Did China Stage the Videos of People Collapsing in Wuhan?
Already in mid-March 2020, SPR argued that the coronavirus situation appeared to show aspects of a possibly serious pandemic, a mass psychosis, and a psychological (i.e. propaganda) operation.
Since the early days of the pandemic, some people have been wondering if the notorious videos of “people collapsing in Wuhan”, which emerged in late January 2020 (see above), had in fact been staged by the Chinese government to frighten the West into lockdowns and self-destruction. After all, it is argued, such events haven’t been seen anywhere else later on during the pandemic.
“Coronavirus has people keeling over in streets” (TomoNews US, February 3, 2020)
For instance, on January 31, 2020, British newspaper The Guardian titled: “A man lies dead in the street: the image that captures the Wuhan coronavirus crisis”. A week before, the British Express titled: “Coronavirus horror: Social media footage shows infected Wuhan residents ‘act like zombies’”.
But an analysis of these videos and their context shows the following:
- Contrary to claims that there were “dozens” or even “hundreds” of such videos, there were only about ten such videos, which were shown in various places and in various combinations.
- Most of these videos really had nothing to do with covid. Rather, these videos showed drunk people, homeless people (even in other Chinese cities), road accidents, unspecified medical emergencies, and even training exercises run by Chinese authorities.
- Because of the simultaneous virus outbreak, first responders in Wuhan often already wore protective equipment (the famous white bio-hazard suits). Thus, to bystanders and to people uploading and sharing the videos, it may have looked like actual “sudden coronavirus deaths.”
- In many cases, video titles, captions, or comments did suggest or claim the videos showed “sudden coronavirus deaths”, but in no case was this confirmed or claimed by Chinese authorities. In fact, several of these videos were quickly debunked by Western “fact checkers”.
- It looks like most of these videos were shared internationally, not by people close to the Chinese regime but by people and groups opposed to the Chinese regime (e.g. by ‘Voice of Hong Kong’ and ‘Badiucao’), who wanted to show that the Chinese regime had lost control. The above video compilation, for instance, was published by Taiwan-based news platform TomoNews US.
If any of these videos really showed someone collapsing due to the coronavirus, it may have been due to a sudden cardiac arrest caused by viral myocarditis (heart muscle inflammation), or a major heart attack, stroke, or embolism. Such cases have been observed even in the US and in Germany.
Furthermore, it is noteworthy that the first English-language mention of the alleged “Chinese whistleblower doctor” Li Wenliang (who later died or disappeared) came from “China Change”, an “NGO” funded by the US National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a US government controlled (ER: CIA-linked) entity that sponsors opposition groups in adversarial countries. (ER: In other words, the western Deep State.)
This again might indicate that Western state actors either tried to leverage the situation in China, or tried to “frame” China (the real origin of the virus remaining unknown to this day). In contrast, the Chinese government itself primarily tried to downplay the situation, and continues to do so.
While antibody data indicates that by April 2020, coronavirus prevalence outside of Wuhan city and Hubei province was near zero (despite domestic travel in January 2020), China has experienced repeated local outbreaks and continues to impose extreme lockdown and quarantine measures.
In conclusion, there is currently no evidence that the “collapsing people” videos of January 2020 were a “Sun Tzu style” Chinese psyop. Instead, they may have been part of the “mass psychosis” at the time, leveraged by clickbaiters and hoaxers and Western media, or they may have been part of a Western psyop against China, the Western population, or both.
Addendum: Chinese measures, such as disinfection of public places, construction of dedicated field hospitals and quarantine facilities, and early use of ventilators, were based on epidemic response plans developed after the 2003 SARS epidemic and aimed at preventing aerosol transmission. Although extreme and partially ineffective, these measures weren’t part of a deception, either.
Video compilation: “Coronavirus has people keeling over in streets” (January 2020)
“Coronavirus has people keeling over in streets” (TomoNews US, February 3, 2020)
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“the real origin of the virus remaining unknown to this day”
You MUST be joking! We know that the laboratory of Wuhan did gain of function research. We know that this lab is under control of the Chinese military since 2015. We know that they had a colossal database of bats and bat viruses. We know that they WIPED that database shortly before they officially announced the existence of the Wuhan virus. We know that several employees of the Wuhan lab fell sick with a “mystery illness” in early November 2019, just about 2 weeks after Event 201. We know that they sent those lab employees to a public hospital. Which is exactly what you do with employees of a bioweapon research lab who might have been infected with a dangerous virus … 🙄
We know that China kept lyint about the outbreak in Wuhan. We know that they maintained international travel into and out of Wuhan AFTER stopping all internal travel into and out of Wuhan. We know that China, WHO and western leftists complained about “racism” when Trump stopped all flights from China. We have videos of CCP officials who rejoice over the fact that China gained so much power due to the pandemic, dismissing the loss of a few thousand people as “irrelevant” to China with its 1.4 billion population.
There’s the timing of the release of the virus, which mysteriously arrived just on time to implement the massive voter fraud against Trump which the “cabal” had clearly prepared for a long time – referring to the Time article which bragged about the “cabal” which uses the term “strengthen democracy” for “election fraud”. We also have Fauci announcing in 2017 that there WILL be a “surprise outbreak” before the end of Trump’s first term. He didn’t say “there may be”, he said there WILL be. That’s called a Freudian slip. We now have the official confirmation from NIH that yes, Fauci did fund gain of function research in Wuhan.
We have lots more evidence of foreknowledge and a massive collustion between the Democrats, Big Tech, the WEF (“Covid-19: the Great Reset”, ready for shipping from Amazon 4 months after WHO announced a pandemic) and various other politicians from the Build Back Better crowd.
The continuous lies from Fauci as well as all the Democrats and their international partners and allies as well as the massive and very precisely targeted censorship and misinformation from the mainstream and social media make it obvious that they knew what they were getting us into.
It was all meticulously planned. Which means that the virus HAD to be released on purpose.
Are you aware of the fact that Biontech started developing their mRNA “vaccine” since Jan 2020, at least? Why would they? At that point in time, officially, it was not worth it – just a few people in Wuhan infected with a virus presumed to not be transmissible.
Also try to explain why they would pick Biden & Harris against Trump. They KNEW that Biden is pedophile, corrupt to the bone and incredibly stupid. They knew that Harris is hyper unpopular, even and especially among black people. They also knew that Trump was hyper popular & no canditate could win against him in a fair election. As they were going to steal the election anyway, the candidates didn’t matter.
They needed a “president” would follow the orders of the cabal to the letter, one who would not suddenly develop his own ideas. And who would not be afraid or ashamed of presiding over the intentional destruction of the US. When you watch Psaki, you can tell that she actually enjoys mocking the journalists with the most ridiculous lies.
One would expect most people to have figured it out, by now…