Ron Paul Destroys Mike Johnson For Betraying America [Video]

Ron Paul Destroys Mike Johnson For Betraying America

“Johnson… a complete sellout and acting, once again, against the interests of Americans.” ~Ron Paul


Former US Congressman Ron Paul has gone completely ham on Speaker Mike Johnson, first – writing in a recent Op-Ed that Johnson has “betrayed liberty and the Constitution” after reauthorizing FISA surveillance but casting the deciding vote that tanked an amendment to require a warrant. 

Section 702 authorizes warrantless surveillance of foreign citizens. When the FISA Act was passed, surveillance state boosters promised that 702 warrantless surveillances would never be used against American citizens. However, intelligence agencies have used a loophole in 702, allowing them to subject to warrantless surveillance any American who communicated with a non-US citizen who was a 702 target.

Despite the fearmongering by Mike Pompeo and others, as well as the opposition of both President Biden and Speaker Johnson, the amendment failed to pass by only one vote. The amendment would have passed had Speaker Johnson not cast a rare floor vote (speakers usually do not vote on legislation) against the amendment. -Ron Paul

Paul went further this week – calling Johnson out for being a complete sellout and acting, once again, against the interests of Americans.

“Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is reported to have bragged to his colleagues about how easily Speaker Johnson gave Democrats everything they wanted and asked for nothing in return,” Paul noted, adding that Johnson “reached across the aisle, stiffed the Republican majority that elected him speaker, and pushed through a massive gift to the warfare corporate welfare state.” in passing a massive aid package for Ukraine and Israel.

“After the House voted to send another $60 billion to notoriously corrupt Ukraine, members waved Ukrainian flags on the House floor and chanted, ‘Ukraine! Ukraine!’ While I find it distasteful and disgusting, in some ways, it seemed fitting.”

Here’s what Tucker Carlson had to say recently about Johnson…


(TLB) published this article by Tyler Durden as posted at ZeroHedge

Header featured image (edited) credit: Johnson/org. ZH post/Paul CNN screen grab by (TLB)

Emphasis added by (TLB)



Stay tuned tuned…


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1 Comment on Ron Paul Destroys Mike Johnson For Betraying America [Video]

  1. The question is, what is Evil’s means of access to Mike Johnson? Is it:
    a) Pedophelia?
    b) Non-heterosexual adult sex?
    c) Graft?
    Perhaps Mossad or the CCP can enlighten us?

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