By TLB Contributor: Dave Hodges
The globalists have published their playbook for the planned takeover of the United States. The playbook consists of a series of massive drills, held in a six week period, in which the subjugation of this country was rehearsed.
The Primary Architect
Meet Zbigniew Brzezinski is an insider’s insider and he is one of the architects for the coming globalist takeover of the United States. He and David Rockefeller co-founded the Trilateral Commission. He served as Jimmy Carter’s National Security Adviser. He may as well have been called Mr. President during the Carter years because he ran the US economy into the ground while undermining American sovereignty during the Carter administration.
Many suspect that Brzezinski also controls Obama. He was, after all, Obama’s Russian Studies professor at Columbia back in the 1980’s. We know that he handpicked Jimmy Carter to become the President and many suspect he had a large hand in grooming Obama for the same job. Brzezinski’s close affiliation with Rockefeller makes him a person of interest when it comes to the subjugation, of not only this country, but of the entire planet. Brzezinski is obviously the globalist’s man on the ground and serves the role as puppet master. Therefore, we would be wise to listen and to take seriously what this New World demagogue has to say because he and his globalist colleagues are beyond hiding their intentions, they are making their move because they know if they don’t move soon, that too many people on the planet will awaken and stop their tyranny in its tracks.
Brzezinski Admits That the NWO Is Losing the Propaganda War
During a speech in Poland, Brzezinski publicly lamented that it has become “increasingly difficult to suppress” and control the “persistent and highly motivated populist resistance of politically awakened and historically resentful peoples.” Brzezinski is clearly referring to us, the people in the truthful media.
Brzezinski expressed even more of a sense of globalist dread and panic during a 2010 Council on Foreign Relations speech in Montreal in which he stated that “the major world powers, new and old, also face a novel reality: while the lethality of their military might is greater than ever, their capacity to impose control over the politically awakened masses of the world is at a historic low. To put it bluntly: in earlier times, it was easier to control one million people than to physically kill one million people; today, it is infinitely easier to kill one million people than to control one million people”. There can be no other reasonable interpretation, that this is a direct threat against all who oppose being enslaved.
All of my sources agree on one point: America has awakened sufficiently to not allow a peaceful transition into an entire technocratic dictatorship. All of the sources believe that something dramatic will be required to force the compliance of the masses. The coming event(s) must be so horrific, so devastating, that most will be frightened into compliance into the New World Order of things (i.e. martial law).
Rehearsal for the Planned Takeover
Between the dates of September 25 through November 13, 2013, FEMA and DHS jointly conducted a series of 9 disaster preparedness drills. This massive undertaking was unprecedented in its scope. At the time, most of us knew that these events could foretell the future. However, nobody, except for the planners could explain how and why. Today, a clearer picture is emerging and what we are looking at below is the globalist playbook for a takedown and subsequent takeover of the United States.
If a prolonged blackout is in effect these supplies would be needed.
This speaks to a poisoning of the water supply which could follow a pandemic release or a nuclear detonation making ground water unfit to drink.
The above speaks to the widespread nature of the attacks and is highly suggestive of multiple attacks.
This clearly speaks to a pandemic release.
Likely False Flag Targets
An analysis of the above “training” drills can significantly narrow the available range of false flag attacks to the following.
A Pandemic Attack Upon the U.S.
The widespread dispersion of the Ebola virus, with a 90% fatality rate, could potentially weaken the country, lead to martial law and lessen the psychological resistance of the people to a planned takeover of the country. The fear associated with an Ebola outbreak would send 90% of our fellow citizens running to the government for protection.
Mandatory vaccinations would ensue and this would become an enormously profitable business venture for the CDC (patented owner of the Ebola virus and all of its variations), the NIH (patented owner of the Crucell created vaccine) and of course, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (who have paid out over $600 million dollars in sponsorship money for this endeavor).
The beautiful thing for the purveyors of this potential plot is that they have to do nothing to bring Ebola into our country. By allowing unrestricted air travel and leaving the southern border wide open, it is a matter of when, not if, Ebola makes its presence felt in the United States.
