Vaccinations Cause Chronic Immune System Dysregulation


By: Wendy Myers

Vaccines cause chronic immune system dysregulation. While vaccinations do a decent job of preventing childhood infectious disease, they do a far better job of causing many health issues increasingly prevalent in our society like autoimmune disease, asthma, allergies and cancer.

I want to thank Dr. Thomas Cowan, a board member of the Weston A. Price Foundation, whom I interviewed on the Live to 110 Podcast. He inspired this blog post and helped me finally formulate my position on vaccines. I have heard many times that vaccines cause problems with one’s immune system but never found a good explanation for exactly how this happens. Now I present to you the grim realities of vaccines and how they are causing more disease and deaths than they are preventing.

The Issues

  1. Did they really eradicate disease? A 1999 study from JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association, looked at the death rate from infectious disease since 1940. (1) What’s clear is that the death rate went down by 90% before vaccines were introduced. Other careful studies, such as that by J.B. and S.M. McKinlay, show that the vaccine-related diseases such as tuberculosis, diphtheria, smallpox and others were declining before vaccination came along. (10) So there’s a question of whether vaccines were actually responsible for eradicating disease. Even the CDC, the Centers for Disease Control, admits it was simply improved hygiene, improved sanitation like indoor plumbing and better nutrition (14) that reduced disease.
  2. Do they work? Whenever there’s an outbreak or an epidemic, at least half of the people who contract the disease were partially or fully vaccinated. In fact, the death rates in one study were twice as high for children that contracted the disease against which they were vaccinated. (3) There have been many outbreaks of whooping cough and other diseases in recent years. Of the children that contracted the disease, estimates run as high as eighty percent that had been vaccinated against it. (6) Clearly some children are protected, while many are not. The strains in many vaccinations may longer protect as new strains have emerged. (11)
  3. Vaccines contain neurotoxins. The excipients or adjuvants required in vaccines to stimulate the immune response include mercury, formaldehyde and aluminum, which are known neurotoxins. Preservative-free vaccines may not have mercury, but there has been no public outcry against formaldehyde, aluminum and many others, so these remain in the vaccine as adjuvants. Additionally, a study from Kobe University, which showed that vaccines reliably induced autoimmunity, did not include any toxic adjuvants or preservatives such as mercury, aluminum, or formaldehyde normally used in vaccines. (13) This negates the more safely perceived practice of vaccinating with preservative-free vaccines.
  4. Vaccines cause chronic immune system dysregulation. The changing of our immune system is the most concerning issue in regards to vaccines. Our immune systems, after the changes induced by repeated vaccines, can lose the ability to respond properly in the face of illness. I will discuss how and which diseases can be induced by vaccination. Epidemiological studies (statistical surveys) show poorer long-term health is more common among the vaccinated who survive without serious injury than children not vaccinated. (3, 4, 8, 9) This is the issue we will focus on in this blog post.

How Our Immune System Works

Allow me to illustrate exactly how vaccines throw our immune systems off track. Humans have two different arms of our immune system. One is called cell-mediated immunity and the other is called humoral immunity. During the normal course of an infection, both arms of the immune system are involved.


Let’s take the dreaded chickenpox virus as an example. You get infected with the virus. Then you make a cell-mediated reaction and are sick for 2 weeks. Then your humoral immunity kicks in and you make antibodies so that if you are ever exposed to the chickenpox again, you will tag it before it infects your cells and you won’t become sick. That’s how the immune system works – both aspects are always involved.

Cell-mediated Immunity

Cell-mediated immunity entails the system of white blood cells that attack if you unfortunately pick up a virus. And because you’ve never encountered this virus before, the virus will infect, or get inside, different bodily cells. For instance, it will infect the cells of your respiratory tract. Now your white blood cells attack these infected cells, devour them and spit them out. This whole process releases substances called cytokines, which produce the ill effects you feel when you get sick.

What we call being sick – fever, flu, mucus, cough, rash, etcetera is because of our cell-mediated immune system. The virus does not create the yucky symptoms you experience; they are compliments of your immune system. This is demonstrated clearly when you suppress somebody’s cell-mediated immune system with steroid drugs like prednisone and then infect them with a virus. They don’t get ‘sick.’ They might even die from the infection, but they won’t get what we normally refer to as sick.

