This week: Breaking The Chains!
Hosted by: Melissa Diegel & Karla Johnson On The Liberty Beacon Radio Network
4 Family Justice is aired every Thursday at 9:00 PM ET … 6:00 PT (you will receive an error #404, or a “No Results Found” message if you click on the show link prior to air time) on the Liberty Beacon Radio Network, and can be heard in full anytime after show publish time (pre-recorded).
You have the authority and power to break the chains that CPS has bound you with. Empower yourself by putting the oxygen mask on yourself first. You must save yourself in order to help fight to save your family and your children.
CPS can destroy everything from your self image to your finances and leave you frozen in time feeling like you have a ball and chain wrapped around your foot. Melissa and Karla talk about finding ways to self repair. Listen to this awe inspiring show of how to break the chains.
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About the Hosts:
Contact Information:
Melissa Diegel is the mother of (3) children, two of whom were medically kidnapped. She is the voice of the voiceless and speaks out on humanitarian issues. She lives in Phoenix, Arizona and supports the constitution, family rights and believes in the right to freedom of speech. She is a radio talk show host on the 4 Family Justice National Radio Show sponsored by the Liberty Beacon Project. She is a published writer and has been a frequent guest on many international talk show radio programs. Currently there are 18, 265 children in the Arizona DCS system, more than any other state over 35 children a day are being taken. Two of those children out of those 18 thousand are her daughters!
Karla Johnson is a well-respected community advocate who has been exposing judicial corruption in Arizona for the last 6 years. She is known for her outspoken nature, videos, articles and guest appearances on radio talk shows. She is the the co- host on the national radio talk show 4 Family Justice offered through the Liberty Beacon Project. Karla’s excellent ability to research and her involvement with families in the community has helped to keep children free from a rogue DCS agency that has lost its original purpose to preserve families and protect children. It is Karla’s mission to help educate the public of this humanitarian crisis and to one day see that justice is served, which includes the return of her 4 grandsons.
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