It was widely reported in May and June that hundreds of UN military vehicles were photographed as they were being transported on flat bed trucks to undisclosed locations within the United States. For years, many journalists, including myself, have reported on the presence of Russian and Chinese soldiers on our soil for various functions. And of course, the following FEMA/DHS sponsored drill, held in 2013, trained troops for martial law occupation. Why else would foreign troops, in such large numbers, be taught to speak English, train to fight in American urban areas and learn to use U.S. weapons? These were the rehearsed drills in support of this initiative.
$11 million in antibiotics to be delivered to FEMA region III by October 1st ordered by CDC
Substitute Ebola vaccine for antibiotics and the CDC’s delivery mechanism for the delivery of soon-to-be Ebola vaccines was effectively tested.
Can there be any doubt that the abovementioned drill is a rehearsal for martial law takeover by foreign troops?
An EMP Attack Upon the U.S. Power Grid
If the goal of the globalists is to take down the United States, Chinese participation will be required because they can provide the necessary manpower to provide enough troops in order to fulfill the occupation mandate which calls for one soldier for every 50 conquered citizens.
Both the Russians and the Chinese were given a seat at the table during the November 13-14th Grid Ex Drill. As compelling as the evidence would seem to be, I do not believe that we will see a complete EMP attack upon the power grid of the United States. We have seen clear and convincing evidence that the Chinese have been promised significant American assets for their participation in the occupation of the U.S. (e.g. present occupation of inland ports, taking over of Long Beach, CA. port, the creation of solar energy zones). The destruction of the entire U.S. power grid would destroy any motivation for the Chinese to provide military assistance in the occupation of the U.S.
What is more likely is that we will have a very limited EMP attack upon a selected portion of the grid, followed by the temporary take down of the entire power grid for a predetermined period of time.
In other words, a devastating EMP attack would be faked and the grid can be brought back up at a time of the globalists’ choosing. This false flag scenario would also provide the ability to an occupying force to force compliance of more dissident geographic areas by shutting off the lights. I have been told by more than one source that the Grid Ex II drill dealt with this scenario.
The resulting effect would consist of a virtual economic take down of the economy. The people could be controlled through the distribution of food and water because very little product would be shipped. The Stock Market would collapse. This would be followed by a housing market collapse. Almost overnight, 80% of all Americans would find themselves unemployed. Food riots would begin and the civil unrest would reach crisis levels within 72 hours as people begin to run out of food and water.
This scenario could provide the backdrop for mass population migration to “safe zones”. The safe zones would be the eleven Agenda 21 massive urban centers that I identified a couple of months ago in a previous article. The plan is called “America 2050“. In other words, this scenario has great utility to the globalists and they can accomplish many of their Agenda 21 goals through this false flag attack. Certainly, what will begin as a UN humanitarian medical mission, to provide medical assistance against an Ebola outbreak, will morph into a martial law occupation force under the auspices of the UN. The following drills would have been necessary to rehearse this scenario in which a massive population migration were to be initiated.
The MRE’s, in this scenario, would be necessarily delivered to any of the 11 megacities.
Cyber Attack Upon the Banks
A cyber takedown of the banks would open the door for the introduction of a globalist currency.
More Than 1,000 Banks Plan National Cyber-Attack Drill Oct. 16-17, Oct. 23-24
Quantum Dawn’ Is a Cyber-Attack Bank Drill –
This is more of post-apocalyptic in nature in which the banking system will be taken down within a planned blackout. This ushers in a new global currency following the domestic collapse of the dollar. This is the elimination of the central banks as we have known it and centralized control will revert to Basel.
World War III
There will still be pockets of resistance and a war of unification will be necessary and the world will witness a horrific, but brief world was which will serve the purpose of uniting all of the globalist umbrella of control.
The globalist playbook has been developed and published for all to see. Is it time to get “mad as hell” and “not to take it anymore”?
About the Author
Dave Hodges is the host of the popular radio talk show, which airs from 9 PM to Midnight (Central). The show can be heard by clicking the following icon in the upper right hand corner of The Common Sense Show.
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