On the other hand, if you give somebody the chemicals (cytokines etc.) of their cell-mediated system, you can stimulate a cell-mediated immune response without any infection at all – no virus, no bacteria, no nothing. You merely stimulate their cell-mediated immune system and they get sick. They have a cough and fever and rash and mucus and all the rest. So that which we call being sick is a cell-mediated response.

You may not want to go around boasting how you never get sick. This is very likely because your cell-mediated immunity is repressed so that you don’t release cytokines and then suffer with colds and flus. However, this doesn’t mean that you don’t have these viruses in your body causing harm. It just means your immune system and body are too depleted, overwhelmed and tired to respond.

This is exactly what is happening when individuals receive too many vaccinations, which at some point represses their cell-mediated immunity and their body’s ability to respond to new invaders. They then become susceptible to countless diseases.

Humoral Immunity

After your cell-mediated immune system clears a pathogen, your humoral immunity – the antibody system – remembers what happened. In about 4 to 6 weeks you have your very own WMD’s (weapons of mass destruction) to the pathogen in question. Next time some jerk sneezes on you with the same pathogen, you can manufacture antibodies in your defense. Bam! You clear the jerk’s cold before it infects your cells. The cell-mediated immune system never needs to get involved and you don’t get sick.

There has never been until the 1940’s a situation where you have the stimulation of one part of the immune system without the other. That’s what happens with vaccines – the whole point of a vaccine is to stimulate the humoral immunity, the humoral antibodies without a prior cell-mediated response.

This type of unnatural stimulation of our immune system is unprecedented. When you get the chickenpox vaccine, the whole point is to stimulate antibodies. If a vaccine stimulated a cell-mediated response, then the parents would say, “Hey you just make my child sick, I’m not doing this anymore.” So by definition, a vaccination program is the attempt to stimulate the antibodies without a cell-mediated response.

Disease Caused by Vaccines

When people are subject to repeated vaccines, they predictably simulate a situation of suppressed cell-mediated immunity and heightened antibody responses. Why? Because that’s the goal of vaccination. If you make a list of the diseases that are characterized by suppressed cell-mediated immunity and heightened humoral immunity, you’re talking health conditions like asthma, allergies, eczema and autoimmune diseases including Crohn’s, colitis, Multiple Sclerosis, Sjogren’s syndrome, Hashimoto’s, etcetera.

The point being that we haven’t eradicated disease with vaccines. We have merely traded acute illnesses from which most recover for chronic illnesses for which modern medicine has no cure.

Vaccination risks

Ask your grandparents or parents how many children did they know in 1940 or ’50 who had allergies, and the answer is basically none. Now, it’s anywhere from 20 to 40% of children have some sort of chronic disease. Fifteen percent of children suffer from asthma. (2)

So how did we get here? Many of today’s chronic diseases are characterized by excessive antibody production. So how did we get that? Well that was the point of the vaccination program. That’s the goal. Why would you expect anything else to happen? Now people would say to me, “Well this has never been proven.”

Au contraire mon frère. Longitudinal survey studies comparing the health of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children have repeatedly shown statistically significant vaccinosis – illness produced in an individual after receiving a vaccine. In a 1997 study in New Zealand, 1265 children were surveyed. Twenty-three percent of the vaccinated children experienced asthma and thirty percent suffered from allergies, while the unvaccinated children did not have a single incident of these illnesses. (8) In a 2004 British Study of 30,000 children, vaccinated children had a 5.04 increased risk of asthma, while the unvaccinated only had a .36 percent prevalence. (9) In a 2011 German Study of 8000 children, vaccinated children had at least two to five times more diseases and disorders than unvaccinated children.

In patients with an autoimmune disorder, the immune system can’t tell the difference between healthy body tissue and antigens that need to be attacked. The result is an immune response that destroys normal body tissues. This response is a hypersensitivity reaction similar to the response in allergic conditions.

