Shock & Awe: America Isn’t What You Think It Is
By: TLB contributor: David-William
The historical material of then and now seem unbelievable to the newbies, but for those who read the Articles here on The Liberty Beacon, there is abundant proof to validate the facts below. There are plenty of reasons for why one would be saddened to learn that everything we were taught in school was abusive deception by the Banksters who own THE UNITED STATES INC. and the despicable traitors from this land who weaseled our substance over to them. Almost all of them are unlawfully holding Offices of Trust because they’re Agents of the Crown. These Inns of the Court, CITY OF LONDON (Vatican), meat puppet, Crown Temple B.A.R. Attorners/Brokers, run for office, and the population here votes for them, and why? Well, that’s the whole plan! The same Banksters and their bent-over B.A.R. harlots make sure the people don’t know that they lose all their rights by registering to vote, by controlling the MEDIA, FCC, DEPT. OF EDUCATION, and more.
You, our readers, can make your time more appreciated by getting others exposed to what you’re learning here so they’ll get the same messages. We’re the ones writing a lot of these Articles, but you’re just as important, because combined, we amplify the signal to reach farther, and with higher frequency. Together, we can resonate as one. Together we can be a BEACON of LIBERTY!
Please continue reading – but be warned, this is NOT a bedtime story!
By: TLB contributor: Dan Asmussen
1. The IRS is NOT a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF. Diversified Metal Products v IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.I. Public Law 94-564 Senate Report 94-1148, pg 5967 Reorganization Plan #26 Public Law 102-391
2. The IMF is an Agency of the United Nations. Black’s Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg 816
3. The United States has NOT had a Treasury since 1921. 41 Stat. Ch. 214 page 654
4. The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF. Presidential Documents Volume 29 No. 4 page 113 22 U.S.C. 285-288
5. The U.S. does not have any employees because there is no longer a United States. No more reorganizations. After 200 years of bankruptcy it is finally over. Executive Order 12803
6. The FCC, CIA, FBI, NSA and all of the other Alphabet Gangs were never part of the U.S. Government, even though the ‘U.S. Government held stock in said ‘Agencies. U.S. v. Strang, 254 U.S. 491 Lewis v. U.S., 680 F.2d, 1239
7. Social Security Numbers are issued by the UN through the IMF. The application for an SSN is the SS-5 form. The Department of the Treasury (IMF) issues the SS-5, not the ‘Social Security Administration. The new SS-5 forms do not state who publishes them while the old form states they are Department of Treasury. 20 CFR Chap. 111 Sub-part B 422.103 (b)
8. There are NO Judicial Courts in America and have not been since 1789. ‘Judges do NOT enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statutes and Codes. FRC v. GE, 281 U.S. 464 Keller v. Potomac Elec. Co., 261 U.S. 428 1 Stat. 138-178
9. There have NOT been any ‘Judges in America since 1789. There have only been Administrators. FRC v. GE, 281 U.S. 464 Keller v. Potomac Elec. Co., 261 U.S. 428 1 Stat. 138-178
10. According to GATT you MUST have a Social Security Number. House Report 103-826
11. New York City is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudy Guiliani stated on C-Span that ‘New York City is the Capital of the World. For once, he told the truth. 20 CFR Chap. 111 Sub-part B 422.103 (b) (2) (2)
12. Social Security is NOT insurance or a contract. Nor is there a ‘Trust Fund. Helvering v. Davis, 301 U.S. 619 Steward Co. v. Davis, 301 U.S. 548
13. Your Social Security check comes directly from the IMF which is an Agency of the United Nations. Examine one: top-left should be written ‘United States Treasury see 2-4 above.
14. You own NO property. Slaves can’t own property. Read carefully the Deed to the property you think is yours. You are listed as a TENANT. Often times the Mortgage Holder or the State is listed as Seized in demesne as of fee. Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1st Session. Seized in demesne as of fee. This is the strict technical expression used to describe the ownership in ‘an estate in fee-simple in possession in a corporeal hereditament. The word ‘seized is used to express the ‘seizing or owner’s possession of a freehold property; the phrase ‘in demesne, or ‘in his demesne, (in dominico suo) signifies that he’s seized as owner of the land itself, and not merely of the seigniory services; and the concluding words, ‘as of fee, import that he is seized of an estate of inheritance in fee-simple. Where the subject is incorporeal, or the estate expectant on a precedent freehold, the words ‘in his demesne are omitted. (Co. Litt. 17a; Fleta, 1.5, c. 5, 18; Bract. 1.4, tr. 5, c. 2, 2) Brown. “Black’s Law Dictionary Fourth Edition, page 1523.
