Russia’s Dialogue With Italians: Italy Can Bring the EU Down

ER Editor: Another wise reading from Italian journalist, Cesare Sacchetti, whose work we highly recommend.


Russia’s dialogue with Italians: Italy can bring the EU down


Surely many have recently noticed a rather peculiar attention on the part of the Kremlin towards Italy.

In fact, the Foreign Minister, Lavrov, recently gave an interview to the “Zona Bianca” program on Mediaset. It is quite likely that Russia has decided to make its voice heard through this broadcaster, certainly not because of a particular predilection for the group owned by the Berlusconi family.

The purpose was another, and it is partly contained in the words released by the spokeswoman of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova.

Zakharova explained that Minister Lavrov receives hundreds of requests for interviews and this is certainly out of the question. The Russian diplomat explains, however, that Lavrov decided to accept the requests of the Italian journalists because of their “insistence” and then immediately added that “Italians must know the truth” .

The key to Lavrov’s decision is probably contained in this last sentence. The Kremlin wants to reach as wide an audience as possible to make its version of the facts about the Ukrainian crisis known, and in this regard, it needed a national broadcaster to be able to do so.

However, it did not do so through a French or German national channel. He did so through an Italian channel and this is certainly significant of the Kremlin’s desire to start a dialogue with the Italian people.

A dialogue that had probably already begun when a mural dedicated to Dostoevsky appeared in Naples, promptly defined by Putin as a sign of hope to keep relations between Italy and Russia alive.

Russia is somewhat aware that the Italians do not at all share the suicidal economic war and the dangerous and aggressive statements made by Mario Draghi himself and by members of his government against Moscow.

Of all the governments of Western Europe, the most hostile to Russia – immediately after Great Britain, which has now become a sort of ferociously Russophobic rogue state – is that of Italy.

The other governments, especially the German one, have tried to leave a door open with Russia so as not to completely destroy trade relations between the two countries and cause even more disastrous economic damage than those already caused up to now.

If you take a look at the trade balance between Germany and Russia, you can get a better idea of ​​this damage.

Germany saw its exports drop by € 860 million in March alone, and this is certainly bad news for Berlin.

This suggests that Germany sooner or later has decided not to lend itself further to the massacre game against Moscow and has definitively released itself from the suicidal madness that Brussels has decided to unleash against Russia.

As for Italy, the discourse is different because, in the hierarchy of European elites established in the 1950s at the time of the creation of the EEC, the Peninsula comes after the Franco-German axis, to which international finance has assigned the weight major in the community project.

In the so-called “European Union,” which is neither a union given its obvious divisions, and not even European given its refusal to identify with the Christian roots of the continent, the interests of the countries of the North, or rather their economic powers and industrialists, always come before those of the Southern countries, considered second-class or “unreliable” in this hierarchical scale.

This is the reason why Italy has been the Cinderella of Europe for some time, and this is the reason why over the last 30 years the “Italian” political class has always and constantly acted to serve supranational interests.

The political class of the Second Republic, much more than the First, had only the task of guaranteeing the execution of the europeanist and globalist agenda by throwing away what was once the world’s fourth economy.

This explains the aggressiveness of the Draghi government towards Russia. The powers that are outside the country consider Italy as the most expendable country and its political system as the most subservient to this agenda.

Italy is the most anti-EU country in Europe

However, this contributed to developing a profound anti-European sentiment. And there is ample evidence of this sentiment even in the Eurobarometer polls ordered by the European Commission, which are done to actually show the popularity of the EU.

According to this statistical survey, only 44% of Italians want to stay in the European Union. One can imagine by how much dissent could be even higher if only it were detected by a third and independent source.

In recent decades, in Italy, there is a magma of profound dissent flowing in Italian public opinion towards EU institutions.

It is not at all a gamble to say that this country is the one in which the most mature awareness of the problem that the euro and the EU represent with respect to the sovereignty and independence of a nation has developed.

More simply, the people have realized that there is no benefit to them from having a coin in their pocket that has massively eroded savings and led to the bankruptcy of many small and medium-sized businesses.

After all, it could not have been otherwise. The euro was certainly created in the first place to strip the states of their ability to print money, but also and above all to deindustrialize Italy, which has long been penalized by a currency whose exchange rate is too high for the parameters of Italian economy.

Paraphrasing Jacques Attali – the gray eminence of Macron and of every French president of the last 40 years, and one of the most influential members of the Bilberberg group – the euro “was certainly not made for the happiness of the Italian rabble”, and Attali’s use of the word “rabble” expresses at best, or perhaps at worst, the conception that neoliberal and globalist ideology has of humanity.

