude? Will it be a war for corporate profit, or a war to regain our ability to self govern, as the blood and toil of our forefathers presented to us, their children, as a gift? I fear that decision is emanate. I fear that any decision will be a hard one, but my greatest fear of all is that the decision has already been made for us.
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All wars are bankers wars, and all soldiers are ignorant fools.
All three world wars were planned
by Albert Pike in 1871. The three world wars are to usher in the NWO. WW1 was fought to set up a communist government
in Russia. WW2 was fought to set
up the state of Israel and the United Nation. WW3 will be fought to set up the NWO. AGENDA 203O will have as it main goal a 90 per cent reduction in world population by 2030. The Covid-19 vaccine is the weapon that will kill off most of the population of the world by 2030. Joe Biden is a mass murderer, pushing his unconstitutional manditory poison vaccines. As Pual Warburg, who was in charge of the U.N. in
1950 said; “We will have a NWO,
the question is will it be by force
or consent.” Paul Warburg was responable for set up the illegal take over of our Federal Reserve
in 1913: which is international bankers
who print our money. This is against the constitution of the United States.
A NWO is coming, and there will be
a 90 per cent reduction in world population by 2030, and Satan will be arriving soon. However, the elite
murderers of the world will be defeated by Jesus Christ!!!!