(See show link (goes live @ 7PM EST) at the bottom of article)
By TLB Talk Show Host & Contributor: Curt Linderman
This week on Linderman Unleashed I welcome Terry Roark who is neck deep in the fight against California Senate Bills 277 and 792. After countless hours over the past months fighting for California’s health freedoms, Terry has graciously accepted my invitation to let the Linderman Unleashed audience hear just what is going on. This is an issue that we must all be concerned about. Other states are following suit and submitting similar bills and destroying these proposed laws is the first step towards making legislators across America and even the world, understand that we are awake and ready to fight.
SB 277 removes all religious and philosophical exemptions from California law for school aged children (in California these two are lumped together and called Personal Belief Exemptions). SB 792 forces daycare workers, preschool employees and others to be up-to-date on the CDC recommended adult vaccine schedule in order to maintain their employment. Terry and I both believe that with a vaccination rate of school aged children well above the 95% range in California, that the vaccine manufacturers are forcing this Bill through the committees using their puppet legislators with the goal of increasing vaccine sales.
The fight rages on and many parents throughout the state of California have been visiting their legislators voicing their disgust at these laws that are designed to increase profits and destroy our health liberties. Thousands are showing up at the Committee hearings and making sure that their voices are heard.
Imagine if you will; a child that has had a previous adverse reaction to a vaccine. Under SB 277, this child would not fit the criteria to receive a medical exemption from his or her doctor. Previous episodes of post vaccination seizures would not fit the criteria. Asthma, chronic eczema or a whole host of other conditions that prove that your child has an auto immune condition would not be a reason for your child to be exempted.
Even if your child had previously had chicken pox, diphtheria or the measles, your child would not be allowed to be exempted from the vaccines! These bills violate the Bill of Rights, the Nuremburg Code and just plain ol’ common sense and they must be defeated. The parents in this fight, like Terry who lost her son to a vaccine injury, need our support in any way that we can help.
Join Terry and I as we look into the lawmakers that have sponsored these Bills and hear how the medical lobbyists blatantly coach these pathetic freshmen senators even as they are in the committee hearings! Learn about the shenanigans taking place at these committee hearings where it is obvious to anyone with an IQ above 60 that the deck is stacked against us.
Will these Bills pass and go for a vote in the next committee or general assembly or will we see a mass exodus of thinking parents that are truly concerned with their children’s health as they flee the once free republic of California? Join us today and learn more!
Additional information:
SB 277 – Elimination of Personal Belief Exemption
SB277 the Road to Pharmageddon
Listen to Curt’s show at 7PM EST (link also goes live at that time), or any time past air time, in full (pre-recorded) by clicking on the TLB Radio Network Logo below … Or visit Curts Host page and click on the appropriate show title on our radio network website “The Liberty Beacon Town Crier”.
TLB recommends you visit Curt at Linderman Unleashed for more pertinent articles and information.
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