Science For Sale (Archived – Parts 1 & 2), With Dr. David Lewis & Professor James McCanney
Show preface by Host: Roger Landry (TLB)
As a child growing up in the late 1950’s and 60’s, I was fascinated by science participating with Heath kits, models, science kits etc… This was the do all and end all … the absolute truth to the core of every issue, and America was on … and would always be on … the leading edge. Space exploration, Moon Landings, Medical breakthroughs, hell if it was invented or just researched to see how it worked, America would always be there first and to a great benefit for all humanity! Well that didn’t last long.
TLB Proudly presents two outstanding science advisers to The Liberty Beacon project …
If you watched the original show (Part 1), what you remember is that just five minutes into the show … and after a phenomenal opening dialog … Professor McCanney was knocked off the show losing internet and phone … Yea on a show where we are discussing the corruption of science with two globally renowned scientists … one gets knocked off for the entire show … ??? … !!! Watch part 1
This week on “Eradicating Programmed Ignorance” we offer you a second show (and this time we did manage to keep them both for the entire show) with these two great guests, Dr. David Lewis and Prof. James McCanney (see bios below). These two world renowned researchers are eminently qualified to discuss a myriad of topics between them including Big Pharma, Biotech, Chemical companies, the Military Industrial Complex, etc… encroachment into our lives, and their ability to influence the structure and policies of our congressional, Judicial, Regulatory and Health agencies. As a result what we have in reality today is …
Note: Just getting over a nasty cold so please disregard my consistent and loud sniffling … Thanks!
David Lewis, Ph.D. Former U.S. EPA Research Microbiologist: Is an internationally recognized research microbiologist whose work on public health and environmental issues, as a senior-level Research Microbiologist in EPA’s Office of Research & Development and member of the Graduate Faculty of the University of Georgia, has been reported in numerous news articles and documentaries from TIME magazine and Reader’s Digest to National Geographic.
His research on HIV transmission in dentistry published in Lancet and Nature Medicine prompted government health organizations worldwide to adopt the current heat-sterilization standard for dentistry in the 1990s. In 2000, the EPA Administrator awarded him the Science Achievement Award for his research published in Nature concerning the effects of climate change on risks posed by environmental pollutants. More recently, his research on heavy metals and other industrial chemicals in sewage sludge (biosolids) applied to land prompted two congressional hearings, a review by the National Academy of Sciences, and new guidelines issued by the CDC.
Dr Lewis is the Author of – Science for Sale: How the U.S. Government Uses Powerful Corporations and Leading Universities to Support Government Policies, Silence Top Scientists, Jeopardize Our Health, and Protect Corporate Profits … Website
Professor James McCanney: Is an internationally recognized researcher and lecturer. He taught the following mathematics courses at the University level – Physics, Computer Science and Astronomy; Abstract Algebra, Linear Algebra, Matrix Algebra, Probability and Statistics, Statistics for Computing, Mathematical Logic, Theory of Numbers, Calculus I, II and III, Engineering Math I and II, Advanced Topics in Geometry and Topology.
He has worked about half of his lengthy career in the telecommunications industry as a Systems Engineer. Much of this was accomplished in multi-lingual settings, having worked in the USA, Latin America and with high-level Russian scientists. He has presented his research at international conferences and is a regular presenter at American Geophysical Union meetings. He has also lectured at Los Alamos National Laboratories, the Air-Space/America International Air show and International Electric Propulsion conferences.
Professor McCanney is the Author of – “The Plasma Discharge Comet Model” – Originator of the “Electric Universe” … Website:
The outstanding organization that will be bringing you our show live each week is Conscious Consumer Network TV (CCN)

CCN is supporter funded. It is through a great organization like this that our word can be heard and amplified, thus programmed ignorance can be eradicated. Please visit their website, and support this fine organization in any way you can. Because without platforms such as CCN … our voice is severely limited!
European countries have banned ‘energy drinks’ due to their negative effect on people; Emergency room visits have increased from 20% to 100%, due to nothing more than the increase in energy drinks sales in America:¶m1=1¶m2=cat%3Dweb%26sesid%3D40ec4bf3066aa5f69f8cb3f3bb26c29c%26ip%3D173.28.66.24%26b%3DChrome%26bv%3D73.0.3683.88%26os%3DChrome-OS%26os_ver%3D%26pa%3Dgencoll05%26sid%3Db4518447dcfc97522c23227d76d133d8%26abid%3D%26abg%3D%26a%3Dgsp_dimensions_19_09_ssg13%26sdk_ver%3D%26cd%3D%26cr%3D%26f%3D%26uref%3D&p=er%20visit%20increase%20due%20to%20energy%20drinks
The increase in vaccines being forced into our chuldren’s bodies is causing an increase in autism:
Japan has stopped using the MMR vaccine and has seen its ‘damage’ of its children decreased significantly:
Also, a doctor of medicine found, accidentally, that his male and female patients not having teh mupms and measles causes an increase in heart attacks and strokes:
Need I say more?