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Sun not CO2 causes Climate Change

February 16, 2016 1

by Dr. Ed Berry (Ph.D., Atmospheric Physics) A new, peer-reviewed professional paper shows our sun, not our carbon dioxide, causes climate change. It also shows atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations are an insignificant player, and possibly a non-player, […]

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Why is the USA Rushing Headlong into Environmental Armageddon?

January 31, 2016 1

Contributed by Zen Gardner Manmade Environmental Catastrophes Now Plague the Nation Public Health Disasters Threaten Citizens Everywhere Chemical Geoengineering via Chemtrail Aerosols and Space-based HAARP Transmitters Threatens the Biosphere State of the Nation The List of Calamities in […]


Global Cooling or Global Warming, Which is it?

May 31, 2014 0

Is It Really Getting Colder? What Does Scientifically Undisputed Data Say? The stakes could not be higher or our collective reality any more dire. This being the case, many are willing to lie about reality […]

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