Interestingly, there’s a study out of Kobe University in Japan where they took mice and put them on the standard American vaccination program. They wanted to see if they could develop excessive antibodies as seen in autoimmune disease. And they found that at a certain threshold they could consistently and reliably induce autoimmune disease by simply giving enough vaccinations. (13)

The Kobe University study authors concluded:

Systemic autoimmunity appears to be the inevitable consequence of over-stimulating the host’s immune ‘system’ by repeated immunization with antigen to the levels that surpass the system’s self-organize criticality.

In other words, they found that, not only is vaccination a possible or even probable cause of autoimmune disorders, but that chronic diseases are the inevitable result of vaccinations!

This study was done with mice. This begs the question, ‘Has this been replicated in humans?’ Unequivocally yes. This experiment has been done and it’s called the last 70 years.

Autoimmune diseases have increased in quantity and variety as the number of vaccinations has increased over the last 70 years. There are over 100 autoimmune diseases. Studies with monogenetic twins have revealed that genetic influences only account for 25–40% of the disease risk making environmental influences the predominant factors. (7) Regardless of genetic vulnerability, one’s environment determines whether genes for autoimmunity are expressed.

There is a reason the fastest growing subset of diseases in the US and the world are autoimmune diseases. This is because we’re producing them. It’s a growth industry. As vaccines have increased in number, so have the number of cases of autoimmune disease.

Currently, there are 38 vaccines on the recommended schedule, with even more in some US states. There are many more vaccines in development. I predict a worsening epidemic of allergies, asthma, autoimmune and other diseases caused by an atrophy of the cell-mediated immune response as more vaccines are added to the vaccine schedule. We are only seeing the tip of the iceberg with vaccine-induced disease.

Vaccinate or Not Vaccinate?

Children do die of vaccine-preventable diseases. However, many vaccinated children still acquire the very diseases against which they are vaccinated. But many millions also suffer and die later in life due to the diseases vaccine induce by dysregulating the immune system. What to do? You must do a cost-benefit analysis and risk assessment for you personally as an individual and for your family.

Some mothers could never live with themselves if their child died of a preventable disease, which does happen. Most don’t know or believe that vaccines can cause disease in the future for their child. Some parents are highly risk averse and must vaccinate due to this facet of their personality. Others operate out of fear, are pressured by their pediatrician or do not understand that they can get a vaccination exemption. Everyone is different, as are his or her reasons to vaccinate or not.

In making your decision, you have to think of the potential of any efficacy of the vaccine versus the known risk of injecting your child with a known neurotoxin and an immune-shifting drug. There’s not a question about whether that’s going to happen – it does happen. You cannot repeatedly vaccinate somebody and not expect a change in their immune system. Given these facts, you have to decide which makes more sense to you.

I think it’s a rational decision for somebody to say, “Yes I know that giving my child a chickenpox vaccine will shift them more towards allergies, autoimmune disease and even cancer. I know it will create some neurotoxicity, but I’m not willing to live with the chance of them getting chickenpox.” Fine. What I don’t like is “Do the vaccine, they work great, there’s no downside.” I mean, that’s a fairytale. As long as people have good information I think they can make their own decision.

I personally see the ever-increasing risk of autoimmune disease (5-8 in 100), allergies (1 in 10), asthma (8 in 100) and cancer (1 in 2-3) as far more prevalent diseases in our society and the bigger threat against which I want to protect my child. So, I am taking steps against these threats by not vaccinating. I am willing to accept the far smaller risk of my child contracting a childhood disease. Others are not. You have to make this decision for yourself.

Vaccines do Damage in Vulnerable Populations

You can always choose to vaccinate, but you can never undo once you have vaccinated. Prior to educating myself about vaccines, I proceeded with the full vaccination schedule until my daughter was 18 months old. She was fine until one year of age. After this point, she hardly progressed in her speech. She was finally diagnosed with mild autism at 3 years old. I believe her brain injury to be caused in part by vaccines. I don’t believe vaccines cause autism – it has multifactorial causes – but in vulnerable children, vaccines can be the straw that broke the camel’s back. They do damage to vulnerable populations.

