TLB presents a great discussion with Dr. David Lewis. Dr. Lewis is a PhD Microbiologist, a thirty year plus veteran of the EPA and author of the book “Science For Sale”. This makes him eminently qualified to discuss matters of environmental pollution, their causes and health or environmental ramifications, as well as the failures, corruption and duplicity within our regulatory and health agencies mandated to protect the American public.
Attached (below recorded discussion) you will also find an article written by Dr. Lewis pertinent to this recorded discussion.
EPA just released new data today, saying its Animas River spill poses no threat to public health. Here are my comments, which I gave to Breitbart News, about EPA’s latest data: EPA’s assurances should be taken in context. The most serious threat is posed by the contaminated river sediments; and EPA is just reporting dissolved metals. Only a tiny fraction of the contamination is dissolved at any given moment.
For now, the dissolved metals are trending downward as the contaminated sediments move downriver toward Lake Powell, where they will settle out. There, low levels of lead, arsenic and other toxic metals will continue to bleed out into the water column for decades or longer, and begin to bio-magnify in wildlife and humans living in and around the lake.
They are far more soluble in fat than water. Over years of exposure, they will accumulate to much higher levels in breast milk and body fat, which can lead to cancer, birth defects, and neurological disorders.
Dr. David Lewis, former EPA senior research scientist.
Click on the TLB Radio Logo To here this Recorded Discussion.
The Oconee Enterprise
August 27, 2015
Who regulates EPA’s pollution?
David Lewis Science for Sale
The recent blowout at an abandoned gold mine triggered by EPA inspectors in Colorado released millions of gallons of wastes containing lead and arsenic. The pollutants discharged into a creek that joins the Animas River and empties into Lake Powell. Internal records from a private contractor show EPA ignored warnings about the impending disaster. Although EPA claims the spill poses no significant threat, my review of its data suggests otherwise.
As a former senior-level scientist at EPA, I’ve seen this happen again and again. EPA goes after small businesses for minor infractions, while covering up its own mistakes that are far more serious. Most recently, I’ve been dealing with this problem at an old abandoned cotton mill in Greensboro, Georgia.
Data collected by an EPA-funded private contractor reveal that dangerous levels of thirty EPA-listed priority pollutants are buried at the site. They include benzo-a-pyrene, lead, arsenic and other toxic chemicals and heavy metals that can cause cancer, birth defects and neurological disorders.
As an expert witness in a lawsuit against the developer and the City of Greensboro, I testified that a redevelopment plan approved under EPA’s Brownfield Program will flush the hazardous wastes into a nearby creek. Eventually, they will settle out in Lake Oconee and become biomagnified up the food chain, potentially reaching levels millions of times higher in wildlife and humans.
My fears were confirmed in March when workers digging at the site ruptured a city water main, washing large amounts of contaminated soils directly into the creek. Sediment tests showed that lead levels, which were negligible in 2010, had increased a thousand-fold or more. I sent photographs of the excavated soil and broken water main to EPA Regional Administrator Heather McTeer Toney, and asked for technical support from EPA’s regional lab in Athens.
When news of the EPA spill in Colorado broke, Fox News and other media outlets covered similar problems I found with the project in Greensboro, which may be a common occurrence at EPA-funded brownfield sites. Despite knowing defendants paid a large sum of money to settle the lawsuit after I testified, Toney’s office bluffed reporters, saying my allegations about the project polluting the creek in Greensboro were proven wrong in the court case.
This week, EPA’s new Clean Water Rule goes into effect. Unless Congress and federal courts intervene, EPA will start going after businesses and even homeowners if they so much as allow silt to enter ditches, creeks and other pathways feeding into “Waters of the United States.” It opens the door for the federal government, which has a history of using the IRS to target private citizens for political gain, to add EPA to its toolbox. But, as the EPA gains more power over us, who will regulate its pollution?
David Lewis of Watkinsville is Research Director for Focus for Health Foundation in Watchung, NJ, Contributor and Science Adviser for The Liberty Beacon project and author of Science for Sale. The opinions expressed are those of the writer.
Reprinted with the permission of Dr. Lewis and The Oconee Enterprise.
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We’re here from the government and we are here to help you die. States need WDC governance for good management like the body needs cancer for good health.
Great conversation with Dr. Lewis and Roger Landry on the toxic water allowed in the river water in Colorado.