
Why We Are Sleepwalking Into Tyranny

November 12, 2023 0

Why we are sleepwalking into tyranny By: Bryce Buchanan The world is heading quite rapidly toward tyranny. We are in a revolutionary period that will dramatically change civilization. Few people understand the gravity of our […]


The Global War On Thought Crime

September 5, 2023 0

The Global War On Thought Crime By: David James Laws to ban disinformation and misinformation are being introduced across the West, with the partial exception being the US, which has the First Amendment so the […]


The Pharmacological Path to Soft-Core Totalitarianism

June 16, 2023 0

The Pharmacological Path to Soft-Core Totalitarianism By: Clayton J. Baker, MD •••• In my recent article on the destruction of medical ethics during the COVID era, I used a term that generated some unanticipated feedback. […]

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