Tech Titans & Censorship – The Same People Profiting From The Quarantine Are Censoring Criticisms of It

Tech Titans & Censorship – The Same People Profiting From The Quarantine Are Censoring Criticisms of It

By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Children’s Health Defense

The same bloated Tech/Data and Telecom Titans now gorging themselves on the corpses of our obliterated middle class are rapidly transforming America’s once proud democracy into a censorship and surveillance police state. As Naomi Klein chronicled in her classic, Disaster Capitalism, totalitarian elements and ruling elites have, throughout history, reflexively used crisis as opportunities to shift wealth upward. “You never,” Rahm Emmanuel counseled, “want a serious crisis to go to waste.” The tread worn strategy is to inflame public fears to justify the imposition of authoritarian controls and censorship thereby allowing oligarchs to silence protest against their power-grabs and their wholesale privatization of the commons.

… permanently bankrupted over 100,000 small businesses including 41,000 Black-owned businesses some of which took three generations of investment to build.

Led by Bill Gates, Silicon Valley applauded from the sidelines as medical charlatans fanned pandemic panic, confined the world population under house arrest, and shattered the global economy. Silicon Valley fattened as masked and isolated families turned to social media and Amazon. In five months, their quarantine put 58 million Americans out of work, permanently bankrupted over 100,000 small businesses including 41,000 Black-owned businesses some of which took three generations of investment to build. These policies have also set into motion the inevitable dismantling of the social safety net that nurtured middle-class prosperity. Government officials have already begun liquidating the 100-year legacies of the New Deal, New Frontier, the Great Society, and Obamacare to pay the accumulated quarantine debts. Say goodbye to school lunches, healthcare, WICS, Medicaid, Medicare, University scholarships, etc., etc., etc.

The Tech Barons used the lockdown to accelerate construction of their 5G network of satellites, antennae, biometric facial recognition, and “track and trace” infrastructure that they will use to compel obedience, suppress dissent, and to manage the rage when Americans finally wake up to the fact that they have stolen our democracy, our civil rights, our country, and way of life while we huddled in orchestrated fear from a flu-like illness.


About Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – His reputation as a resolute defender of the environment stems from a litany of successful legal actions. Mr. Kennedy was named one of Time magazine’s “Heroes for the Planet” for his success helping Riverkeeper lead the fight to restore the Hudson River. The group’s achievement helped spawn 300 Waterkeeper organizations across the globe.

Mr. Kennedy serves as Senior Attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council, Chief Prosecuting Attorney for the Hudson Riverkeeper and President of Waterkeeper Alliance. He is also a Clinical Professor and Supervising Attorney at Pace University School of Law’s Environmental Litigation Clinic and is of counsel to Morgan & Morgan, a nationwide personal injury practice. He is co-host of Ring of Fire on Air America Radio. Earlier in his career he served as Assistant District Attorney in New York City.

He has worked on environmental issues across the Americas and has assisted several indigenous tribes in Latin America and Canada in successfully negotiating treaties protecting traditional homelands. He is credited with leading the fight to protect New York City’s water supply. The New York City watershed agreement, which he negotiated on behalf of environmentalists and New York City watershed consumers, is regarded as an international model in stakeholder consensus negotiations and sustainable development.

Mr. Kennedy is also a devout proponent for vaccine rights, the right to chose, informed consent, and the publication and public awareness of information needed by parents to make informed decisions for their much more vulnerable children. A large portion of his related works can be found on the Children’s Health Defense website


The above article: Tech Titans and Censorship—The Same People Profiting From The Quarantine Are Censoring Criticisms of It originated on children’s Health Defense and is re-published on this TLB website by ‘contribution’ with attribution to author Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Childrens Health


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1 Comment on Tech Titans & Censorship – The Same People Profiting From The Quarantine Are Censoring Criticisms of It

  1. How much proof do we need to see that our corrupt governments are attacking their own people under the instruction of Gates and United Nations related organizations for totalitarian global control?

    We’re already witnessing doctors around the world speaking up regarding many lies, fake science, unreliable tests and unnecessary deaths by banning medicine that works, issuing do not resuscitate orders, and saying the answer is an experimental shot with nanotechnology and Profusa hydrogel. Concurrently military grade 5G energy weapons are being installed everywhere.

    Friends in Seattle are sharing news of planned food shortages. Quarantine camps for asymptomatic started in New Zealand and Spain ?!? In Australia, proposed laws to remove children from their family.

    We can’t wait for a rigged elections to “hope for the best”. We’re witnessing WWII genocide tactics repeating.

    The psychological torture and financial devastation will be lasting. It cannot be ignored any more.

    I genuinely fear that we are facing mass controlled genocide to reduce CO2. Gates project to block the sun failed. He removed 2019 media coverage from his own websites.

    Gates COVI-PASS Immunity Passports launched in September 2020 is a United Nations Sustainable Development project for Agenda 2030. 15 countries already signed up including USA. “technology to work with the UNITED NATIONS as part of their SDG Collaboratory (Sustainable Development Goals) program – to provide a wide range of technology services.”

    We need to act now. Make signs. Speak up. Talk to your neighbors to establish protection networks. Initiate class-action lawsuits, march to government officials homes and organize.

    Turn off the TV. Reject information war “psyops” media propaganda, social media bias and hired trolls. Do not comply. Genocide is already happening.

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