By: Stephanie Relfe
Americans are guilt-tripped over driving “gas-guzzler” vehicles, but it turns out that our own government is preventing ultra-high-mileage vehicles from being sold here; even though some are BUILT here! With mileages of 50 MPG, 75 MPG, 180 MPG and even 300 MPG, the government says these vehicles “don’t meet American standards” but they’re fine for Europe — which has standards even higher than the US. The real reason these vehicles cannot be sold in the USA is money: if Americans were allowed to buy these high-mileage vehicles, the government wouldn’t get as much money from fuel taxes as they get now and their oil company campaign donors would lose billions in profits. So who makes these super-high-mileage cars? BMW, Toyota, Nissan, Volkswagen. Now read more to find out what the rest of the world can have, but we Americans cannot. . .
The U.S. government quotes as a reason for such behavior that said cars are “not up to American standards“. But what about Europe, where they are allowed? European standards are every bit as high as American standards, (BMW vs Ford) but by a simple declaration from the government, the American people turn their nose and say if it is not up to American standards we do not want it here. Yet under all of this is a damning reality – there is nothing wrong with these cars other than the fact that they are too efficient and will reduce corporate profits as a result.
Lets get started
Here’s a good one
This is the 261 MPG Volkswagen. Yeah, that station wagon above, delivering 65 U.S. MPG, looks pretty good for an American family, but 261 mpg is pretty tempting. Perhaps I’d spring for it, and certainly if I managed to get one into Mexico it would not get crushed. But don’t even think about approaching the U.S. border with this one, if 65 MPG from a large station wagon will get your car taken away by the FED, this bad boy would land you in prison.
It ended up getting ridiculed for only achieving a combined mileage of 160 MPG in U.S. gallons (192 combined in Imperial gallons), but come on now, at that point, WHO CARES. Even at 160 MPG combined, which means the highway mpg is well into the 200′s, this particular car exposes the fuel mileage lie so harshly that there is absolutely no recovery or hiding from the truth, even Europeans are getting scammed at 65 mpg while Americans are getting more than raped.
How long are Americans going to continue to tolerate a government that can’t even be honest about fuel economy, all the while that same government back-stabs the American psyche with illusions of wastefulness?

Even Renault has a 4 door hatch back that gets over 80 combined imperial MPG and pushes well over 100 imperial mpg on the highway. ( Megane expression pictured above.) This equates to 65 US MPG combined, 85 mpg highway, and though it is not a full sized car, it could hardly be called an “econobox,
Americans need to stand up and demand the government to stop censoring search results to prevent Americans from learning the truth elsewhere. Americans need to stand up and call the government on the carpet over the lies that “40 MPG can be achieved in the future” all the while even American car companies such as Ford are producing 65 plus MPG cars for sale on foreign markets right on American soil. Take a look at the image below of the Ford ECOnetic; it’s made right here in the USA but at 65 MPG, cannot be sold here.
It is time to end the lie, and tell these scamming frauds in our government to STICK IT.
If there is any “conspiracy” you could use to wake Americans up, it is this one, these cars are real and not just a bunch of blurry UFO photos. You cannot let the truth slip away on the basis of “the cars not being up to American standards”, especially when those standards are forced to include having always on cell connections to every car. There is nothing better about American “improvements” or “standards” that is in any way more beneficial to the people than the European counterparts, I’d take a fuel economy improvement over that ANY DAY. Credit
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