The Truth Of The Christian Holocaust & Who Is Responsible…
By TLB Contributing Author: Ken LaRive
Author’s Note: This new book I have reviewed considers some amazing statistics and historical paper trails that is invaluable to a truth seeker. Though some of it is conjecture and speculation, truth radiates from every line, like an ancient illuminated text. The following describes the book “Rethinking the Russian Revolution”, as straightforward as I can.
Here are five historical revolutions in recent history, hidden from study, taboo, and in some so called Democratic societies, outright outlawed. Find these five paraphrased below…
Four, with one in the making…
“The first was the English Revolution in 1649 which was financed by Jews from Holland, in which Cromwell committed regicide. As the Jewish financiers dictated, Cromwell opened the doors for the return of the ousted Jews to England in 1656.
Building from this, World Jewry initiated, financed, and agitated the French Revolution beginning in 1788, resulting again in regicide and the Jewish subverting of the established Christian order. And Jews profited once again, for in 1789, all civil disabilities against the Jews in France were lifted and the Great Emancipation of the Jews took place.
The third Revolution was the Bolshevik uprising in Russia, of which this treatise focuses. The Bolshevik Revolution was financed by Jewish bankers, led by Jacob H. Schiff of the Jewish Banking house, Kuhn, Loeb Co. Jews gained prominent roles in the Soviet government, and for the 3rd time, regicide of a Christian ruler was perpetrated by the Jews.”

Dr. Fahey, in his authenticated work, The Rulers OfRussia quotes an American missionary stationed in St Petersburg from 1907 to 1918: “In October 1918, out of 388 members of the revolutionary government only 16 happened to be real Russians. All the rest were Jews with the exception of one negro. Many of these Jews came from the Lower East Side of New York.”
The fourth Revolution was the Spanish Civil War of 1936, financed by Bolshevik Jewry, but successfully opposed by Franco and Germany.
A FIFTH REVOLUTION on an International scale is now at work and headquartered in America. This is the Zionist agenda to create a New World Order whose oligarchs are Jews with names that include: Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, and William Kristol, the Zionist neocon advisors to the Jewish-bought President George Bush. ”
AIPAC controls our Republic, and has hijacked our Civil Liberties and Constitution.
The Israel Lobby known as AIPAC is the organizational apparatus of the 5th Revolution now in the making.
IN THE DARK NIGHT OF JULY 16, 1918, Tzar Nicholas II and his pious Christian family were shot and bayoneted in cold blood by these Cheka Jews:
- Jacob Yurovksy, a Jewish Czech
- Sergei Medvedjev3.
- Lev Nikulin, a Jewish Czech
- Peter Yermakov
- Fyodor Vaganov, a New York Jew
- Jacob Sverdlov, (Yankel Solomon), the first President of the Soviet Union. He gave the order to murder the Royal Family. Sverdlov began his Anti Christian career when he joined the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party in 1902.
* This was the beginning of the wholesale slaughter of over 8,000,000 Russian Orthodox Christians from 1918 through 1943. *
- Leon Bronstein (Trotsky), Commander of the Soviet Red Army.
- Grigory Apfelbaum (Zinoviev), Director, Soviet Secret Police, seized Church-owned property, murdered tens of thousands of Orthodox Christians.
- Maxim Wallach (Litvinov), Soviet Foreign Minister.
- Solomon Lozovsky, Deputy Soviet Foreign Minister.
- Yuri Andropov, Jewish Director of the Soviet KGB
A PROMINENT JEWISH JOURNALIST now admits that in 1934, 38% of those holding high office in Stalin’s murderous regime were Jews:
- Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich: Millions of Orthodox Christians were murdered by order of Kaganovich. He orderered the destruction of hundreds of Christian churches including Christ The Saviour Cathedral in Moscow.
In 1991, after living the life of a prince, Kaganovich committed suicide in fear of the “open society,” that is, “glasnot” which would have exposed his murderous deeds.
- Ilya Ehrenburg: Minister of Soviet Propaganda for Stalin. He wrote, “The Germans are not human beings. Nothing gives us greater joy than corpses of Germans.”
- Yevgeny Khaldei: Red Army photographer. Born in the Ukraine of Jewish parents. He staged the raising of the Hammer & Sickle Flag in the German Reichstag in Berlin in 1945, the emblem of the slaughter of millions of peasants and Christians, describing it as “the Russian national symbol of justice, triumph, and revenge.”
- Bela Kun (Cohen): Dictator of Hungary in 1919. Kun was later Stalin’s chief terrorist in the Crimea. Kun’s eventual successor was Matyas Rakosi, a Jewish Communist mass murderer of Christians in Hungary.
- Moshe Pijade: Commander, Yugoslav Communist People’s Army. Tito’s top butcher of hundreds of thousands of Yugoslavian Christians.
Few events have provoked fiercer or more highly politicized historical controversy than the Russian Revolution. Edward Acton’s stimulating new study combines an introduction to the momentous events of 1917 with an analysis of the controversy. As well as allowing an evaluation of a broad spread of traditional interpretations, his approach brings home the full implications of recent revisionist work and the radical reinterpretation of the revolution to which it points., For its admirers, the Russian Revolution is a milestone in human progress; for its critics, it is a catastrophe of monstrous proportions.
“Rethinking the Russian Revolution” is an introduction to the momentous events of the Russian Revolution in 1917 with an analysis of the reasons behind the characteristic polarization of opinions concerning this momentous political event and why for some it is a milestone of human progress and for others, a catastrophic chapter in government oppression. “This work is intended principally to allow the student to acquire a reasonably sophisticated grasp of the historiography of the Russian revolution. In this, it succeeds strongly, largely due to a clarity of presentation grounded in the author’s strong interpretational grasp. Rethinking the Russian Revolution will likely become standard fare in university classrooms.” – Slavic Review
From the Author, Ken LaRive – We in the Liberty movement have been fighting to take back this country for less than a decade, peacefully and with the love of God and country in our hearts. Our banner has been trampled on and displaced by a multitude of distractions, further eroding our nation and the cause for Liberty. And so, as we are pulled by forces we cannot fathom, powerful entities with unlimited resources stolen from our future, unaccountable trillions printed out of thin air and put on our backs as debt, we must formulate the most pitiful of all questions any patriot might ask in the final hour: Are we going to fight for our master’s tyranny, or are we going to demand the return of our civil liberties and Constitution? Are we going to choose The Banner of Liberty, or the shackles of voluntary servitude? Will it be a war for corporate profit, or a war to regain our ability to self govern, as the blood and toil of our forefathers presented to us, their children, as a gift? I fear that decision is emanate. I fear that any decision will be a hard one, but my greatest fear of all is that the decision has already been made for us.
Ken LaRive – Facets: It’s a simple but beautiful metaphor. Our soul is likened to an uncut diamond, pure, perfect, and unrealized. Each learned experience cleaves a facet on its face, and leaves it changed forever. Through this facet, this clear window, new light, new questions and ideas take shape and form. This process is our reason for being …
More information about Ken LaRive.
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