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Local councils, government officials, and emergency service teams are set to participate in a large-scale “pandemic preparedness exercise” aimed at enhancing readiness for potential future crises.
Labour minister Pat McFadden announced that the exercises, involving thousands of participants across various regions in the UK, are scheduled for the autumn and will span several days.
These plans come as part of the government’s response to the initial recommendations of the Covid-19 Inquiry.
According to the BBC, the inquiry’s chair, Baroness Hallett, concluded that the UK was “ill-prepared” for the coronavirus pandemic and “failed” its citizens.
The government describes the upcoming pandemic response exercise as the first of its kind in nearly ten years. Its purpose is to evaluate and strengthen the nation’s capabilities, strategies, and procedures against emerging threats.
The results and insights from the exercise will be shared publicly, aligning with Baroness Hallett’s recommendations outlined in a 217-page report published in July 2023.
Additionally, the government plans to conduct a comprehensive test of the emergency alert system later this year.
This system, which sends alarms to mobile phones, has been used four times since its introduction in 2023, including during severe storms in heavily affected areas.
In a further step toward preparedness, a UK resilience academy is set to launch in April.
This initiative aims to train 4,000 individuals annually to better respond to crises such as pandemics.
The Covid-19 inquiry highlighted the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on vulnerable populations.
In response, a new national “vulnerability map” will be developed, using data on age, disability, ethnicity, and care needs.
This tool is designed to help identify at-risk groups and provide more targeted local support.
“We must learn lessons from the Covid pandemic because we cannot afford to repeat the same mistakes,” said Mr. McFadden.
“At the same time, our planning must reflect that the next crisis may not resemble the last one.”
Source: Diss Wire
See Related Article Below
The Next “Pandemic” Has Already Been Arranged
Scamdemics, Trump, mRNA, Oh My!

It’s (Almost) All Scripted
In 2020/21 I interviewed Dr Barre Lando who gave eyewitness testimony regarding someone connected to the WEF—or a WEF-like entity—who had consulted him for medical reasons.
Because Barre is a highly knowledgeable and effective health practitioner, he has many times been sought out by “elite” types who are reluctant to submit themselves to the low-quality medical interventions they frequently promote for the plebeian masses.
Barre revealed this highly connected person told him of a conrona-like event looming in the future that had been planned.
This meeting with Barre and the insider happened over 20 years ago.
In 2020 the planned event happened.
When I (and others) say stuff like this has been pre-planned years in advance it is not without reason. A modicum of digging shows irrefutably the C19 psyop was planned well in advance (as any good psyop must be).
I documented this in a presentation that will leave anyone with at least a few connected neurons with no remaining doubt that C19 was a well laid scam, years in the making.
Because of the long-range foresight of these sociopaths—and their extensive knowledge of human (mass) psychology—they can not only plan out events like this, but anticipate how segments of the population will react, and corral their minds before they escape the net of mind control entirely.
Since most people are still unconsciously addicted to authority figures telling them what to do, think, and believe, this manipulation is child’s play.
They have the Official Narrative, but they also have failsafes/backup narratives to reify the prime fairytale, or redirect sceptics into a similar sheep pen, within the accepted parameters of the Overton window.
When Narrative A (“It came from a bat!”) fails, there’s always Narrative B (“It came from a lab leak!”), Narrative C, D, etc.
The first two narratives—blatantly enabled and promoted by different aspects/outlets of the Control System—are more or less what constitutes the Overton window within which all “acceptable” discussion is permitted (and not any “outrageous conspiracy theories” that dig deeper).
They create enough layers of hooks and conditioning that the small minority that is ultimately clear-headed enough to get to the roots of the scam and then discuss their findings (such as there IS no “virus” and thus no such thing as “covid-19”—and all medical symptoms can be explained in other ways—because Germ Theory is nonsense), will sound, at best misguided, and at worst, outright delusional to people who have bought into Narrative A or B.
(Note: The Germ Theory/Contagion conditioning is probably the most insidious aspect and the most potent enabler because it is the background mental framework unconsciously activated and preyed on during these psyops—only a tiny percentage of the population has done their homework on this subject, so the Puppet Masters basically are given a free pass by default, thanks to 200 years of false medical dogma being passed down intergenerationally. Few people can even consider the possibility there was literally nothing pathogenic being “transmitted” between people during convid.)
Either way, subscribers to the Official Religion of Clownvid-19 fall into camps A or B—which works well enough for the architects of deception. Both groups are just different flavours of believers, not unlike various branches of Christianity: minor details may differ, but don’t dare question the foundational theological dogmas…
…Covid is REAL—heretic!

