Top anti-GMO scientists band together in film exposing threats and secrecy
By TaylorAHumphrey
Looking for some mind-expanding entertainment? Check out Scientists Under Attack: Genetic Engineering in the Magnetic Field of Money, a film by german director Bertram Verhaag.
“Árpád Pusztai and Ignacio Chapela have two things in common. They are distinguished scientists, and their careers lie in ruins. Both chose to investigate the phenomenon of genetic engineering. Both made important discoveries. Both are now suffering the fate of those who criticise the powerful vested interests that dominate big business and scientific research. Statements made by scientists themselves suggest that 95% of those researching in the area of genetic engineering are funded by industry. Only 5% are independent. This situation presents a major threat to the freedom of science – and to our democracy. Can we, the public, still trust our scientists?”
Watch the trailer, here:
This is the documentary, in its entirety. [Below]
For more information about the film, please visit:
TLB recommends other pertinent articles at Healthy Natural Cures
About the writer TaylorAHumphrey at minds.com
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