Shocking Census Numbers Show We’re at the Tipping Point

Tipping Point

By: Allen West

I am often asked if I believe our Republic is close to the tipping point. My  answer is yes, I truly believe we are. There is a great quote often attributed  to Scottish historian, Alexander Fraser Tytler, Alexis de Tocqueville or some  other very astute person that sums it up nicely:

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only  exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public  treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the  most benefits with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to  loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.”

Well, here we are on the brink, backed up by cold hard facts. According to  analysis of U.S Census Bureau data by Terence Jeffrey at, in 2012  there were 86,429,000 people who got up every morning and went to work in the  private sector – but they were way outnumbered by those receiving “means-tested” government benefits including, Medicaid, food stamps, Supplemental Security  Income (Social Security Disability), public housing, Temporary Assistance for  Needy Families, and Women, Infants and Children (WIC).

In the last quarter of 2011, according to the Census Bureau, approximately  82,457,000 people lived in households where one or more people were on Medicaid.  49,073,000 lived in households were someone got food stamps. 23,228,000 lived in  households where one or more got WIC. 20,223,000 lived in households where one  or more got SSI. 13,433,000 lived in public or government-subsidized housing. Of  course, it stands to reason that some people lived in households that received  more than one welfare benefit at a time. To account for this, the Census Bureau  published a neat composite statistic: There were 108,592,000 people in the  fourth quarter of 2011 who lived in a household that included people on “one or  more means-tested program.”

That means there were more people receiving benefits in this country than  working full-time in the private sector.

If you include the 49,901,000 people receiving Social Security in the fourth  quarter of 2011, the 46,440,000 receiving Medicare and 5,098,000 getting  unemployment compensation, you now have 147,802,000 receiving benefits. (I’m  intentionally leaving out veterans and their benefits).

The 147,802,000 folks outnumbered the 86,429,000 full-time private sector  workers 1.7 to 1.

What do we do now? Institute the fiscal policies (tax, regulatory, and  monetary) that create private sector economic growth by way of individual  entrepreneurial investment (not government), innovation and ingenuity – and get  Americans back to work. As we get Americans back to work, we can increase  receipts for Social Security — and it must be in a “lock box” so politicians  cannot spend it.

As we get more Americans back to work, we reduce the welfare rolls and those  requiring unemployment benefits and Medicaid. Many fail to realize that Social  Security, Medicaid, and Medicare are part of the “mandatory spending side of our  federal budget — along with net interest on the debt. That comprises some 62  percent of the federal budget.

As President Obama likes to say, “it is math,” but this math does not bode  well for the future of America. America now has more people on Medicaid than the  population of England. We have more people on food stamps than the population of  Spain. This is the result of the Obama economy, the growth of the welfare  nanny-state and the demonizing of hard working Americans. Clock is ticking…

TLB Highly recommends you visit Allen West for more pertinent articles and information.


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