The GMO Triad of Evil: Food, Biosphere, and Humanity

storymaker-ten-genetically-modified-crops0-515x388By: Roger Landry (TLB)

We who are in the know constantly rail against Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s). We are awake and aware, through our constant search for knowledge on this subject. We are also painfully aware that the science has no long term credibility. More research and studies are published daily proving the extreme and detrimental health affects these organisms have on humanity with the long term ramifications still unrealized, yet their proliferation continues and accelerates.

References and realted articles:

What is not so well know to the general public is the catastrophic influence these organisms have on our global biosphere. This is the mechanism that allows life to flourish on this planet and it is in grave danger of radical if not fatal modification. Genetically modified plants are now common across the globe in the guise of crops modified to resist insects, pesticides and other invasive influences.

green_forestBut once planted how do you stop the spread of this organism outside its realm (an issue Monsanto profits from)? Once released into the biosphere how do you prevent the same mechanism that was designed to kill root worms from killing another species of insect, one with a vital role in the maintenance of said biosphere? Through cross pollination alone it is impossible to prevent this eventuality. Scientist from across the planet are now sounding the alarm concerning the infiltration of GMO’s into the wild, with some saying we are quickly approaching the point of no return were the damage will be irreversible.

References and related articles:

But now the third part of this triad of evil is rearing its ugly head in the guise of Genetically modified Humanity. This is not a new concept  and this research is underway in thousands of laboratories across the planet. Producing human, animal genetically-modified-humanhybrids is legal in the United Kingdom and parallel research has been taking place in America for well over a generation funded in most part by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Soldiers that can see in the dark, run for miles without tiring or go for day without food and water.

And why stop there, what about parents who wish their child to have certain traits, say enhanced intelligence or added physical prowess. Again we run into the same issues of long term study. Are these GM humans susceptible to diseases or maladies not suffered by us mere mortals, if we interbreed will these genes be passed on to the rest of humanity, will this fatally contaminate the future gene pool leading to an extinction event? None of these questions have been answered by those who surge forward with this dangerous and irresponsible technology.

The debate over the Genetic Engineering of the humans species has been a heated debate since scientists initially wrote about the future, not as it will be, but as it could be … or should be. The Human race thrives in a large portion due to its ample diversity. We as humans generally find this attractive and liberating that we are each unique in our personage, with very few to none containing the same balance of intellect, appeal or physical prowess, which exemplifies that uniqueness.

Never before in the history of mankind have we released so many dangerous mechanisms, untried and untested on humanity and the world. None of this is fantasy or hype and the research showing the facts is readily available in vast quantities for those who wish to pursue it. Those who would perpetrate this madness do so at the possible (and by some scientists the guaranteed) peril of all humanity, but this does not hinder them.

References and related articles:

Attached below you will find a great article containing more information of the third leg of this evil GMO triad …


US Army: ‘Super Soldier’ Genetically Modified Humans Won’t Need Food, Sleep

iw_genetechBy: Anthony Gucciardi

The next frontier of genetic modification is not centered around a certain fruit or vegetable, but humans. More specifically, military personnel. Genetically modified humans is the next venture for biotechnology companies working with the United States military, with the admitted goal of producing a ‘super soldier’ that does not require food or sleep to perform Olympic-style physical feats.

The genetically modified humans, or ‘super soldiers’, will even be able to regrow limbs that were destroyed by enemy fire and live off of their fat stores for extreme lengths of time.

Backed by $2 billion a year in funding, the Pentagon’s Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) recently unleashed the news after years of secret experimentation and study. The organization did not say whether or not genetically modified humans currently exist to such an extent, however it is known based on previous reports that human chimeras have already been created outside of the public spotlight. Such scientific experiments have drawn fire from scientists and activists alike, who are demanding for laws to forbid the creation of ‘monsters’.

As of right now, DARPA has a functioning exoskeleton that enables soldiers to run far faster and handle heavy weights. This is but a step in the direct of full modification of the genetic coding of soldiers.

DARPA, of course, has earned the nickname of the ‘mad scientist’ wing for its rampant experiments in modifying life and fusing biology and technology. In working with killer drones, DARPA earlier this year was developing research into contact lens-mounted displays that could transport information from drones into the eyeballs of soldiers. Furthermore, the agency is also developing helmets in which the soldiers could communicate ‘telepathically’ with the kill drones.

The announcement ties in with the 2045 project, which I’ve covered in the past. The project offers ‘immortality’ to the wealthy elite who financially back it, and touts artificial bodies and brains for humans to achieve ‘immortality’. This entire system, of course, ties into a larger ‘singularity’ project as outlined by the creator of the 2045 plan and others like Ray Kurzweil. In a nut shell, ‘consciousness singularity’ can be defined by a merging of all ‘transhuman’ bodies into one ‘hive mind’ of sorts. Likely a massive super computer of some sorts that has full control over the minds of those ‘hooked in’.

It truly sounds insane, yet it is plainly stated out in the open. A number of issues arise from this singularity plan (not to even mention the fact that ‘soldiers’ are slowly becoming more of DARPA creations than human), such as the serious threat to humanity’s very integrity. We’ve seen the many issues regarding traditional GMOs on public health and the environment, now what about human modification?

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Video added by TLB:

See original video here:

1 Comment on The GMO Triad of Evil: Food, Biosphere, and Humanity

  1. Alex Jones used to talk about this and people said he was nuts! I think he knew stuff we should have known about. Too many just refuse to listen to the evil that mankind has done already. They do not care about government regulations! They have no morals.

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  1. The GMO Triad of Evil: Food, Biosphere, and Humanity | msarroub

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