In vulnerable children, vaccines may cause autism, seizures and mental retardation. One must also take into account the fact that for every severe reaction, vaccine provoke less acute effects like confusion, language difficulties, memory issues, irritability, mood alterations, combativeness, difficulty concentrating and behavioral problems. (12). This sounds very much like ADD and ADHD, which are sweeping the child population in epidemic proportions.

The problem is most don’t know if their child is a member of this vulnerable population. Most symptoms of learning delays and other signs do not manifest until a child is around 2-3 years old. By this time a child has typically received a large proportion of vaccines.

If you do choose to vaccinate, I think a great strategy is to delay vaccination in order to determine if your child is, in fact, a candidate for vaccination. One study showed that children who delayed immunizations had less of a shift in their immune systems. (5) The damage at least can be minimized. Certainly, if your child suffers from illness, allergies, compromised immunity or is ill, you should seriously reconsider giving vaccinations.

Thankfully, my daughter is making a quick recovery. She now is detoxing aluminum on her hair tests (I have her on a Nutritional Balancing program). Some of this certainly is from vaccines, but not all. Needless to say, I will not be giving her another vaccination. I do not consider her a candidate for them given her diagnosis of mild autism. I am hoping that since she received so few vaccinations that she will not develop chronic immune system dysregulation and develop autoimmune, cancer or allergies in the future. But you never know…

If you Must Vaccinate

This was reprinted from Nourishing Traditions of Baby and Childcare by Sally Fallon Morell and Dr. Thomas Cowan. For details on why these are wise suggestions, I recommend reading this wonderful baby book.

  • Delay vaccinations until age two.
  • Give no more than one vaccine every six months.
  • Never give more than one vaccine at a time.
  • Avoid live virus vaccines.
  • Never give a vaccination to a sick child. Vaccines are much more dangerous if your child has a compromised immune system.
  • Avoid vaccines containing thimerisol, which is 50% mercury. Single-vial vaccines are more likely to be thimerisol free. Avoid flu shots from community vials dispensed at hospitals or drug stores, which usually contain thimerisol.
  • Supplement with extra cod liver oil, vitamin C, B12 and sulfur-rich foods such as liver and egg yolk before each shot. This will protect your child as these nutrients play a key role in regulating the immune response.

Vaccine Resources

Concerned parents spend a significant amount of time researching the issue of vaccines before deciding whether or not to proceed with the government recommended immunization schedule. This process can be incredibly frustrating because there is so much conflicting information. Many health care practitioners and family members consider you crazy is you even toy with the idea of not vaccinating. I know. I was this person at one time.

I used to flatly consider parents who did not vaccinate to be child murderers. I worshipped the miracles of modern medicine and thought anyone that didn’t vaccinate was just a crazy hippie trying to be ubernatural. Yet, I had done no research to back up my passionate opinion. It has taken me years and lots of reading to formulate the ideas and conclusions contained in this blog post.

Beyond this post, I thought it would be helpful to pass along a list of references that I recommend. They are a good place to start building a foundation of knowledge regarding the vaccine controversy rather than blindly following your pediatrician’s advice, which will almost always be to vaccinate.

  4. (National Vaccine Information Center)
  6. (excellent Canadian site)

Don’t like reading? Here is a link to a video by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, which is a great place to start for parents beginning to research vaccines:

Recommended Reading

31I1hRvBCJL__SL160_Vaccines: The Risks, the Benefits, the Choices is written by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny D.O. A comprehensive overview of very real vaccination risks, the potential benefits to immunization and various options parents can choose based on their individual situation.

51puY59om2L__SL160_Vaccinations: A Thoughtful Parent’s Guide: How to Make Safe, Sensible Decisions about the Risks, Benefits, and Alternatives by Aviva Jill Romm. Discusses how to weigh vaccine benefits and risks and make informed vaccine choices, including examining alternatives to vaccination.

51DkbjjYVaL__SL160_What About Immunizations?  Exposing the Vaccine Philosophy: This amazingly well-sourced book includes 21 answers to the most popular questions about vaccination along with a quiz you can take which will help you discover your personal wellness philosophy – invaluable in helping you forge the decision path that is right for your family. Numerous scientific references back up every assertion that is made.

