The TPP Will Be Signed Today: Here’s Why You’ve Never Heard About It & How We Can Still Stop It


by Arjun Walia

Today is the day that the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) will be signed, but it won’t become law until Congress approves it, which means there is still time to stop it. The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) is the largest trade agreement since the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO), and the United States has been engaged in discussion with eight Pacific nations to come to an agreement on the terms of the TPP. It is a free trade contract that would, ostensibly, allow for a more open system of exchange between the United States and less developed nations, and it has been wrapped in secrecy since discussions began within the Bush administration in 2005. This is one of many examples of global economic/political partnerships and deals that are happening underneath public radar.

Despite the vast uproar that has been raised across various non-corporate media outlets, and the seemingly endless amounts of people opposing the trade deal, it still remains wrapped in secrecy. This is because it’s not really about trade. The agreement has 29 chapters, and only five of them have to do with trade. The other 24 chapters either put restrictions on domestic governments or limit food safety, environmental standards, financial regulation, climate policy, and more. It’s basically an agreement for establishing new and enhanced powers for the multinational corporations that have a stranglehold on the world’s resources. It will affect every major industry and influence the way we govern our planet and the way we are allowed to live our lives. It will affect everything.

This is just one of many examples of global economic/political partnerships and deals that are happening outside of the public eye. The TPP itself is not really a secret, but many of the details of it are. And considering the immeasurable impact it is about to have on our lives, it is not talked about nearly enough. Many people remain woefully ignorant of what is going on, so it’s important that we spread the message before it’s too late.

Below is a video of Robert Reich, an American political economist and professor who served in the administrations of Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter, talking about the deal. He was also Secretary of Labor under President Bill Clinton from 1993 to 1997. Today, he doesn’t agree with what politics has become, and now discusses how America has been taken over by moneyed interests.

To help stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership, please go HERE.  It’s a petition from urging Congress to vote no on the TPP when the time comes. They state that “an agreement like the TPP should be negotiated in the full light of day. America must reserve the right to determine our own consumer, health, safety, labor, privacy, and environmental regulations. Do not surrender our rights to transnational corporations.”

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