“In spite of never having produced a vaccine that was approved to be released to the public before in their entire company’s history, Moderna magically creates their very first vaccine in just two days…”2
…just in the nick of time to tackle the spectre of co(n)vid!
Praise the jab lords!
As Rick Tobin has further pointed out:
Before 2020, Moderna had NEVER had any medical product ever receive full FDA approval in their entire company history. Prior to 2020, Moderna was best known as a cancer treatment and gene therapy company.
Tobin adds:
The Vaccine Czar was named Moncef Slaoui, who was in charge of Operation Warp Speed [under Trump], was previously a board of director executive from Moderna. What could possibly go wrong?”
Meanwhile, Pfizer and their German partner BioNTech, created their gene therapy shots (aka “vaccines”) in just a few hours instead of over two whole days like the snail-paced Moderna stragglers.3
A true scientific miracle, wouldn’t you say?
NOTE: I interviewed a Pfizer whistleblower who had many interesting things to say about his time on the inside—none of it flattering for Pfizer (quite damning actually).
Of course, insiders in the industry worldwide would have known what was coming and what they were to do—well in advance. Which is partly why so many “incredible innovations” were forthcoming in record time so as to, you know, “save lives” (from the imaginary C19 “virus,” the supposed existence of which has only been discredited more with each passing day).
And in news fresh off the press, just three days before President Donald Trump was sworn into office, the Department of Health and Human Services announced the award of $590 million to Moderna to accelerate the development of mRNA-based pandemic influenza vaccines4…
…because that mRNA injection thing worked out SO well first time around, didn’t it? So well in fact, that it spawned a documentary named “Died Suddenly.”
I wonder what on earth Moderna would need funding for “pandemic” flu vaxxes for? *feigns pondering*

Of course, we should point out that “flu” is just a synonym for head cold/feeling shitty while your body does some house cleaning. You can’t vaccinate against that, and you’re just a brainwashed NPC if you try (and no, no evidence of a “flu virus” has ever been obtained using the scientific method).
As a side note, RFK Jr is seemingly already trying hard to disappoint as many people as possible by apparently “changing his mind”:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has a message that seems to be resonating in the Senate: He’s changed his mind.
President Donald Trump’s pick to lead the Department of Health and Human Services is assuring the Republican senators who will decide whether he gets the job that he’s “all for” polio inoculations and that he won’t take away anyone’s vaccines.5
Of course, one could argue it’s part of RFK’s “political gamesmanship,” but personally, I have better things to do than worry about getting to the bottom of that. Regardless, it is now indisputable that Trump is already rapidly selling America out to Big Tech and Big Pharma, just days into his presidency. Most Americans seem to need one last humongous betrayal and disappointment before they finally snap out of the political hypnosis and smell the capomo.
I don’t believe in authority figures nor government. Especially not ones that advocate for “safe vaccines” (an oxymoron if ever there was one), let alone mRNA “anti-cancer vaccines.”

Scamdemic Preparedness
And all this leads me to Dawn Lester’s recent article on forthcoming “pandemic preparedness exercises”—you know, the kind of exercises that were “coincidentally” being run just moments before the Ruling Class’ propaganda machine initiated the mass C19 brainwashing and terror campaign, with news anchors all around the world spouting the exact same verbiage from their teleprompters, often verbatim (a dead giveaway that a psyop is under way).
When “news” readers around the world (never mind just one country!) are all reading the same script at the same time, you know interesting shenanigans are afoot.
And they now seem to be once again—though how effective the next psyop can be following on from the sheer unbelievable, circus-like absurdity of what I like to call clownvid-19, remains to be seen.
Lester reports on a BBC article from the 16th of January, entitled Large UK-wide pandemic preparedness tests planned this year, which states:
“Emergency service teams, local councils and government officials will take part in a full, multi-day pandemic preparedness exercise, to help the UK prepare for potential future threats.”
Lester’s article continues by observing this is intended to be applied everywhere, as can be seen on the June 2024 WHO web page entitled Pandemic prevention, preparedness and response accord that states,
“Member States of the World Health Organization have agreed to a global process to draft and negotiate a convention, agreement or other international instrument under the Constitution of the World Health Organization to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.”
So, in case, you thought you might be left out of all this fun, it would be naive to assume this is NOT intended to be brought to all of the WHO 194 Member States at some stage. (We already know the WHO and UN are, to use the late Phil Schneider’s words, stalking horses for totalitarian world government.)
Here’s an image from the WHO—take note of the bullet points at bottom.
Did you shudder just a little at the thought of a STRONGER WHO?
As if it doesn’t wield enough undue—and unlawful—influence as it is.
And as Lester rightly asks, who precisely, will the WHO be accountable to? There’s been no visible acountabilty for its travesties so far, and if we enable it to become stronger yet, how would any accountability ever be forthcoming?
Of course, reading between the lines, the rhetoric about supporting “prevention, detection, and responses to outbreaks…” sounds like they are disappointed their Orwellian convid surveillance grid wasn’t oppressive enough, and didn’t do the job the puppet masters had hoped, and so let’s really give it the ol’ college try this time around with the next “pandemic”!
After all, there are still traces of freedom in the world of the peasantry which need to be snuffed out through enhanced monitoring, testing, “preventing”, tracking, and more aggressive and tyrannical “emergency responses”…
The digital surveillance dragnet must be expanded and enhanced, apparently.
These ongoing relentless psyops, it should be noted, appear to be part of an ongoing worldwide population control campaign which the ”elite” have taken upon themselves to execute, deciding who lives and who dies.
I believe that is one major reason we never see a letup in these types of scams, where the proposed “solution” always, coincidentally, seems to be to line up and inject ourselves with known (and unknown) poisons.
The data on population growth (which has basically levelled off) around the world speaks for itself.
Lester references further disturbing rhetoric from the UK government about its upcoming “preparedness” plans, noting “the extremely interesting comment that,”
“The government has also committed to training 4,000 people a year to be better prepared for crises such as pandemics, through a UK resilience academy, planned to open in April.”6
As she says,
So a ‘resilience academy’ is to be set up to train people to be prepared!
Anyone familiar with the 2030 Agenda will recognise that ‘resilience’ has become one of the words du jour of the establishment. Yes, we do need to be resilient, but not in the way it is being used within these agendas.
For me, this ‘academy’ can be better described as yet another ‘indoctrination camp’, where students will be conditioned to believe in stories about ‘germs’, especially ‘viruses’, being responsible for a vast range of diseases – despite the fact that there is no evidence, and never has been, that any ‘germ’ is the cause of any disease.7
A Trump Post-Script for the True Believers
As I said, Trump is already rapidly selling out his MAGA/MAHA base to the likes of Moderna, so as to supposedly “identify” cancer early on—in other words to invent a cancer diagnosis where it doesn’t exist—and then inject people with supposedly tailor-made mRNA vaccines, also developed by AI, which will undoubtedly then kill them prematurely (like the convid shots have done to so many).

