SHOCKING: White Embalmer Clots Are Self-Assembling Circuits [VIDEO]

ER Editor: We remind readers that we published Dr. Jane Ruby‘s interview with US embalmer Richard Hirschman, who had found tough, long white rubbery ‘clots’ in the veins and arteries of Covid-vaccinated cadavers. They were discovered as blockages when trying to infuse the body with embalming fluid. See

Worldwide Exclusive: Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with Never Before Seen Rubbery Clots

This finding has been corroborated by many embalmers, including UK funeral director John O’Looney.

Below, Dr. Jane Ruby interviews Health Ranger Mike Adams, who has done initial ICPMS analysis of ‘clots’ provided to him by Hirschman. We provide notes below but recommend listening to the interview as certain parts are very technical.

Adams’ findings are preliminary and incomplete. Two things have been analysed: the rubbery clots and the mRNA vaccines themselves.



  • Adams has spent the last 2 months analysing these samples and getting additional opinion on them. The ICPMS method detects elements from an atomic analysis; it does not detect proteins or molecules, which is a needed next-step. Adams’ lab is ISO-accredited.
  • His preliminary findings show that the ‘clots’ are not made of blood, blood vessels or human tissue. The elements common to human blood and human tissue were largely missing in the samples or found at such low levels that wouldn’t support human life. They do, however, contain elements in much higher amounts that are found in circuitry or machinery or electrically conductive systems, e.g. tin, sodium and aluminum.
  • Q. Is there any benefit to having these in the body? Metal hip replacements can leak this type of metal into the body causing chronic illness. No, there is no benefit, and you shouldn’t have these non-carbon based elements in the human body.
  • The clots are self-assembling biostructures that increase in size over time. And they harvest elements from the blood simultaneously such as the metals mentioned above. The clots, as they grow, could become dislodged such as when blood pressure increases due to taking exercise. This could be behind why many doctors have dropped dead. Over more time, they become so large as to completely block veins and arteries, which stops the blood flow to that area of the body. Which explains why some people have had to have extremities amputated. There are people walking around now who will succumb to this problem as the blockage increases in size.
  • The clots are harvesting and organizing conductive elements in the blood. In one clot, a nanowire (see video) was seen emanating from it using a 1500x optical view. The structure resembles a circuit board interface.
  • We know that EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) weapons can emit high levels of energy to melt circuitry, causing it to fail. Q. Can external EMPs or DEWs (directed energy weapons) be used on a person, specifically on the ‘clot’ structures to cook them from the inside and create blockages in the blood flow? This is a real question. Can it be done to control people?
  • Ruby: Another question – why are SOME people dropping dead, with just SOME of them having these clots found? We know that certain batches of vials went to different geographical locations, having far different effects. These are unanswered questions.
  • The entire medical establishment denies any harms or any clots due to the Covid vaccines. There is no federally funded investigation into this! Medicine has a centralized control system of funding-through-approval.
  • Why aren’t these structures visible on standard imaging? Blood vessels are very strong and dense, which might hide the clots on these images.
  • These long clots take months to grow whereas micro-clots form fast and take people down quickly. Surgeons MUST be seeing this.
  • Further findings: Three Covid vaccines have been analysed using the ICPMS test: industrial trace metals have been found in all of the mRNA vaccines but at much higher levels in one of them (Adams doesn’t say which one just yet). He reads a list of around a dozen metals, including chromium, strontium, vanadium and molybdenum.
  • Pharmaceutical products are generally quite pure and don’t have these trace elements in them. They should NOT be present in the vaccines.
  • Manufacturing equipment could be the cause of their presence, but there is no manufacturing process involved, such as grinding of powder or grains, which would put them there. They shouldn’t be there.
  • Ruby: Is this intentional? Why aren’t Pharma defending themselves? They are exempt from liability, so they can put whatever they like in there and blame the person who took the vaccine. This story won’t appear in the MSM anyways, so they have nothing to defend. The best bet is for Big Pharma to ignore it, which likely means they won’t launch a lawsuit on the basis of these findings because of the publicity it would bring.
  • Adams: It’s a depopulation weapons system. The globalists don’t have to do anything dramatic, just create a biological weapon that leads to an injection, which leads to death over time. 12 billion doses have been given across the planet, with 600 million in the US. These people are ticking time bombs of clot death, who will die over the next few years.
  • Anti-clotting medications don’t work on this problem as we’ve discovered from emergency physicians who have tried. Even if we stop vaccinating now, we’re going to see millions of deaths over the next few days.
  • You can only find out what these clots are NOT over time, with much testing. Different testing IS needed, one which detects proteins (he explains this). We also need an intact vein from a cadaver with a clot, which would reveal how they are attached inside the veins.
  • There could be an answer from the plant world that could stop this. For example, an anti-antiogenesis molecule, such as that found in broccoli. But you need millions in funding for this and nobody will give it.




Published to The Liberty Beacon from


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