Not a spirit of love for peoples, but one of ferocious hatred towards them, which in the perspective of these globalist powers must be reduced as much as possible as “useless eaters”.

The basic conception of globalist thought is that of hatred towards humanity which must be exterminated through the application of Malthusian philosophy and, then, what remains of it, deprived of the gift of free will through the use of transhumanist technologies.

However, if there is a people that occupies a special place in the list of countries most hated by these stateless parasites, it is certainly Italy for a series of reasons connected to its history deeply linked to Greek-Roman and Catholic roots, of which this Country is the cradle and keeper.

And the ruthless and ferocious application of this plan conceived to destroy nations, and above all the Italian one, has matured a profound discontent among Italians towards Brussels.

A discontent that in past years has not been able to find outlets to take Italy out of the EU prison.

This enormous basin of dissent has been swallowed up by those who in Anglo-Saxon jargon are called “gatekeepers”, an expression that in Italian means “guardians of the gates”. They are the sentinels of power who are activated when popular opposition to the status quo grows too much and these sentries play the role of containers of dissent.

Their purpose is to prevent the people’s demand for change from causing real change. Their aim is to leave unchanged the condition that preserves the power of the financial elites they represent.

In Italy, this role of controlled opposition was certainly entrusted to the M5S at the beginning of the last decade, and subsequently to Salvini‘s League. (ER: We can only concur. Matteo Salvini, the great voice of supposed sovereignty, who opposed mass migration, capitulated to the globalists on cue to help Mario Draghi.)

Both political formations, however, are now “burned”. The limit of the gatekeeper mechanism is mainly one. Sooner or later the façade oppositions are forced to reveal their true identity because their purpose is to ensure the survival of the system, not to question it.

In the case of the M5S, the unveiling of his role came with his marriage to the democratic party in 2019 when the second Conte government was born, and in the case of Salvini’s League the unveiling occurred when the Carroccio brought down his own government for preparing the way to Palazzo Chigi for Mario Draghi.

In fact, the signals and elements already existed previously that demonstrated how these two formations were fully integrated into certain powers. In this regard, it is sufficient to think that one of the two founders of the M5S, Gianroberto Casaleggio, was a business partner of Enrico Sassoon, a member of a family linked to the Rothschilds, and the other Beppe Grillo, according to some sources, was spotted on board of the yacht Britannia in 1992 when Mario Draghi officiated the sale of the Italian public industry.

The Freemasons were already aware in those years that ‘europeanism’ and its savage execution would create enormous dissent in Italy and were already preparing the containers of dissent at that time.

Now, however, as previously mentioned, the true identities of these subjects have been made known to everyone, even to the less attentive observers.

The mechanism of façade oppositions has come to an end and power is no longer able to invent its own controlled opposition.

The dissent is enormous and at the moment, the international powers have nothing to be able to capture it. It can lead anywhere, and above all it can lead to new spontaneous political and social movements that could soon arise and which are in no way controlled by the system.

Russia knows that the crisis of the Italian political system can bring down the EU

Russia is aware of this precarious situation of the Italian political system and that is why it is paying particular attention to this country.

In Moscow they know that the current status quo will not last long. The parties are too fragile, and the Italian political institutions too unpopular.

The distance between politics and the real country has never been as deep as it is in this historical moment.

Virtually no one now benefits from this status quo, except for the residual, and increasingly restricted, clientelist network linked to these parties.

Above all, the Kremlin is aware that the decadent Second Republic born of the 1992 judicial coup has lost the protection of those who conceived it, that is, the men of the deep state of Washington.

In recent years, a new event occurred that has changed not only the history of the United States of America but also that of Italy.

Donald Trump’s presidency has taken America out of the orbit of Washington’s parallel power, which has used this nation to implement the New World Order agenda.

In Rome, therefore, the parties that were closely linked to Washington have been left orphans. They have lost the protection and shield of their referents.

Donald Trump, and the Biden presidency commissioned by the armed forces loyal to Trump, have severed the umbilical cord that linked the deep Italian state to the American one.

The end of the power of the lobbies that govern America could only cause the crisis of those powers that in Italy strictly depend on the survival of the former.

The sanctions imposed against Russia did nothing but worsen the situation of Italian politics and widen the distance between the country and the institutions even more. Electricity prices are at an all-time high and the artificial energy inflation caused by the EU’s “environmentalist” policies, carried out by Draghi, risks wiping out companies that have survived two years of pandemic farce from the markets.

