The Mind Unleashed
The purpose of this article is to shed light on some topics that have garnered considerable attention over the years and to show the underlying thread that surprisingly connects them all. With the facts that will be presented, we can move forward with hope and optimism that there are indeed great things happening in our world and that there are those out there continuing to ensure the truth is known. Great times for us are at hand.
On November 22nd, 1963, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, one of the most beloved and famous US president’s was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. Though there are many theories as to who killed him, to get closer to the truth we must ask why he was killed. In any murder investigation, the victim’s enemies are often looked at first. In this respect, it was well known that Kennedy strongly opposed the military-industrial complex, which included The Federal Reserve and the C.I.A.
In a speech on April 27th, 1961 before the American Newspaper Publishers Association in New York City, Mr. Kennedy openly stated opposition to “secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings.” He stated further opposition to a “ruthless conspiracy…a highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.”
Creating considerable dissent with the status quo and more specifically with The Federal Reserve and C.I.A., Kennedy signed Executive Order 11110 into law on June 4th, 1963, which gave the president the right to issue gold-backed currency, and completely without permission from The Federal Reserve. But where was Kennedy going to receive such large amounts of gold to back a new Treasury note?
A Little History
In the 1930′s, royal Asian families had seen that some of their gold and silver holdings in Southeast Asia were being plundered by the Japanese and needed to do something about it. In 1938, the Chinese Kuomintang government sent 7 warships loaded with gold and silver to the US Federal Reserve for safekeeping. In return, the Chinese were given 60 year gold bonds–a subject we will return to further down. A few years later in 1944, the infamous Bretton Woods Conference took place in which the US, France and Britain were given a 50 year mandate to modernize and transform the world for the better. Backing this new global financial system that had just been set up was a now estimated 2 million metric tons of gold, held by this group of royal Asian families, which is also known as the Dragon Family.
By August 17th, 1945, President Soekarno of Indonesia had been elected “M1″ or Monetary Controller of this large cache of assets, granted under United Nations Resolution MISA 81704, Operation Heavy Freedom. These assets are better known as the Global Collateral Accounts and were originally intended to be used for the modernization of the world through several humanitarian projects. The Dragon Family are the legitimate Depositors of these accounts.

By 1955, it was shown that the International Monetary Fund, which was also created at Bretton Woods, was not living up to its word and was instead serving only the interest of the banking and political elite. It was at this time that a growing alliance began to see that these funds were being used to fuel the Cold War tension and decided to strongly oppose the shady banking cabal.
By 1963, this alliance pooled their financial resources together to create the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement, which was signed by John F. Kennedy and President Skoearno and was finished on November 14, 1963. This agreement was to utilize the Global Collateral Accounts for global development and humanitarian projects (along with a new US Treasury Note, a new supernational/international note backed by gold and would bring an end to The Federal Reserve system and the CIA). Just 8 days later, JFK was assassinated.
The above pictures show The Green Hilton Memorial Agreement and signatures of President Soekarno and President John F. Kennedy along with several others with listed amounts of gold-backed certificates.
A short time following Kennedy’s passing, President Soekarno was driven from power by way of a coup. By 1968, the Bush, Kissinger, Rockefeller and other influential families created a fake heir to the rights of the Global Collateral Accounts. Up until the writing of this article in November of 2015, these accounts have been illegally and fraudulently used by the central banking system.
The 9/11 Connection
In 1998, 60 years after the Federal Reserve Board and the Chinese swapped gold for gold bonds, the Chinese requested their gold back. After refusal from the Fed, the Chinese Kuomintang government followed with a lawsuit. The International Court of Justice ruled that the Fed needed to return the gold, which was later agreed upon by the Fed. The first payment was scheduled to be delivered September 12th, 2001.
Interestingly, on September 10th, 2011, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced that 2.3 trillion dollars went missing from the Pentagon defense budget. Even more conspicuous, Cantor Fitzgerald Securities, the company that was handling the paper work for the gold to be delivered back to the Chinese, was inside One World Trade Center on floors 101-105. All 658 of their employees were murdered on that day as the towers fell and the gold was not returned to the Chinese.
The Monaco Accords, The Trillion Dollar Lawsuit and the BRICS
In August of 2011, representatives from 57 nations (none were invited from the West) came together off the coast of Monaco to create an alliance designed to legally take down the central banking cabal and create a new global financial system using the Global Collateral Accounts for many development and humanitarian projects.

