Psychiatry – A Break in Tradition

May 21, 2015 1

By: Lucille Femine The very idea of traditional war where many people are killed with guns and bombs is pretty abhorrent, isn’t it? So much so that many of us just choose to look the […]


Afghanistan: The Making of a Narco State

December 17, 2014 0

After 13 years of war, we haven’t defeated the Taliban, but we have managed to create a nation ruled by drug lords By: Matthieu Aikins Helmand Province in southern Afghanistan is named for the wide […]


Are U.S. Kids Excessively Drugged?

July 10, 2014 0

By Martha Rosenberg There are not too many people who aren’t concerned about how many children are on medications for behavioral problems. Millions of U.S. children are on drugs for attention deficits and other problems, […]


Miracle Drug Solves Everything

May 28, 2014 0

By TLB Staff Writer: Steve Cook The need to worry (or panic) is over. Genetic scientists announced today that they have solved all the world’s problems. The shock news was released this morning by Secretary […]


Pentagon Spending on Drugs Soars

December 31, 2012 0

(AUSTIN AMERICAN-STATESMAN) Last year, the Pentagon spent more on pills, injections and vaccines than it did on Black Hawk helicopters, Abrams tanks, Hercules C-130 cargo planes and Patriot missiles — combined. Some of the prescription […]

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