Senate approves extension to FISA Section 702 surveillance powers

Senate approves extension to FISA Section 702 surveillance powers

Prior to its passage, the House failed to approve an amendment that would have added a warrant requirement.

By Ben Whedon

The Senate on Friday approved legislation to extend Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) to 2026.

The upper chamber approved the legislation in a 60-34  vote, which ran past the midnight deadline.

Section 702 permits the warrantless surveillance of foreigners abroad and has drawn scrutiny over the potential to sweep up information on Americans in the process. The House approved the legislation last week but did not send it to the upper chamber until this week.

Prior to its passage, the House failed to approve an amendment that would have added a warrant requirement.

The Republican conference witnessed significant division over the prospect of reforming FISA, with the Judiciary and Intelligence panels introducing competing legislation that House Speaker Mike Johnson ultimately shut down last year in favor of a shorter-term extension.

The Judiciary Committee’s plan was generally regarded as a more comprehensive overhaul and the ultimate House legislation more closely mirrored the Intelligence panel’s proposal.


Ben Whedon is an editor and reporter for Just the News. Follow him on X, formerly Twitter.

Header featured image (edited) credit:  Eyes/John Carradine/(Photo by Ron Galella/Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images)

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1 Comment on Senate approves extension to FISA Section 702 surveillance powers

  1. Every day the morons in the government take more of our freedom away and give more power to the thugs in the FBI and CIA. What can we do? They obviously don’t represent us, and don’t believe in the constitution.

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