Wherever Draghi goes, he is showered with a barrage of whistles. His and his government’s aggression against Russia has only increased the unpopularity of this executive.

The natural and spontaneous response of the Italians to this russophobic war was exactly opposite to that of Palazzo Chigi.

The chains of Saint Anthony have been set in motion that have led the Italians to express their solidarity with Russia and to distance themselves from the Draghi government.

Moscow received the message and thanked the Italian people.

There is a natural understanding between these two countries that the Italian political establishment cannot sever. Russia has a deep admiration for Italy, and Italy, in turn, reciprocates this enormous esteem.

Rome and Moscow are those cities united by a common history of defense of Christianity and Greco-Roman values. Moscow considers itself the “third Rome” for this reason, and no one can therefore sever the link between the third Rome and the first Rome.

This is the reason why a direct dialogue has been initiated between Russia and the Italian people.

The Kremlin is aware of the serious crisis that the decadent Second Republic is going through and is equally aware that the current parties could soon leave the scene.

The analogies between the Russia of the 90s and contemporary Italy

It is a historical and economic situation that in some respects recalls what happened in Russia in the 90s.

In that historical period, Russia was faced with the rubble inherited from the collapse of the Soviet Union of Marxist mold, for which frankly there is no great nostalgia but its disposal was certainly endorsed and favored by the then President Gorbachev on behalf of the “great” transactional powers, of which the man of Perestroika was a part.

The country after the collapse of the Berlin Wall found itself facing an unprecedented wave of violence. In the streets there was a war between armed gangs and the overwhelming power of the Ashkenazi oligarchs. Russian institutions only existed on paper because these were actually a Washington prosthesis.

It was directly the CIA, the American intelligence agency, that ruled the Kremlin which was controlled by men belonging to the American deep state.

Russia was robbed of its industrial public heritage through a savage wave of ordered and executed privatizations to further enrich the power of the neoliberal oligarchs.

The state practically did not exist because this was nothing more than a legal simulacrum in the hands of domestic and foreign power groups.

The situation of chaos and submission came to an end when a man came to power who began to free Russia from the grip of those who had humiliated and brought it to a standstill.

That man was Vladimir Putin who, many years later, revealed how he was forced to carry out a real clean-up operation of the government institutions infiltrated by infidel agents who had handed over Russia to the various potentates who had divided the country.

In some respects, there are profound similarities between the Russia of the 90s and contemporary Italy. Corruption was what ruled Russia at the time and it is what rules Italy today.

In Italian government institutions, there are exponents and representatives of private power groups everywhere, starting with Mario Draghi himself, emissary and spokesman for the investment bank Goldman Sachs.

Italy’s state machine is the victim of the same infection that plagued Russia 30 years ago. There are no faithful servants of the state in Palazzo Chigi in the ministries and in the judiciary.

There are subversive elements that have transformed the state into a dependence of foreign powers and have swelled the institutions of their incompetent and corrupt clientele.

An entire nation has been put up for auction to please the interests of centers of power in Brussels, London and Washington.

The Kremlin is aware that this particular historical period is ideal for Italy for the birth of a leader and a sort of Italian Putin who can lead the country out of the shallows of colonization at the hands of the foreigner who is making Italy suffer.

This is the reason why Moscow wants to keep relations with the Italian people alive. The Kremlin is sowing the seeds of a future new relationship between Italy and Russia that could prove to be the key and decisive element to address the final backbone to the shaky EU and Euro-Atlantism, for some time in deep crisis.

There is a huge space for Italy in the multipolar world. A space that would allow the Peninsula to exploit its enormous economic and geopolitical potential which until now has been suppressed and buffered by corrupt rulers and subjected to the agenda of the country’s enemies.

Russia is perfectly aware that the country that can shift the balance of Europe and the world is Italy, and wants to be ready for what will come after the collapse of the second republic.

There are therefore too many points of vulnerability in the current political system. Too many to think that the current parties can hold out for long.

Russia seems to have read this historical moment of Italy and has understood that soon there could be new interlocutors with whom to establish precisely that natural alliance mentioned above.

Italy is the country that at this moment has all the ideal characteristics to deal the final blow to those powers that have tried to implement the Great Reset of Davos and have tried to erase this millenary civilization.

Russia has understood this very well and is looking carefully at Rome. And the eyes of all to understand which country will be able to cause an international political earthquake will be focused on Italy.

Italy is the country that can blow the bank, and Italy is the country that will be a crossroads of national and world destinies.



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