41e9S2FlO+L__SL160_Vaccine Free is a book with over 100 stories of unvaccinated children. Choosing not to vaccinate is not what the media portrays. Stories have the ability to cut through propaganda very effectively. A very powerful book that will, if nothing else, change your mind about people who choose not to vaccinate.



1. Armstrong, Gregory, MD; Laura A. Conn, MPH; Robert W. Pinner, MD. January 6,1999, Vol 281, No. 1

2. Channick, R. More Astham Inhalers going to School: New State Law Eliminates Need to Doctor’s Written Permission. Chicago Tribune. October 1, 2012.

3. 7 Christensen, I et al. Routine Vaccinations and Child Survival: Follow Up Study in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa. British Medical Journal. 2000, 321:1435-8.

4. 5Claridge S. Unvaccinated Children are Healthier. Accessed November 4, 2013.

5. 18 Floistrup, H. Allergic Disease and Sensitization in Steiner School Children. J Aller Clin Immunol. 2006. Jan 117 (1):59-66.

6. Grilc E, Pirnat N. Pertussis outbreak in recently vaccinated children in a kindergarten in Ljubljana during a resurgence in pertussis incidence.Eurosurveillance. Vol. 10, Issue 33. 18 August 2005.

7. Karopka, T, Fluck, J, Mevissen, H, Glass, A.  The Autoimmune Disease Database: a dynamically compiled literature-derived database. BMC Bioinformatics 2006, 7:325  doi:10.1186/1471-2105-7-325.

8. 6 Kemp, T et al. Is Infant Immunization a Risk Factor for Childhood Asthma or Allergy? Epidemiology. 1997 Nov 8: 678-80.

9. 8 McKeever TM et al. Vaccination and Allergic Disease: A Birth Cohort Study. American Journal of Public Health. June 2004, Vol 94, No. 6, pp 985-989.

10. McKinlay JB,McKinlay SM. The questionable contribution of medical measures to the decline of mortality in the United States in the twentieth century. Milbank Mem Fund Q Health Soc. 1977 Summer; 55(3): 405-28.

11. Mooi F R, van LooIHM, King A. Adaptation of Bordetella pertussis to Vaccination: A Cause for its Reemergence? Emerging Infectious Diseases.Vol. 7, No. 3 Supplement June 2001.

13. 11 Reactions/Conditions.

14. Tsumiyama, K. Miyazaki, Y. Shiozawa, S. Self-Organized Criticality Theory of Autoimmunity. December 31, 2009. PLoS ONE 4(12): e8382. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0008382.

15. Symposium: Accomplishments in Child Nutrition during the 20th Century.  Infant Mortality in the 20th Century, Dramatic but Uneven Progress. Myron E. Wegman School of Public Health, University of Michigan: J. Nutr. 131: 401S–408S, 2001.

115f575c50fe961e5398344906f658e0Wendy Myers, CHHC, is a certified holistic health and nutrition coach and founder of Live to 110. Her passions include getting you healthy, Paleo, converting vegetarians, retoxing and detoxing. Look for her new book coming soon, The Modern Paleo Survival Guide.


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2 Comments on Vaccinations Cause Chronic Immune System Dysregulation

  1. Sorry, but they don’t do a pretty good job of preventing childhood illness – they only inject a chronic case of those illnesses into your child and then they aren’t able to throw them off and live with chronic cases of these diseases, causing many chronic and auto-immune illnesses. Antibodies after the vaccine are supposed to be proof the vaccine works………..but antibodies ONLY may mean immunity after having the disease in the normal way, not having it injected in, bypassing one whole part of the immune system

  2. TERRIFIC article. I wish I’d had something like this to read when I had our son (1993). He suffered horrendously from ALL his infant vaccines, so much so that his pediatric office noted his reactions in his medical file. We quit vaccinating him at the age of six months. Thankfully, today – at the age of 20 – he is doing very well.

    Great information here, Wendy.


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