Trump Says Military Will Build The Wall, It’s Funded, Starting Immediately
by Rick Wells
President Trump appears to have put one over on Schumer and the Swamp Rats, as new tweets indicate money in the Omnibus for military spending will be in wall construction…
Perhaps President Trump watched the Ann Coulter interview with Judge Jeanine Pirro on Saturday, read my article on the topic on Friday, or already had his scheme worked out ahead of time for building the border wall now, without any further delays or exposure to the associated hazards to our nation that the open borders inflict on a daily basis.
It could be that he’s been planning this tactic for his entire presidency, as a means to get around the appropriations obstruction the Democrats and open borders RINOs are using to prevent any real progress. He has the prototypes to choose from and the exemption for the Environmental impact assessments courtesy of a proper decision by Judge Curiel. The money has been given to the military in record amounts and is more than sufficient, it seems from his tweets, to immediately begin wall construction.
A wall is a defensive barrier, it naturally should be constructed by the Defense Department. Viewing the border crisis as it truly is, an issue of national security, the most logical action is to engage the military in our defense. President Trump tweeted Sunday that the $1.6 billion is just a down payment, work will start immediately and that the rest of the money will come. It appears that the money is already in hand, with the omnibus bill allocating $655 billion to fight the war on terror. Mattis has plenty in the DoD account, it’s just a matter of him writing the check.
He specifically referenced $1.4 trillion in military funding already secured through the omnibus, some of which he indicates is designated for border wall construction. He offers the preliminary justification that it is to be done for a military purpose, national defense against the influx of drugs and enemy combatants. His final point is a slightly cryptic summary of “Build the WALL through M.” It’s not likely that M stands for McCabe.
President Trump is calming the nerves of his supporters, concerned patriots who fear we’ve been left to swing in the breeze on the issue and taking 60 Minutes’ venture into the world of the National Enquirer off of the front page. We’d much rather look at a “big beautiful wall” than a worn-out old video hooker any day. The Seabees or Army Corps of Engineers are coming to America’s defense. We just need to help him make sure it happens.
Because of the $700 & $716 Billion Dollars gotten to rebuild our Military, many jobs are created and our Military is again rich. Building a great Border Wall, with drugs (poison) and enemy combatants pouring into our Country, is all about National Defense. Build WALL through M!
TLB published this article from Rick Well.US with our thanks to Rick for the availability.
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