15. The most powerful court in America is NOT the United States Supreme Court, but the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. 42 Pa. C.S.A. 502
16. The King of England financially backed both sides of the Revolutionary War. Treaty of Versailles July 16, 1782 Treaty of Peace 8 Stat. 80
17. You CANNOT use the U.S. Constitution to defend yourself because you are NOT a party to it. Padelford Fay & Co. v. The Mayor & Alderman of the City of Savannah, 14 Georgia 438, 520 The Constitution is a legal contract that YOU did not sign, therefore it does NOT apply to you.
18. America is a British Colony. The ‘United States is a corporation, not a land mass and it existed before the Revolutionary War and the British Troops did not leave until 1796.; Respublica v. Sweers, 1 Dallas 43 Treaty of Commerce 8 Stat 116 Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80 IRS Publication 6209 Articles of Association October 20, 1774
19. Britain is owned by the Vatican. Treaty of 1213
20. The Pope can abolish any law in the United States. Elements of Ecclesiastical Law Vol. 1, 53-54
21. A 1040 Form is for Tribute paid to Britain. IRS Publication 6209
22. The Pope claims to own the entire planet through the laws of Conquest and Discovery. (Ever wonder why an Attorney, who is an Agent of the Pope through the International Bar Association, wants to do ‘discovery with you?) Pap al Bulls of 1495 & 1493
23. The Pope has ordered the genocide and enslavement of Millions of people. Papal Bulls of 1455 & 1493
24. The Pope’s Laws are obligatory on everyone. Bened. XIV., De Syn. Dioec, lib, ix, c. vii., n.4. Prati, 1844 Syllabus prop 28, 29, 44; 25. We are SLAVES and own ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Not even what we think are our children. Tillman v. Roberts, 108 So. 62 Van Koten v. Van Koten, 154 N.E. 146 Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1st Session Wynehammer v. People, 13 N.Y. Rep 378, 481
26. Military Dictator George Washington divided up the States (Estates) into Districts. Messages and Papers of the Presidents, Volume 1 page 99 1828 Dictionary definition of ‘Estate
27. ‘We, The People does NOT include the General Populace, or what you THINK is ‘We, The People. Barron v. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, 32 U.S. 243
28. It is NOT the ‘duty’ of the police to protect you. Their job is to protect THE CORPORATION, collect revenue for the bankruptcy, and arrest Code Breakers. Sapp v. Tallahassee, 348 So.2nd. 363 Reiff v. City of Philla., 477 F.Supp. 1262 Lynch v. NC Dept. of Justice, 376 S.E.2nd. 247. They do not enforce the law, they enforce statutes, codes, and policies, which is why they are called ‘policy-men or policemen.’
29. Everything in the ‘United States is up For Sale: Bridges, Roads, Water, Schools, Hospitals, Prisons, Airports, etc. Did anybody take time to check who bought Klamath Lake? Executive Order 12803
30. WE are HUMAN CAPITAL. Executive Order 13037
The U.N. has financed the operations of the ‘United States Government for over 50 years and now ‘owns every man, woman, and child in America. The U.N. also holds all of the land of America in Fee Simple.
Why is the above so difficult for most people to understand? Simple: words like ‘person,’ ‘citizen,’ ‘people,’ or, ‘nation,’ ‘is,’ ‘fact,’ ‘authority,’ ‘truth,’ ‘nation,’ ‘crime,’ ‘fraud,’ ‘charge,’ ‘right,’ ‘statute,’ ‘preferred,’ ‘assume,’ ‘prefer,’ ‘constitutor,’ ‘creditor,’ ‘debtor,’ ‘debit,’ ‘discharge,’ ‘payment,’ ‘law,’ ‘United States,’ and hundreds of others do NOT mean what you think they mean, and you were never taught the ‘Legal’ Definitions so you would ‘Understand’ that you DON’T understand. Please use Black’s Law Dictionary and Bouvier Law Dictionary to look up these words to see what they REALLY mean.
Don’t let this information alarm you because without it you cannot be free.
You have to understand that all slavery and freedom originates in the mind.
“When your mind allows you to accept and understand that the United States, Great Britain and the Vatican are Corporations which are nothing but fictional entities which have been placed in your mind, you will understand our slavery is because we believe in fictions.” – Stephen Ammes, author The Ultimate Delusion
The Illusion is MUCH larger than the irrefutable 30 points above, and the 30 points above are not even the tip of the tip of the iceberg.
More startling reading …
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