As Kevin Galalae, one of the “original gangsters” of exposing the population control agenda going back many years, points out:
Those who survived the mRNA vaccines from 2021 until 2024 will be killed under the pretence of saving their lives from cancer with mRNA vaccines supposedly tailored for their particular type of cancer by AI technology, which has yet to show a trace of intelligence.
Go to minute 10:15 [of the video below]…and listen to Larry Ellison answer a question that Trump posed to Sam Altman who deferred to Larry Ellison to answer.
That is how traitor Trump intends to lower the old-age dependency ratio to a manageable 20% because he is a coward and lacks the courage to tell people that required assisted dying at age 75 is inevitable.
This is plandemic 2.0 or the second chapter of the depopulation by vaccination strategy.
And if people catch on to their newest depop strategy, they will blame it on AI since no one is crazy enough to step into Fauci’s shoes.
This is the worse betrayal in history and the end of the Trump presidency just two days after it started.8
I personally am not convinced required assisted dying at age 75 is “inevitable,” as Galalae is, but I do believe population control has a lot to do with the ongoing fuckery around the world.
Various publications from “elite” insiders going back decades have fixated on the supposed problem of over-population (for example, Erlich’s The Population Bomb), and one of the ways they have figured out how to “manage” it—to SOME degree—appears to be to get the masses to “voluntarily” kill themselves through a variety of “safe and effective” medical means, one of the foremost now being mRNA “vaccines” in your body.
Of course, all this is so diabolical that most people cannot even consider the possibility that mainstream medicine has been weaponised to such an extent, but the last few years prove beyond doubt that it has. Convid demonstrated many things, one of them being: it’s never been easier to have people willingly line up and kill themselves with “gold standard” medicine.
Sadly, having access to all the information in the world online has not magically inspired people to become knowledge-seekers and critical thinkers.
I can only wonder how long this current Trump charade will last before the scales finally fall away from people’s eyes.
I hope for the sake of the many great American people out there that it’s not long. Expect the betrayals to keep coming thick and fast.

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1 https://www.businessinsider.com/moderna-designed-coronavirus-vaccine-in-2-days-2020-11
2 Rick Tobin, quoted on Facebook.
3 https://www.businessinsider.com/pfizer-biontech-vaccine-designed-in-hours-one-weekend-2020-12
4 https://www.healthcarefinancenews.com/news/hhs-provides-590-million-moderna-amid-vaccine-controversy
5 https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/anti-vaxxer-no-more-rfk-jr-is-remaking-his-image-to-serve-trump/ar-AA1xFESp
6 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c6p2dng6z04o
About Brendan & His Other Offers
Brendan D. Murphy is the “consciousness guy” and author of the critically acclaimed epic, “The Grand Illusion: A Synthesis of Science and Spirituality — Book 1”
He’s also the founder of The Truthiversity, the #1 consciousness-raising university for awakening minds (Truthiversity.com), and facilitator of accelerated evolution inside his Evolve Yourself program (learn more at www.evolveyourself.live).
This article (The Next “Pandemic” Has Already Been Arranged) was created and published by Brendan D. Murphy Official and is republished here under “Fair Use”
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