September 3, 2016 0

by Christopher Wyatt | TLB staff writer/documentary producer All of these videos have been around for a while but they are worth re watching and sharing because they explain exactly how fear is sold and used as […]


Joining the Herd

May 16, 2016 0

Preface By Christopher Wyatt | TLB staff writer/documentary producer Last year California had a minor measles outbreak that originated at Disney World, this outbreak was supposedly caused by foreign travellers and caused widespread panic in the media […]


4 Ways to Spot Big Pharma’s Media Manipulation

July 22, 2015 0

by Heather Callaghan Studies show that people are gullible enough to believe anything if it appears on TV and sounds authoritative. If this is really true, upper-echelon pharmaceutical companies may be using the media to bend […]


#WeDemandAVote? We Demand An Explanation, Mr. President

February 25, 2013 3

President Obama and his social media arm through “Organizing For Action” started a twitter hash tag campaign, #WeDemandAVote, attempting to influence the public and specifically Congressional representatives to pass Obama’s gun control initiatives. Unlike Conservative […]

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