Proven Cannabis Health Benefits & Ten Ignored Studies
Natural and non harmful (no side effects) remedies such as cannabis, backed by solid science and research, are shunned, discredited or outright banned by government regulatory or health entities such as the DEA, FDA or CDC. Once again the very agencies that are charged with our health and well-being step up to accomplish exactly the opposite by promoting through extreme complicity, drugs that are not only highly addictive but are proven harmful (with massive side effects) to the human physiology.
(click on image to read article)This is a point that is very easy to make …
Today in order to receive a highly successful (well beyond anything in use or permitted in America) non-invasive cancer treatment that involves homeopathic remedies such as cannabis instead of radiation, surgery or chemotherapy (known to be ineffective over 90% of the time and to cause massive harm to the body), in most cases … one has to leave the country …
When we discuss Cannabis and its health benefits the first thing that pops into the minds of the uninitiated is “stoners”, this only shows the ignorance or complicity that prevails so widely today in mainstream medical …
Drug overdoses are at an epidemic level in America, yet the FDA “against the recommendations of a vast majority of their own advisory committee” (Yea … read that again!) legalizes “Super-Vicodin” what could possibly be the most dangerous and addictive drug ever created by mankind, and in the process (unlike past heavy narcotics) make it suitable for snorting and mainlining by leaving out the additives that in the past discouraged this behavior! Now Big Pharma stands to make huge profits on this substance on both legal and illegal sales, and any treatment for addiction. But Cannabis, which in many cases could treat most of the same maladies without addiction or harmful side effects … is prohibited or shunned from even being considered by mainstream medical.

At the same time they continue blocking the federal legalization or decriminalization of Cannabis which is known NOT to be addictive or dangerous and can’t be fatal (can’t overdose). It is also proven, and common knowledge that it contains many excellent health benefits (unlike the deadly narcotics being pushed by Big Pharma), including being an extremely beneficial and effective treatment for cancer, another catastrophic health issues facing America today which Big Pharma profits hugely from.
But the legalization of Cannabis wont benefit Big Pharmaceutical nearly as much as their toxic drugs because it cant be controlled as effectively as a dangerous narcotic regulated by the government can.
To find out just how extensive and valid the research conducted on cannabis is please continue reading the outstanding information provided in the attached article …
10 Studies from 2016 Further Confirming the Benefits of Cannabis – DEA Ignores
By: Alex Pietrowski
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) recently reneged on their latest promise to reschedule cannabis and remove it from the list of schedule I drugs, which are classified as having ‘a high potential for abuse and the potential to create severe psychological and/or physical dependence.’
“Schedule 1 drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Some examples of Schedule I drugs are: heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), marijuana (cannabis), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy), methaqualone, and peyote…” [Source]
Possession, production and trafficking of drugs with this classification are typically the most severely punished by federal law, and advocates of medical cannabis have been demanding for years that the DEA acknowledge the ever-growing body of legitimate scientific research and anecdotal evidence proving that cannabis does not in any way fit the description of a schedule I substance.
The long list of research studies proving the medical efficacy of cannabis even includes a number of studies demonstrating the effectiveness of cannabis in treating cancer, yet the DEA remains committed to the tyranny of prohibition even though their own definition of schedule I substances runs in direct contradiction to publicly available facts and information.
Global research into the benefits of cannabis as a natural medicine and a positive agent in society, however, continues in spite of the glaring hypocrisy of the federal government. Here are 10 more credible studies contributing to the mountain of evidence that should vindicate and liberate cannabis as a medicinal and recreational substance.
The original version of this list was compiled by Anthony Martinelli of The Weed Blog:
1 – Cannabinoids Block Inflammation of the Brain
THC Stimulates Toxic Plaque Removal in the Brain, Blocks Inflammation, Finds Study
A study published last month in Nature Partner Journals found that THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) stimulates toxic plaque removal in the brain, and also blocks inflammation (which can damage neurons).
2 – Cannabis Use Improves Survival Odds for Heart-Attack Patients
Study: Heart Attack Patients with History of Cannabis Use Less Likely to Die During Hospitalization
Those with a history of cannabis use who suffer from a heart attack are less likely to die during hospitalization, according to a study presented in April at the annual meeting of the American College of Cardiology.
3 – Cannabis an Effective Natural Treatment for Bi-Polar Disorder
Study: Cannabis Use Can Help Treat Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder
Inhaling cannabis can help treat the symptoms of bipolar disorder without any negative cognitive impact, according to a study published in the journal PLoS ONE.
4 – Cannabinoids Beneficial to Those With Osteoarthritis
Study: Cannabinoids May Prevent Cartilage Breakdown in those with Osteoarthritis
A study published in the April issue of the journal Molecular Medicine Reports, and published online by the U.S. National Institute of Health, found that cannabinoids may prevent cartilage breakdown in those with osteoarthritis.
5 – Cannabis Usage Beneficial to Brain Injury Patients
Study: Recent Cannabis Use Linked to Better Outcomes for Brain Injury Patients
The recent use of cannabis is associated with improved outcomes in patients hospitalized with intracerebral hemorrhaging (ICH aka bleeding in the brain), according to data published online ahead of print in the journal Cerebrovascular Diseases.
6 – Cannabis Usage Decreases Aggression
Alcohol Use Increases Aggression, Cannabis Use Decreases It, Finds Study
A study published in the most recent issue of the journal Psychopharmacology has found that alcohol significantly increases aggression while cannabis significantly decreases it. The study was a random controlled trial, typically refereed to as the “gold standard” for research studies.
7 – Workplace Absence Decrease with Legalization
Study: Legalizing Medical Cannabis Decreases Workplace Absences
According to a study published in the journal Health Economics, the legalization of medical cannabis is associated with a decrease in the total number of workplace absences that are caused by sickness.
8 – CBD Oil Holds Promise for Epilepsy Patients
Study: CBD Oil ‘Highly Promising’ as Treatment for Pediatric Epilepsy
The administration of cannabis oil extracts high in cannabidiol reduces seizure frequency in children with intractable epilepsy, according to clinical data published by the journal Seizure.
9 – Cannabis Does Not Negatively Affect IQ or Educational Performance
Study: Cannabis Use Not Predictive Of Lower IQ, Poorer Educational Performance
Adolescent cannabis use is not associated with lower IQ or poorer educational performance – even once adjustments are made for potential confounders such as cigarette smoking -according to a study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology.
10 – Cannabinoids Effective in Treating Carcinoma
Study: Cannabinoids Can Inhibit Growth of Carcinoma Cancer Cells, Program them to Die
A study published in May by the U.S. National Institute of Health found that cannabinoids can inhibit the growth of carcinoma cancer cells, and can essentially program currently active cancer cells to die.
Closing Thoughts
The end of cannabis prohibition and persecution of users is long overdue. Please share this information far and wide to assist in the effort to release the federal stranglehold on one of nature’s best medicines.
The attached article (10 Studies from 2016 Further Confirming the Benefits of Cannabis – DEA Ignores) was originally created and published by Waking Times and is republished here with permission with attribution to Alex Pietrowski and WakingTimes.com.
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The Liberty Beacon Project is now expanding at a near exponential rate, and for this we are grateful and excited! But we must also be practical. For 7 years we have not asked for any donations, and have built this project with our own funds as we grew. We are now experiencing ever increasing growing pains due to the large number of websites and projects we represent. So we have just installed donation buttons on our websites and ask that you consider this when you visit them. Nothing is too small. We thank you for all your support and your considerations … (TLB)
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