Part One
Out of the Mouths of Babes
Wonder Teens Increase Crop Yield Naturally
By: Adask
Three, sixteen-year old American girls have won Google’s “global science competition” prize. These three girls leaned that many crops germinate in direct proportion to the presence of a particular bacteria in the soil. Thus, they hypothesized that by increasing the amount of that bacteria in the soil, crops might germinate more quickly and produce greater yields. They tested their hypothesis over a period of eleven months and discovered that by increasing the concentration of bacteria in the soil, some crop yields might be increased by up to 50%.
This is no small thing. Increasing crop yields by 3% is interesting and profitable. Increasing crop yields by 50% can save lives. This increase might help feed millions of hungry people. These three teenage girls have achieved a ground-breaking scientific discovery in their kitchens and backyards that’s eluded college-educated scientists working in the multi-million-dollar laboratories of major corporations. Children with little more than laptops, test tubes, seeds, patience and an understanding of the scientific method may have changed the world.
Google gave the girls $50,000 college scholarships, a trip to the Galapagos Islands and and an opportunity to participate in a summer program for possible astronauts.
Here’s a video of these three teenagers (sometimes wearing ill-fitting laboratory smocks like little girls dressed up in their mom’s dresses and high heels) which explains how they achieved their extraordinary discovery.
I’m blown away.
I don’t know if the world’s major corporations are impressed or terrified. It’s not news, but it’s more evidence that the world of scientific discovery is no longer confined to big money and big corporations. Even kids can change the world. This capacity for individuals defies the ideas of “central planning” and “central control” that underlie the New World Order and global government.
video 00:04:46
Incidentally, I’m not a scholar–or even a student–of GMO crop issues. But, if I understand correctly, GMO plants include a built-in genetic pesticide to help protect them from insects and such. More, GMO plants are designed to be resistant to herbicides like Monsanto’s Roundup (glyphosate). As a result, farmers can plant GMO seeds, spray the field with glyphosate and thereby kill other plants (weeds) that would compete with the GMO crop. By killing the weeds and leaving the GMO crop, yields can be increased. The GMO theory seems irresistible.
GMO practice reportedly leaves something to be desired. Insects are developing resistance to glyphosate and are becoming something like “super-bugs”. Persistent use of glyphosate may cause long-term damage to the soil.
So, I’m wondering–if the three girls are right and increasing the concentration of certain, beneficial bacteria in the soil can increase crop yields by up to 50%–is it possible that the Roundup/glyphosate used as an herbicide with GMO plants not only kills weeds, but also stunts or kills the beneficial bacteria in the topsoil? If so, once the beneficial bacteria were killed, how long would it take before that bacteria were naturally restored to the topsoil? What would happen to crop yields so long as the beneficial bacteria were reduced or eliminated? Could repeated applications of glyphosate “sterilize” the topsoil and render it incapable of growing crops?
Again, I’m not knowledgeable about GMO science. Bacteria are not exactly animals, insects or plants. But the GMO technology is supposed to kill just about every other plant and pest in the field other than the GMO plant. So, I can’t help wondering if glyphosate can kill weeds, can it also kill bacteria? And, if glyphosate can kill bacteria in the soil, would the increased yields that we might get by using GMO seeds and glyphosate today be worth whatever diminished yields might result tomorrow?
I’ll probably have to find some teenager to answer that question for me.
(When I was a kid, we always thought we were smarter than our parents–but we weren’t. Today, thanks to the internet and computers, kids may not only think they’re smarter than their parents–they might even be right.)
Read original article here: Out of the Mouths of Babes
Part Two
Monsanto Tears it Down
This article is continued by: Roger Landry (TLB)
First off TLB would like to praise the young team of amateur researchers for this amazing project … but that only makes what we are about to present that much more mind bending! Read on …
There is abundant proof that Glyphosate IS in fact killing off the beneficial bacteria and nutrients in the soil as was eluded to in the above article. The most obvious impact IS ON RHIZOBIA, a bacterium that fixes nitrogen. It has been shown that glyphosate can be toxic to rhizobia. (Nitrogen fixing bacteria are important to soils because nitrogen is the most commonly deficient nutrient in many soils.)
In an interview for The Organic and Non-GMO Report, it is explained how glyphosates not only kill beneficial microbes and bacteria but encourage the spores that produce the fungi responsible for sudden-death syndrome that affects both corn and soybeans. Glyphosate “locks up” manganese and other minerals in the soil so that they can’t be utilized by the plants that need them. Some Roundup ready crops are more susceptible to Fusarium, a type of fungi that produces mycotoxins in cereal crops that are harmful, even deadly, to humans.
See more here: Is Monsanto’s Roundup Killing Our Soil?
This suggests an intentional motive as this information has been available for years. How can a farmer enjoy long term GMO sustainability knowing that the process will facilitate Super weeds, Super bugs, and as a result increased usage and cost of said herbicides and pesticides, and the continued depletion of the life giving soil with each new crop?
What we we have presented you with is two completely different scenarios:
1) A small group of highly intelligent and creative high school youths combining their efforts to create conditions to naturally increase crop yields (by as much as a whopping 50%) and nutrition, with no negative impact on humanity or the biosphere.
2) A team of highly paid and expensively educated career scientists and researchers creating crops and toxins that are perpetrating serious and known harm on humanity, the biosphere and … killing the very soil we depend on to grow the crops to feed us.
Now explain to me how this possibly CANNOT BE INTENTIONAL !!!
So for all the good science and effort these wonder teens may have invested (and you cant take their credit away), Monsanto and other biotech demons are tearing it down in spades, or burying it in a mountain of lies and voodoo science. It would seem all the cards are stacked against both us as the consumers and farmers via the long term use of GMOs and their supporting bio-toxins.
But weren’t these farmers sold on the GMO lie, promising greater long term yields and less herbicide and pesticide use/cost … ???
And the Obvious Lies and their Blatancy just keep on mounting !!!
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