Reports from Neil Keenan, who helped arrange this historic meeting and has been entrusted with protecting and restoring the legal rights back to the Dragon Family and settling the Global Collateral Accounts for the benefit of humanity, has stated that this Monaco meeting alliance has now swelled to 182 countries and is being spearheaded by the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).
Neil also filed a lawsuit in the Southern District of New York on November 23, 2011 to the tune of over a trillion dollars against the United Nations, the Office of International Treasury Control, Silvio Berlusconi, Ban Ki-Moon, the World Economic Forum and several others.

Since that time, Neil has withdrawn the suit (Obama’s economic advisor’s brother became the judge and he previously had never been a judge before) to refile in an even more effective jurisdiction and plans to do this in the very near future. This new lawsuit will be bigger and will expose the EU, the Federal Reserve and all the parties mentioned above, plus much more.
Neil Keenan has also filed liens and a Cease and Desist order against all twelve central banks in the U.S. and a Cease and Desist order on behalf of the Dragon Family against names like Queen Elizabeth II, Hilary Clinton, George Herbert Walker Bush, George W. Bush, David Rockefeller and several other well known names.
Above is the official Cease and Desist order. To download this pdf file, click here
Is Our World About to Be Set Free?
Is this massive alliance about to make it’s move on the banking and political cabal? Is Neil Keenan and his team about to finish what JFK, President Sukarno and many others were trying to accomplish? Will the 9/11 connection to the Global Collateral Accounts finally come to light? To these questions, Neil Keenan has a statement for the world:
“JFK, Soekarno, 9-11 and everything surrounding it all boils down to one and the same groups or organizations etc., that being what is known as the Cabal or NWO. Look no further than Rothschild’s, Rockefeller’s, and on a lesser scale Bush’s, Netanyahu’s …etc. We must always remember that according to these people we the “goyim” are the enemy and furthermore we must understand not only are they Khazars (read Khazars and their empire) but Satanists and clearly want us all dead.
They want the world, this planet and everything they touch. They taint everything they make, put together, manufacture, and one way or another are taking precious seconds and minutes away from our lives. They go so far as to poison baby food (Johnson and Johnson’s most recently caught, simply stated we are sorry and will take the toxins out of the baby food) but when caught they simply walk away leaving a path of utter destruction for many families.
It is time we defend our families, our planet, our friends and those who will soon be life long friends. It is time to bring our planet together as one, to fight these evil criminals disguising themselves as politicians. It is time to fight them as they fight us and stop talking about it.
The road to the collateral accounts was initially filled with litter. From OITC (Ray Dam), OPPT (Heather Tucci), Swiss Indo (Sino), Karen Hudes (who never did understand the collateral accounts and had never heard of the Dragon Family when she requested my help), Red Dragon Family, World Economic Forum (Davos and Giancarlo Bruno), the UN, and many others I have never mentioned all decided at one time or another they owned or managed the accounts when in fact not a one ever had any of the DEPOSITORS permissions to represent said accounts. We took them all down and we laid them to rest but similar to a film script they often return to life and take a second shot at things after taking a deep breath but… they are all just fiction.
We are on the road to the accounts. The litter has been tossed into the garbage where it belongs and upon completing this road the accounts will be open. The big question, even one from the Dragon Family is… will I be able to move the notes and the answer is YES! We will be able to complete this impossible task and release the funds as initially planned for humanitarian purposes. I need a little more time to get to where we must be but we will be there and when so, the Cabal is finished….FRODO LIVES…..hahaha”
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